Cosign a self defense class
How u gonna not be confident when u know goddamn well u can beat the s*** out of 3/4 of the population.
Exactly. Plus your body gets ripped and that naturally boosts confidence. Plus it's a skill you polish and see your own improvements over time, then you realise you can do that with anything you set your mind too >>> increased confidence.
Just constantly do and seek things that give you a sense of accomplishment. Also your confidence will come and go. No one is always confident
gain life lessons and experience
learn new skills
work a job where you have to engage with lots of people
like whats the best way to get confident? Do i have to go achieve my goals and then slowly i gain it that way? or how the f***.
That “im confident” fake s*** really doesn’t work dawg. I wanna achieve true confidence
Let life come to you bro. Keep Gods commandments. Everything else will fall in place. Begin to love God; begin to love yourself.
In your personal life I’m saying “if it’s broke, fix it” clear your insecurities by conquering them one step at a time. Assess where you’re lacking, create a plan and remain consistent. Chest is weak, do push ups. Not following your passion, begin to do so. One day at a time.
Not getting girls you like. Lay some bricks. Talk to them without looking for sex. Just get comfortable being yourself.