it aint that deep lol im just a b****nigga
Just read through your posts. It seems all you need to do is stop idolizing every girl you come across that you're attractive to and know that you can always try again with another girl the next day.
you shouldn't feel down cause someone rejected you, You should immediate dead your infatuation for the person and move on to someone else, yeah some women are gonna drip they weak ass ego on you and and try to clown you but pay that s*** no mind keep, they weren't meant for your time no way.
Honestly you see one bad girl there's gonna be an even badder one around the corner. You have to understand that your time and your presence and you as a being and your whole identity is of value, don't let anyone else make you think otherwise. Just do you.
That “im confident” fake s*** really doesn’t work dawg. I wanna achieve true confidence
Fake it till you make it.
Literally look yourself in the mirror at least like twice a day and tell yourself you’re the s*** if you really have to. That you beautiful, that you awesome. It’ll creep it over time as stupid as it might feel
Just read through your posts. It seems all you need to do is stop idolizing every girl you come across that you're attractive to and know that you can always try again with another girl the next day.
you shouldn't feel down cause someone rejected you, You should immediate dead your infatuation for the person and move on to someone else, yeah some women are gonna drip they weak ass ego on you and and try to clown you but pay that s*** no mind keep, they weren't meant for your time no way.
Honestly you see one bad girl there's gonna be an even badder one around the corner. You have to understand that your time and your presence and you as a being and your whole identity is of value, don't let anyone else make you think otherwise. Just do you.
dawg i be tripping over ONE girl
i see bad b****es everyday that do nothing for me. I literally only be tripping over ONE girl. I was literally with a sexy as hoe 2 days ago but i just didnt care about making a move, because ive been simping over this other girl smh. I mean we were hanging out after work it aint that deep but i was thinking about this different girl while we were hanging out smh
Your surroundings
Work towards your passion
Stop caring wat people think
Find yourself and your purpose
Have great self awareness and awareness of others
Learn from your horrible moments mentally
All these. Better said than done but once you practice these it becomes easy. Confidence alone is the greatest power in life
It really comes from within too. As cliche as it sounds. Like you can find that spark from anything. Your favorite artist. Your friend IRL. A tv series. Something can spark that drive and motivation to be confident in yourself. I’m not talking those corny ass motivational videos either. I’m talking genuine inspiration from a field your interested or something of that sort
You’re the goat
You’re sexy
You’re charming
You understand me?
Fail a lot
Keep doing things and fail until youre comfortable with the reality that things wont always go your way
Then youll be free to do things with confidence
Tbh just better yourself until you ooze confidence naturally, it’s not something you can force imo
like whats the best way to get confident? Do i have to go achieve my goals and then slowly i gain it that way? or how the f***.
That “im confident” fake s*** really doesn’t work dawg. I wanna achieve true confidence
You gain true confidence by doing hard things and eventually becoming better at them. Sure, you're going to mess up at first, but you'll gain confidence when you get it right.
Getting good at things and doing them really well.
Also martial arts my man
Cosign a self defense class
How u gonna not be confident when u know goddamn well u can beat the s*** out of 3/4 of the population.