  • Dec 12, 2024

    loved both but SA>
    Overall it was just a much larger and much more refined game. The gameplay was greatly improved upon, there was much more to see and do, the story was arguably better than VC, the characters were much more memorable, the world was way bigger and more diverse and exciting to explore.

    SA story was better

    Vice City had a better plot

  • Any of y’all travel to bayside on gay sa? It’s a very different vibe compared to the rest of the map

  • Dec 12, 2024

    SA is better but Tommy Vercetti arguably best GTA protagonist

  • Dec 12, 2024

    Vice City

  • Dec 12, 2024
    2 replies

    SA is very nostalgic but thats about the only thing it has going for it. i remember playing through it a few years back and it was a drag. its insanely long, some missions are pure bullshit, flight missions especially. story just nosedives in the third act. also cj becomes reeeeeeeally unlikable by act 3. i feel like they wanted it to be some kind of crazy long winded adventure but couldnt juice it up enough either due to technical limitations or something else

    VC on the other hand is airtight in terms of story and playthrough. the only part that kinda feels like a drag is the whole bank robbery setup and maybe some side missions for your property. but other than that its missions are a lot more memorable and fun to play through. the game itself is amazing too of course, best map across any GTA for my money

    i think the best GTA story by far was in IV. and honestly its kinda sad IV ended up being the more 'underrated' one, i feel like a lot of love SA is getting should actually go to IV. V had the worst story and id have VC second best. never played III til the end and idk if i want to

  • Dec 12, 2024
    Smacked Voodoo

    Vice City favorite radio stations: Fever 105, VCPR, Wildstyle, Emotion 98.3

    San Andreas favorite radio stations: Bounce FM, K-Jah West, CSR 103.9, Master Sounds 98.3

    Like if you ever get a chance to look the playlist for those stations they forreal got so many f***in jams bro. It's actually amazing they ain't blow the budget for those games on the music alone.

    to this day i hit my girl up when i hear a random song here and there saying 'heey its my gta jam '

  • Dec 12, 2024

    both SA and VC soundtracks go absolutely stupid and and in many ways they refined my music taste

  • Dec 14, 2024

    SA is a god mode/cheat code classic is what i dont see people talk about enough

    im still not picking bw the 2 though

  • Dec 14, 2024

    why not both

  • Dec 14, 2024

    I just finished Vice City on PS2 recently, story is meh compared to SA (I think it was most likely cut down during the development cycle), the ending is abrupt and isn't good IMO, the voice acting is great, you meet interesting characters but they aren't as fleshed out compared to future games in the series, the gameplay is improved over GTA 3 but it still had ways to go, I still think it's a good game and definitely is the one that took GTA over the top as an American pop culture staple

    I would recommend giving it a playthrough before GTA VI releases

    Classic soundtrack (Emotion 98.3 and Freestyle Pirate Radio and Flash FM >>>)

    SA has a better story and a equivalent soundtrack, gameplay is the best out of the 3D universe

  • Dec 14, 2024
    2 replies

    SA is very nostalgic but thats about the only thing it has going for it. i remember playing through it a few years back and it was a drag. its insanely long, some missions are pure bullshit, flight missions especially. story just nosedives in the third act. also cj becomes reeeeeeeally unlikable by act 3. i feel like they wanted it to be some kind of crazy long winded adventure but couldnt juice it up enough either due to technical limitations or something else

    VC on the other hand is airtight in terms of story and playthrough. the only part that kinda feels like a drag is the whole bank robbery setup and maybe some side missions for your property. but other than that its missions are a lot more memorable and fun to play through. the game itself is amazing too of course, best map across any GTA for my money

    i think the best GTA story by far was in IV. and honestly its kinda sad IV ended up being the more 'underrated' one, i feel like a lot of love SA is getting should actually go to IV. V had the worst story and id have VC second best. never played III til the end and idk if i want to

    I was stuck on this mission for hours

    Probably the hardest mission in GTA history tbh

  • Dec 14, 2024
    1 reply

    SA better

    story wise every GTA campaign sucked in its 2nd half until gta4 or 5

  • Dec 14, 2024
    1 reply

  • Dec 14, 2024
    Water Giver

    SA better

    story wise every GTA campaign sucked in its 2nd half until gta4 or 5

    San Andreas still has the best ending in the series tho

  • Dec 14, 2024

  • Dec 14, 2024
    Mac Foley

    San Andreas is a better game in every way although I personally enjoyed Vice City more back in the day

  • Dec 14, 2024

    I was stuck on this mission for hours

    Probably the hardest mission in GTA history tbh

    That’s exactly what i had in mind, hate that mission so much

  • Dec 14, 2024

    SA is very nostalgic but thats about the only thing it has going for it. i remember playing through it a few years back and it was a drag. its insanely long, some missions are pure bullshit, flight missions especially. story just nosedives in the third act. also cj becomes reeeeeeeally unlikable by act 3. i feel like they wanted it to be some kind of crazy long winded adventure but couldnt juice it up enough either due to technical limitations or something else

    VC on the other hand is airtight in terms of story and playthrough. the only part that kinda feels like a drag is the whole bank robbery setup and maybe some side missions for your property. but other than that its missions are a lot more memorable and fun to play through. the game itself is amazing too of course, best map across any GTA for my money

    i think the best GTA story by far was in IV. and honestly its kinda sad IV ended up being the more 'underrated' one, i feel like a lot of love SA is getting should actually go to IV. V had the worst story and id have VC second best. never played III til the end and idk if i want to

    unless you're a machosist, then nah

    the story is kinda trash tbh