I dont event know if I used litmus correctly smh
everyone uses it wrong, its fine.
Rival houses are represented by the gangs
F***ing sick. It’s like the Romeo and Juliet remake with Leonardo dicaprio
F***ing sick. It’s like the Romeo and Juliet remake with Leonardo dicaprio
Lemme get HBO on the phone
You hyped for this? Idk man I’m skeptical to say the least, guess we’ll see tho.
For years I’ve wanted a series that was strictly by the books since I love them so much. Plus I guess seeing the movies start to deviate more and more from source material made me want it even more.
But who knows they could end up f***ing this up big time lol nothing is guaranteed
When I finally get to see the 3rd task done right with all the creatures and upside world instead of bushes that were scary
For years I’ve wanted a series that was strictly by the books since I love them so much. Plus I guess seeing the movies start to deviate more and more from source material made me want it even more.
But who knows they could end up f***ing this up big time lol nothing is guaranteed
At least HBO has a good track record, rather them than someone like Netflix or Amazon.
When I finally get to see the 3rd task done right with all the creatures and upside world instead of bushes that were scary
Ya tbh, if the tourney was like the books tho it would’ve been a whole movie by itself basically.
Nah, it's gonna be Ron for sure
Hermione and her kid are black in the Cursed Child play
If JK has control over this she might do that
Bro I’ve literally been asking for this for over a decade
I know there are a lot of people who have only watched the movies and not read the books…you can’t imagine how much you are missing The movies are generic blockbusters, basically just Marvel (even PoA sucks compared to the book). Not to say that anyone could have any success making them into movies, it’s just SO beyond obvious that they are way more suited to the television format so that they can give time and space to build the characters and also to show things beyond what’s in the books (which the movies weren’t able to do because they barely had time to breeze through everything in the books). Finally getting a Book 6 adaptation that does justice to the best part of the whole series (Voldemorts backstory)
Just hope that they get a show runner worthy of doing this justice (not David Yates obvi). But given that it’s HBO it couldn’t be a better situation since they are the goat
thoughts and prayers to the black girl they cast as Hermione
Wypipo would die for Emma Watson. She's done out here
Jenna Ortega as Hermione
She's way too big of a name to lock herself into this series for a decade.
Bro I’ve literally been asking for this for over a decade
I know there are a lot of people who have only watched the movies and not read the books…you can’t imagine how much you are missing The movies are generic blockbusters, basically just Marvel (even PoA sucks compared to the book). Not to say that anyone could have any success making them into movies, it’s just SO beyond obvious that they are way more suited to the television format so that they can give time and space to build the characters and also to show things beyond what’s in the books (which the movies weren’t able to do because they barely had time to breeze through everything in the books). Finally getting a Book 6 adaptation that does justice to the best part of the whole series (Voldemorts backstory)
Just hope that they get a show runner worthy of doing this justice (not David Yates obvi). But given that it’s HBO it couldn’t be a better situation since they are the goat
I think you’re being way too wishful here and pretty damn wrong to just write off all the movies as “generic blockbusters” akin to the MCU. Maybe some of the later ones give that feel but you can’t seriously say Prisoner of Azkaban directed by Alfonso Cuaron is a generic MCU blockbuster. Even the first film captures a very light hearted and fun worldbuilding movie that feels so far removed from trying to be a generic mcu tier movie. If you seriously think those movies are generic, then just wait for this hbo streaming algorithm dogshit. There won’t be a semblance of directing talent here. You’ll get more, but you’re gonna get absolutely soulless dogshit completely void of any personality or charm that the movies had because that’s what the streaming age is about.
I think you’re being way too wishful here and pretty damn wrong to just write off all the movies as “generic blockbusters” akin to the MCU. Maybe some of the later ones give that feel but you can’t seriously say Prisoner of Azkaban directed by Alfonso Cuaron is a generic MCU blockbuster. Even the first film captures a very light hearted and fun worldbuilding movie that feels so far removed from trying to be a generic mcu tier movie. If you seriously think those movies are generic, then just wait for this hbo streaming algorithm dogshit. There won’t be a semblance of directing talent here. You’ll get more, but you’re gonna get absolutely soulless dogshit completely void of any personality or charm that the movies had because that’s what the streaming age is about.
