  • Dec 31, 2024

    I really don't want a black man being Snape.

  • Saw Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play last night. It was really good. The plot was 3/5, characters 3/5, overall production though was 5/5. It’s the first play I’ve seen in a long while. I was really impressed with the special effects. Like I was in there wondering how the hell they pulled some of the s*** off. There is some time travel warp effects they did that was so f***ing crazy idk how they did it. The apparition special effects were great too. Only critique is Aveda Kedarva, would’ve loved if they had a way to make the fire green.

    The plot was decent. It dealt with time travel so that kinda cut it at its knees for me.‘I have a high standard for that if you’re gonna attempt it. They didn’t do anything ground breaking here, is all I’ll say. The dynamics between various characters was what held my attention. Harry and his son Albus’ relationship, Harry still dealing with the trauma of his childhood, I liked Albus & Scorpios friendships. Would’ve liked to have seen more on Albus’ sibling dynamic there was pretty much nothing on that.

    They had to stop the play about 10 minutes in for some technical difficulties, but other than that it went on very smoothly.

  • Feb 8
    1 reply

    Would be awesome if she takes it

  • OP
    Feb 12
    5 replies
  • ????????

  • Getting an AMERICAN for DUMBLEDORE??????

    This is an atrocity

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    The Trinity Killer???

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    The Trinity Killer???

    Get an avi, you're better than this Danny

  • Feb 12
    BlueChew Sean

    Get an avi, you're better than this Danny

    I don't want an avi!

  • Lithgow is a powerhouse performer. I could see it working. Although he is already 79. There's always the risk him going the Richard Harris route before the series ends

  • if they’re casting Americans then Laura Dern can play Mcgonagall

  • Feb 13
    1 reply

    I’m not saying I don’t trust the source

    But I ain’t believing that they’ll hire an American to play Dumbledore until I see it officially announced

  • Feb 13

    American actor?

  • Young D

    Would be awesome if she takes it




  • Young D

    I’m not saying I don’t trust the source

    But I ain’t believing that they’ll hire an American to play Dumbledore until I see it officially announced

    yh this brazy

  • Feb 13
    2 replies

    Americanize the entire series tbh


    We don’t need no DEI Americans, Briish actors ONLY dammit

  • Feb 13
    1 reply

    I just rewatched the whole film series while down w Covid after NYE and tbh it felt like the first time I was able to really immerse myself in the story again since reading the books as a kid (p sure first book was actually the first longer book I read at 6 or so)

    the films do a really good job for the most part and the casting is just iconic, a lot of it was translated flawlessly. I mostly wish they'd had even more time for part 7 because there's just so much s*** that happens there and it still felt rushed somehow.

    don't rly see a TV series being very necessary ngl... seems mostly like a way to cling to relevancy and keep the brand alive kinda, like just get the merch selling more again as if it isn't already stupidly successful. also Rowling is a f***ing maniac these days.

  • Feb 13
    2 replies

    I just rewatched the whole film series while down w Covid after NYE and tbh it felt like the first time I was able to really immerse myself in the story again since reading the books as a kid (p sure first book was actually the first longer book I read at 6 or so)

    the films do a really good job for the most part and the casting is just iconic, a lot of it was translated flawlessly. I mostly wish they'd had even more time for part 7 because there's just so much s*** that happens there and it still felt rushed somehow.

    don't rly see a TV series being very necessary ngl... seems mostly like a way to cling to relevancy and keep the brand alive kinda, like just get the merch selling more again as if it isn't already stupidly successful. also Rowling is a f***ing maniac these days.

    “I mostly wish they'd had even more time for part 7 because there's just so much s*** that happens there and it still felt rushed somehow”

    Doesn’t this statement kinda prove that a TV series could work well though?

  • Feb 13
    2 replies

    “I mostly wish they'd had even more time for part 7 because there's just so much s*** that happens there and it still felt rushed somehow”

    Doesn’t this statement kinda prove that a TV series could work well though?

    books should always be series (by HBO or Apple TV) and never films (except Dune and LOTR)


    ..... Out

    Especially with Mckellan and Stewart still kicking. Even the dumani dad from gangs of London/conclave would be a fire Albus

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    “I mostly wish they'd had even more time for part 7 because there's just so much s*** that happens there and it still felt rushed somehow”

    Doesn’t this statement kinda prove that a TV series could work well though?

    generally yh but I just think the timeframe passed and just rly doubt they'll pull of a casting which is as convincing now or generally the need to remake it at all

  • beflygelt

    generally yh but I just think the timeframe passed and just rly doubt they'll pull of a casting which is as convincing now or generally the need to remake it at all

    Breaking this down

    “The timeframe passed” — the books are classic, and kids in this generation still absolutely love them (plus this generations kids that grew up with the books, didn’t grow up with the movies)

    “Pull of casting” — besides this being confusing for grammatical reasons, I’m going to assume you mean that you mean to say that you don’t think they’ll get big name actors — Game of Thrones proved that you don’t need flashy Hollywood names to have amazing portrayals and acting performances on a big budget HBO show

    “Generally the need to remake at all” — this is a very vague and lazy statement — but as you said in your original post, the movies left an insane amount out, and there is so much depth and nuance to the story and world that could be explored in a television series that the movies were unable to do because they were rushed for time

  • Jim Halpert

    books should always be series (by HBO or Apple TV) and never films (except Dune and LOTR)
