well based on ur view we could establish "success" as benefitting lots of others right.
but ultimately i think its j more enjoyable for me to have large goals to pursue. i feel you and i def dont fault anybody for thinking differently
So you're content with existing in your own way. There's really no reason to be goal oriented other than it makes you feel better which is great. For other people they just don't function like that.
Nothing wrong with living life like that theoretically. But we all do live in a society where we are expected to contribute, so there is respect for working hard and giving something in return for benefiting from living in that society.
For everybody saying there's peace/comfort in just following the system, have you always felt that way or does it happen as you get older?
Cause being 20 right now I feel like I'm definitely willing to risk what I've got to follow my ambitions, and I just don't see that mindset changing soon
Low-key jealous of them, imagine living life under the delusion that everything is dandy
I dont know man drama sucks I understand how some people wants to stay away from all that bullshit.
it might be a p**** thing to do but its still a safe thing to do
I did media and learnt a bit. This could be a very basic explanation (for the west) and miniscule factor
The media has portrayed nuclear families and long work hours as perquisites to be a valued member of their communities ever since newspapers. To have the title 'good' in pilgrim times you would have to fit the requirements of the bible and only then would you be respected. When people are boxed in and repeatedly push an ideal they expect its normal. For example 'to be useful and respected in society I must work a 9-5'
Fast forward, TV only helped people come to the conclusion that the 'white picket fence' life style is the epitome of happiness and don't believe there isn't anything better to do because all the advertisements, their religion and elders reinforce it is the best life you can have.
this is too long but the world is much less ignorant now with the internet blah blah people now are open to people chasing atypical jobs/lifestyles ect so it is getting better.
I did media and learnt a bit. This could be a very basic explanation (for the west) and miniscule factor
The media has portrayed nuclear families and long work hours as perquisites to be a valued member of their communities ever since newspapers. To have the title 'good' in pilgrim times you would have to fit the requirements of the bible and only then would you be respected. When people are boxed in and repeatedly push an ideal they expect its normal. For example 'to be useful and respected in society I must work a 9-5'
Fast forward, TV only helped people come to the conclusion that the 'white picket fence' life style is the epitome of happiness and don't believe there isn't anything better to do because all the advertisements, their religion and elders reinforce it is the best life you can have.
this is too long but the world is much less ignorant now with the internet blah blah people now are open to people chasing atypical jobs/lifestyles ect so it is getting better.
This is pretty interesting always thought the media was pretty involved with pushing this narrative to keep people 'satisfied' but didn't realize it was a thing even as far back as pilgrim times
And yeah the internet has definitely had a huge impact in motivating people to live a life ignoring traditional values
what’s ur job atm op? what are u doing now?
No job atm I’m just in my final year of studying CS in college
So yeah I fully understand I’m speaking with a lack of experience in the real world, but I’m still curious
No job atm I’m just in my final year of studying CS in college
So yeah I fully understand I’m speaking with a lack of experience in the real world, but I’m still curious
most people aren’t following the system they are working in jobs they actually enjoy. it may seem like they are just drones but it isn’t everyone
i don’t know how you would like people to be content
most people aren’t following the system they are working in jobs they actually enjoy. it may seem like they are just drones but it isn’t everyone
i don’t know how you would like people to be content
Oh yeah of course a lot of people love their jobs and that’s great, but for some it seems more like they come to like what they do after years of doing it and eventually becoming satisfied ya know? Instead of actually following their early passions cause it might be more risky job/career wise
f*** that ive been grinding from the jump. and done pretty well for myself so far. not stopping til the impact is felt
facts on facts, f*** all ya'll niggas
you know we can see the same posts you can ffs
what you mean? Why are you so stressed?
You need me to say something nice to you? Hug you?
everybody on ktt apparently a pioneer
what you mean? Why are you so stressed?
You need me to say something nice to you? Hug you?
absolute freak
ignorance is bliss
They're raising families or are content with just existing
This is a young person question, as you get older you'll learn to be more content to some level too
More like u choose comfort
I swear ppl take comfort over a fullfilimg live 🤷♀️
Forreal I’d rather be uncomfortable till I make it to the life I wanna live rather than just settle for a life I don’t enjoy
As you get older you’ll realize life is unpredictable and most people don’t choose their situation. It’s just kind of where they end up. Nobody works a job they hate because they have no passion. It’s survival. They can either complain or find the good in it and make the most out of it.
A lot of you young mfs will learn that real world is more unstructured than it appears. When you in school and s*** there’s structure and there’s always a safety net, so you can dream as big as you want and take risks knowing you not going to completely fall off if you fail. In adult life one bad move or decision can put you in a hole that you might have to spend years digging yourself out of.
Most people aren’t going quit their job to make beats and s*** full-time when they gotta feed their family. The risk ain’t worth it. Personally, I still dream big, but my decisions now are way more calculated and thoughtful than when I was your age. I got s*** to lose now.