  • Feb 25
  • Feb 25
    1 reply

    Americanize the entire series tbh

    Shut up bro

  • Jim Halpert

    books should always be series (by HBO or Apple TV) and never films (except Dune and LOTR)

    diary of a wimpy kid was an S tier adaption to the big screen

    got weird by the 3rd movie though cause they started blending stuff from multiple books and the actors were already too old

  • FlyHiii

    Shut up bro

    We've seen the British version. Let Olivander sell guns

  • Feb 26
    2 replies

    k lets get timmy c as potter now

  • Feb 26
    1 reply

    k lets get timmy c as potter now

  • hyphy03

    Americanize the entire series tbh

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    1 reply

    Harry Potter’s dad was a racist huh

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    Just wait until they announce the cast for the 3 main kids

    That’s when the real shambles will begin

  • OwO

    Harry Potter’s dad was a racist huh

    This racism angle was the s*** I expected patronus spells you dissected

  • OP
    4 replies

    He lowkey had that Snape look

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    they’d better make Harry black too then

  • BlueDream

    Just wait until they announce the cast for the 3 main kids

    That’s when the real shambles will begin

    I said the same thing lol

  • Warren Peace

    they’d better make Harry black too then

    The comments if that happened

  • mdmadon

    k lets get timmy c as potter now

    would be better as Tom Riddle or Cedric

    but timmy should and will never be on the small screen


    He lowkey had that Snape look

    he went turkey

  • Chief OGDOLLVS

    The comments if that happened

    most of the comments surrounding this whole project has been negative tbh. and the casting for Dumbledore and Snape shows they don’t give a f*** about audience preferences so they should just say f*** it. give us Black Harry

  • I mean we’ll see how it goes when the shows out but I hope any actor of colour especially black who signs onto this s*** is being taken care of by the studio for their mental well-being

    basically throwing them into a minefield

  • Make Harry Pakistani

  • We could have had another FB movie instead of this…

  • KKK Marauders

  • LuciferMorningstar

    We could have had another FB movie instead of this…

    asking for more fantastic breasts is crazy

  • so much pain

    asking for more fantastic breasts is crazy

    who doesn’t love fantastic breasts?

  • Harry dad got some explaining to do