It would be insane if she wasn’t involved.
Only way this isn't the worst thing ever is if they make it like the fresh prince reboot and make Hermione like this guy
Only way this isn't the worst thing ever is if they make it like the fresh prince reboot and make Hermione like this guy
Should be a horror/Prisoner of Azkaban vibes
Hmm I’m not against it, but it’s sorta Star Wars, and them constantly making shows that revolve around the galactic empire era. Definitely to a much lesser degree, SW been stuck on it for 40 years.
Gonna take like 14 years to reach season 7 Deathly Hallows though I’m in for the journey but I would like they to make a show in the HP universe that doesn’t revolve around Harry Potter and Hogwarts. It’s time to explore the wizarding world further.
even crazier that he possibly wasnt alive when the last one came out too
They have to go real young if they’re doing 1 book a season. I’m not a fan of child actors though
I’ve got a bone to pick with Arcane btw
That’s gotta be one of the most overrated properties I’ve seen in ages
So, so, boring
i pray to god they don’t stick with making hermoine black again
no one from any race wants that and they’d just be needlessly putting a target on an actresses back
They're definitely going to make some changes to the main cast and it won't be popular the first time around. I can see it being apart of the rollout.
I don’t know why people are comparing this to Star Wars when this is a full Harry Potter reboot sticking to source book material.
Should be a horror/Prisoner of Azkaban vibes
That’s a sick idea. A season with Sirus Black plotting his escape and being tortured in jail would be cool.
I don’t know why people are comparing this to Star Wars when this is a full Harry Potter reboot sticking to source book material.
People want the Harry Potter universe not a remake of a classic. If they do a faithful adaptation but make it more for an older audience will be cool. Then it’s success will allow them to spin things off. Like exploring the other schools or characters.
Need an American school of wizards toting guns
Whipping bullets around corners like in Wanted
Need an American school of wizards toting guns
Whipping bullets around corners like in Wanted
Takes place in Chicago and they have beef with a muggle school a block away and a King Von type character uses the Avada Kadava curse on all his muggle Opps.
I’m in.
I love new IPs
you WILL watch the same 5 brands repackaged and rebooted for eternity and you WILL like it
Takes place in Chicago and they have beef with a muggle school a block away and a King Von type character uses the Avada Kadava curse on all his muggle Opps.
I’m in.
Rival houses are represented by the gangs
This is such a stupid attitude lmao
Not really. Why does it matter that it’ll be remade? They not deleting the originals from any of the platforms they’re on. A series is a great way to turn the HP books into a more detailed story compared to the films
Anyway whoever they cast has some giant shoes to fill
Not even just the kids but literally EVERYONE
RIP to the ones that can’t reprise their rolls.
Would’ve loved to see more Alan Rickman as Snape