  • Nov 2, 2020
    d stoner

    Cosign a self defense class

    How u gonna not be confident when u know goddamn well u can beat the s*** out of 3/4 of the population.

    Exactly. Plus your body gets ripped and that naturally boosts confidence. Plus it's a skill you polish and see your own improvements over time, then you realise you can do that with anything you set your mind too >>> increased confidence.

  • Nov 3, 2020

    Just constantly do and seek things that give you a sense of accomplishment. Also your confidence will come and go. No one is always confident

  • Nov 3, 2020
    The Wizard

    Stop listening to Drake.

    Not true

  • Nov 3, 2020

    i see everyone naked, then i feel better.

  • Nov 3, 2020

    gain life lessons and experience

    learn new skills

    work a job where you have to engage with lots of people

  • Nov 5, 2020

    gym for sure

  • Nov 5, 2020

    like whats the best way to get confident? Do i have to go achieve my goals and then slowly i gain it that way? or how the f***.

    That “im confident” fake s*** really doesn’t work dawg. I wanna achieve true confidence

    Let life come to you bro. Keep Gods commandments. Everything else will fall in place. Begin to love God; begin to love yourself.

    In your personal life I’m saying “if it’s broke, fix it” clear your insecurities by conquering them one step at a time. Assess where you’re lacking, create a plan and remain consistent. Chest is weak, do push ups. Not following your passion, begin to do so. One day at a time.

    Not getting girls you like. Lay some bricks. Talk to them without looking for sex. Just get comfortable being yourself.

  • Nov 5, 2020

    Do what makes you uncomfortable. Your insecurities lie in being uncomfortable! Doesn’t have to be extreme like sky diving but make minor adjustments (keeping commandments) and see major progress!