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  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply
    John Mauve

    people is islamophobic


    people criticize the state of Israel


    That would be anti Zionist, which isn't anti-Semitic

    Also, Jews are ethnoreligious, meaning they are a race and a religion. Pretty clear why condemnation of anti-Semitism is more prominent than Islamophobia or anything else

  • 6isco 🦈
    Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    got past it cause he has grown up and has an adult mentality now

  • 16g 🏳️‍⚧️
    Jan 15, 2021
    John Mauve

    people is islamophobic


    people criticize the state of Israel


  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Do you live in europe?

    i used to

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    I’m all for holding people accountable but is KTT for cancelling or for not cancelling?

    I just listen to the music.

  • Jan 15, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    She'd often speak about getting bullied in school after 9/11. So much so that she was scared to wear her hijab. In New York and New Jersey the islamophobia was at an all time high and children and teenagers who were Muslim got it real bad.

    I can’t imagine how bad it was there. In the whole world Islamophobia increased so much since 9/11.

  • Nessy 🦎
    Jan 15, 2021

    Everybody got the most to say about Islam but they never actually know anything about it or what it teaches

    Misinformation is wild even among the most educated ppl

  • Jan 15, 2021
    2 replies

    dave chapelle is a muslim btw

  • Jan 15, 2021

    This thread is crazy

  • Jan 15, 2021
    the end

    I just listen to the music.

    How it should be

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Yep. She’s Muslim.

    Damn. I didn’t expect that. She doesn’t seem to be really religious.

  • Jan 15, 2021

    I can but we talking about lil nas x bro. He gonna be irrelevant by the end of next year anyways

    Understandable, you’re right

  • Jan 15, 2021

    Oh you islamaphobic ha?

    You think the US gonna adopt Sharia Law ha?

    You aint believe its a religion of peace ha?

    You think its weird they don’t eat pig meat ha?

    You a christian ha? They molesting those children ha? You thinkin about converting to hare krishna ha? You gonna risk it ha?

  • FREE 💜
    Jan 15, 2021

    Why are you crying about Christians being attacked in a thread about islamophobia then

    He wasn't crying he made a point of comparison.

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    dave chapelle is a muslim btw

    so many goats are muslim

  • malcolm x

  • muhammad ali

  • Jan 15, 2021
    3 replies

    Why are you crying about Christians being attacked in a thread about islamophobia then

    I’m not crying about anything, I’m just pointing out the double standard.

    Like no s*** of course a gay teenager isn’t gonna f*** w a conservative religion. Same way people on this site trash religion all the time

  • Jan 15, 2021

    got past it cause he has grown up and has an adult mentality now

    Honestly I think money and celebrity had a bigger influence on him "changing" his mentality more than anything.

  • Jan 15, 2021

    I’m all for holding people accountable but is KTT for cancelling or for not cancelling?

    Canceling under the right circumstances is something I’m 100% for.

    The problem is, a lot of losers on social media who think their voice matters will try canceling anyone for something as simple as selling more then the artist they Stan. That’s why a lot of people roll their eyes when it comes to cancel culture.

  • keevski 🤯
    Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply
    codeine crazy

    i used to

    I live here my whole life, I tell you how it is

  • Jan 15, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    She'd often speak about getting bullied in school after 9/11. So much so that she was scared to wear her hijab. In New York and New Jersey the islamophobia was at an all time high and children and teenagers who were Muslim got it real bad.

    Lord knows sisters who wear hijab got it rough over here in the the states


    I’m not crying about anything, I’m just pointing out the double standard.

    Like no s*** of course a gay teenager isn’t gonna f*** w a conservative religion. Same way people on this site trash religion all the time

    Calling muslims terrorists isnt the same as not liking religion man

  • Jan 15, 2021
    3 replies

    I neverstood why black people hate on islam, when their goats are Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X. Their whole life and mentality was based on Islam lol

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