Just ok? listen again, mike dean guitar solo on hml says hello
yeezus is kanye's worst album
Just ok? listen again, mike dean guitar solo on hml says hello
a guitar solo doesnt save a whole album my brother
People think the album is entirely serious in its blown-out egoism but stuff like Bound 2's last lines r like tiny winks where ye's sayin that the entire album was made in complete self conciousness regarding his public perception. He's like acknowledging just how ridiculous the amount of praise he receives is while also just saying "fuck you, i'm gonna take it in anyways because i earned it"
and then the album is just like "in fact, im gonna make something so different from what i've done before that it'll amaze you when people love it anyways"
its genius
its rly the last album he made wit a super thought out and actually complete commentary under all of the music
obviously yeezus is not original in that the ideas and sounds themselves are original thoughts, there are definitely albums that read the same in terms of addressing egoism and there are definitely albums that achieve the industrialist, minimalist sound that yeezus had, but to a higher degree.
the main genius behind yeezus is taking both ideas and sounds of each aspect and mixing these two concepts regarding egosim and abrasiveness respectively, then injecting it into a volatile yet extremely mainstream artist like kanye and you achieve a form of narrative bliss where new, completely paradigm shifting ideas are being introduced into the mainstream through a perfect platform (Kanye West)
it really is one of a kind
Kanye's at the forefront of this album. Little to no features, and whoever is featured is just added as a sonic texture. On MBDTF there's too many features that take away from Kanye's lyrics and his persona.
On Yeezus Kanye is his angriest, most upfront and blatant, holding nothing back. No melodrama, just really hard sounds up front in your face, distortion on everything.
The production of Yeezus still to this day hasn't been replicated in the same way. Kanye took these industrial producers and made an album that sounds like the precursor to all this Soundcloud rap we hear today.
I think Yeezus is more influential than MBDTF because now any bedroom producer can make these hard distorted beats but don't have the sort of epic production and string arrangements we saw on MBDTF. The production on Yeezus is so much more raw.
I know people say 808's is the precursor of modern Rnb which is true, so I think Yeezus is the precursor to modern rap/hiphop.
Didn’t read but been saying this for years so I know it’s facts.
nvm u right
a guitar solo doesnt save a whole album my brother
To me its kanyes best produced album easily, i mean still sounds fresh asf in 2020
I think the use of distortion and the vocals being so compressed and in your face is the aesthetic that it popularized. I forget who but quite a few new artists say Yeezus is their inspiration. I know Rocky is one.
Kanye was a vessel for popularizing that more experimental sound though. Ofc he didn't invent it.
he popularized, sure, but sadly that kinda discredited a lot of industrial hip hop acts that were doing a much better job than kanye did with yeezus
he popularized, sure, but sadly that kinda discredited a lot of industrial hip hop acts that were doing a much better job than kanye did with yeezus
Name them bro, nby has s*** sounding this good in the industrial field, because ye music also has melody not just weird noises like death grips
he popularized, sure, but sadly that kinda discredited a lot of industrial hip hop acts that were doing a much better job than kanye did with yeezus
If you mean Death Grips I'd argue that Kanye's lyrics on Yeezus are at least more audible. That's why I think Exmillitary is my fave DG album because I can understand Ride more clearly without having to dive into his cryptic lyrics talking about Bassolisks and s***.
Say less, you hate anything ye related
nah i just hate that album cus its f***ing garbage lol severe downgrade from mbdtf
dark fantasy isn’t influential because most rappers are stupid
This feels racial. Like tokenism.
nah i just hate that album cus its f***ing garbage lol severe downgrade from mbdtf
lmao you just dont get it bro, s*** is perfect, it catches the mindset ye was in 2013 amazingly