People aren’t exhausted of Abel at all lmao, Dawn FM has been outperforming DS4 in every metric past the first week
this is not true in US
Dawn has racked up a billion+ streams already, DS4 still hasn’t
this is not true in US
People underestimating Future says something idk what but its saying something
Ppl on here always love to underestimate him. Even prior to DS2 release a lot of users on here believed he wasnt gonna sell over 100k but instead sell around 50k like honest
It’s like folks make these threads for the sole purpose of making them about The Weeknd lol
It's annoying that they removed the bundles
It’s really dumb honestly. Like if a fan is willing to spend $50 on a shirt with a digital album added why shouldn’t it count? No one’s forcing people to buy these things lmao
this is not true in US
It’ll be platinum before year’s end so W regardless
It’s really dumb honestly. Like if a fan is willing to spend $50 on a shirt with a digital album added why shouldn’t it count? No one’s forcing people to buy these things lmao
i agree bundles should count, but i do like that they made stuff have to ship to count. cause alotta artists hoard preorders and dont ship s*** forever lol
It’s really dumb honestly. Like if a fan is willing to spend $50 on a shirt with a digital album added why shouldn’t it count? No one’s forcing people to buy these things lmao
Because Travis didn't ship merchandise for 6 months to inflate the numbers
Blame the Kardashian clan
Billboard really f***ed the game up with that rule change
I wonder what the next sales trick/exploit is gonna be
the way to get pure sales up is boxsets
Because Travis didn't ship merchandise for 6 months to inflate the numbers
Blame the Kardashian clan
It’ll be platinum before year’s end so W regardless
wont do it before DS4 which is why it flopped
Weeknd is a pop artist now, pop doesn’t benefit from streaming first week numbers half as much as hip-hop does (besides the few exceptions).
Even Bieber’s last album only did 154K first week, but it was one of the biggest albums of 2021 by year’s end. And Ed Sheeran’s newest album only did 118K first week, but he’s still one of the biggest artists in the world.
Pop benefits mostly off of physical and merch sales, but because of Billboard changing its’ rules, they don’t count towards first week numbers because they don’t count until the week that they ship now, and Weeknd didn’t have any physicals or merch shipping first week with Dawn FM.
Dawn FM and DS4Ever dropped on the same day, and although Gunna outsold Weeknd in the first week, Dawn passed a billion Spotify streams last month and DS4 still hasn’t. Pop is about the long game, not the first week numbers.
Dawn passed a billion worldwide streams not US
DS4 has still been outdoing it week to week streaming wise
wont do it before DS4 which is why it flopped
Platinum is platinum
Damn near sold out stadium tour on the way too so it’s all Ws
spotify numbers
2.6M - 712PM
2.3M - IM DAT N****
2.3M - IM ON ONE
2.1M - FOR A NUT
The Boy
@Hi_Roller laying down on his bed feet kicked up on these KTT threads 24/7 I swear