How embarrassing, you must not watch HBO
Don’t know if you’ve heard, but they don’t f***ing miss
Trying to make HBO sound like they’re some Netflix algorithm bullshit
How embarrassing, you must not watch HBO
Don’t know if you’ve heard, but they don’t f***ing miss
Trying to make HBO sound like they’re some Netflix algorithm bullshit
HBO doesn’t miss? The Game of Thrones finale is the most famous misfire of the 21st century.
HBO is no better than Netflix now.
Also there’s no creativity or style actually allowed in their works. They’re all shot and edited the same way just like all streaming era garbage. The difference in prisoner of Azkaban to goblet of fire stylistically and editing wise will be more vast than anything seen in this show.
HBO doesn’t miss? The Game of Thrones finale is the most famous misfire of the 21st century.
HBO is no better than Netflix now.
Also there’s no creativity or style actually allowed in their works. They’re all shot and edited the same way just like all streaming era garbage. The difference in prisoner of Azkaban to goblet of fire stylistically and editing wise will be more vast than anything seen in this show.
Bro really had to find an episode from May 2019 to support his point
Just admit youve never watched HBO tbh
And as a closer Succession just put out the best piece of art of any medium that will be released this year tonight. HBO is real cinema in 2023
Bro really had to find an episode from May 2019 to support his point
Just admit youve never watched HBO tbh
And as a closer Succession just put out the best piece of art of any medium that will be released this year tonight. HBO is real cinema in 2023
It was way more than just an episode. And again, it’s the most widely known failure in modern TV. That belongs to HBO and no one else. Succession is one of their only good shows though I’d hardly call it cinema. There’s zero cinematic or visual value to it. It’s driven entirely by the writing and the acting.
It was way more than just an episode. And again, it’s the most widely known failure in modern TV. That belongs to HBO and no one else. Succession is one of their only good shows though I’d hardly call it cinema. There’s zero cinematic or visual value to it. It’s driven entirely by the writing and the acting.
You can't be serious
She's way too big of a name to lock herself into this series for a decade.
Lol pretty sure he’s joking. They’re starting from book 1 how’s Ortega gonna play an 11 year old
You can't be serious
!https://youtu.be/Hn6k4STHwiAMost tv is devoid of visual substance but this especially looks boring. Severence was visually more interesting
HBO doesn’t miss? The Game of Thrones finale is the most famous misfire of the 21st century.
HBO is no better than Netflix now.
Also there’s no creativity or style actually allowed in their works. They’re all shot and edited the same way just like all streaming era garbage. The difference in prisoner of Azkaban to goblet of fire stylistically and editing wise will be more vast than anything seen in this show.
“ HBO is no better than Netflix now”
This is just seems like a recipe for disaster for anyone who’s cast in this.
You WILL get s*** on on every social media platform and likely co-opted and supported by right-wing weirdos.
Hell, are they gonna be able to get anyone prominent in front of or behind the camera who are gonna be willing to partake in the inevitable s***storm that will occur when this is in production?
This is just seems like a recipe for disaster for anyone who’s cast in this.
You WILL get s*** on on every social media platform and likely co-opted and supported by right-wing weirdos.
Hell, are they gonna be able to get anyone prominent in front of or behind the camera who are gonna be willing to partake in the inevitable s***storm that will occur when this is in production?
You’re assuming that hyper weirdo woke people on Twitter make up mainstream society, when they don’t at all lol
This is just seems like a recipe for disaster for anyone who’s cast in this.
You WILL get s*** on on every social media platform and likely co-opted and supported by right-wing weirdos.
Hell, are they gonna be able to get anyone prominent in front of or behind the camera who are gonna be willing to partake in the inevitable s***storm that will occur when this is in production?
Imagine taking twitter bots seriously