He tweeted this s*** LOOL bozo
https://twitter.com/boyi_inventedu/status/1287062328928866304That twt wasn't his
Nice try
Imagine comparing religion to race
Imagine thinking Christians are oppressed in America bro. You were probably shook at that whole Starbucks cup thing
Imagine thinking Christians are oppressed in America bro. You were probably shook at that whole Starbucks cup thing
He didn't say they were
What’s the difference between this and a gay 18 year old white American trashing the Bible to his/her conservative parents?
The only difference is y’all would be applauding it
The only people who make fun of thrashing the bible are christians themselves.
Imagine thinking Christians are oppressed in America bro. You were probably shook at that whole Starbucks cup thing
Where did I say that they are oppressed you f***ing idiot
SZA a Muslim? You sure?
Yep. She’s Muslim.
He didn't say they were
It’s clearly his implication bringing up Christianity in this thread about islamophobia
go back to reddit bro
Do you live in europe?
Imagine thinking Christians are oppressed in America bro. You were probably shook at that whole Starbucks cup thing
bro u have a problem with your reading skills
I’m all for holding people accountable but is KTT for cancelling or for not cancelling?
You really can’t see why?
I can but we talking about lil nas x bro. He gonna be irrelevant by the end of next year anyways
You want us to come to your country and forget our culture? Sounds like what China is doing with their propaganda camps for muslims?
Oh wow I had no idea. Mashallah
She'd often speak about getting bullied in school after 9/11. So much so that she was scared to wear her hijab. In New York and New Jersey the islamophobia was at an all time high and children and teenagers who were Muslim got it real bad.