Bro it's winter
People feeling lonely af
And look for company during da cold holidays
Be a cozy and funny mofo, wear warm clothing, be a cuddle man
Wear some good cologne too
WAIT TIL 2037 when this might- MIGHT BECOME NORMAL
Already normal if you fly as f***
even the flattest ass getting piped on a fri/sat night when theres a guy drunk and/or h**** that ass be looking like jlo remember 1 time i was dancing wtith shawty at carnival waved asf lost her, lost my friends she had the phattest ass i swear was tryna find her n link her in north didnt she went on holiday we lost contact she hits my friend who's number i'd somehow drunkenly saved her number in (think my phone had died) up couple years later saying lets link im like bet go for drinks then back to hers had a nice time but it was top 5 flattest ass i been with
( nothing wrong with that) just in my head she had the a brazy bbl type joint even before bbls were even a thing n she was backing it up like brazy
type beat i was so wrong my drunken eyes deceived me
i was literally falling in love with that ironing board ass imagining it was a coco type beat:idris:
classic post
Already normal if you fly as f***
op said sexual advances u telling me you seeing women come up to guys n saying 'you want this punnanni bread' or ' lets go back to mine right now?' cos thats what ops asking sexual advances not just advances or hint etc. if so guide him how to be fly n receive this attention
op said sexual advances u telling me you seeing women come up to guys n saying 'you want this punnanni bread' or ' lets go back to mine right now?' cos thats what ops asking sexual advances not just advances or hint etc. if so guide him how to be fly n receive this attention
Happend to me handful of times
Happend to me handful of times
k tap in coach op he tryna get his sawse up
probably wasn't a sexual advances though? 'you want this p****' off that bat' 'come over lets netflix n chill' etc think thats what ops aiming for straight away which is crazy pokemon mewtwo shiny rare even if you objectively a 10/10 guy
Yeah I’ve had advanced but it isn’t let’s f*** first day
k tap in coach op he tryna get his sawse up
Would give some but need to see op how he describe himself
Anyway I encourage op to get in a relationship, f***ing a girl that wants to f*** you from the first interaction wont end up good for you
Anyway I encourage op to get in a relationship, f***ing a girl that wants to f*** you from the first interaction wont end up good for you
facts or at least someone you got to know a bit op tryna speed run to the p**** n get her to move to him
Lowkey kind of true
Not far off. A lot of the times being unemployed = splash szn. But f*** those distractions lol fully focused
You just have to be that guy
If you haven’t been sexually assaulted at work idk what to tell u
Step it up I’m not even that attractive yet
You just have to be that guy
If you haven’t been sexually assaulted at work idk what to tell u
Step it up I’m not even that attractive yet
are you glamorizing being sexually assaulted at work
idk if it helps op but most of the reasons "why" women tell me they approached me is either of these things or all together
1. my voice. i have a unique voice that is ironically due to health issues but girls have always loved it since middle school. technically its not what my voice is suppose to be naturally, its from lung and damaged chord vocal issues as a kid.
2. im funny and i dont seem standoffish or an a******/threatening.
3. my height. im 6'2. asking "how tall am i" is a classic opener from woman to me.
4. how i dress. i dress nice but without being extra about it or obnoxious.
5. an air of "mystique". i come off a bit reserved or like "all my cards arent out there, but i also seem confident and "strong".
6. racial ambiguity. im mixed, black and white. my white mom is itallian and irish - but my black fathers mom (my black gma) is literally half black half native (cherokee) which makes my fathers kids (us) have like 10 percent of native or sumn s*** and we're viewed as official native race. anywyas, all too say, most people at first look "dont know what i am" outside of my hair and facial features being 1000% black. so another opner thats common with women "hey i wanted ask what race/culture/heritage are you?" then i usually joke and play coy with sumn like "what do you think i am". most think im part black either majority or part, then also i get a bunch of ish like puerto rican, middle eastern, indian & sometimes even asked if im part asian cuz native american cherokee eyes theres a slight slant to em and its
present on me lol. its a slight curve in the corner of the eye. most of them never think im mixed with white. and a very few dont think im mixed at all.
thats mostly for irl but also me being funny and how i look is what ive been told gets them to cold dm and cold comment/follow me. this has been happening since middle school (which is funny cuz in elementary girls used to ignore me and i had a bit of a self confidence issue in first half of middle school).
also irl they say they observe how i interact with my friends and they liked my interactions with my friends.
but yeah, most of these things are outside yours or mine control. like i said idk if any of it will help. most of it comes down to " "mystery" " (not in the corny reddit or anime way tho) that gives the woman something to say or ask, or how approachable you seem with the way you act and look.
“Alright Op lemme break it down to you on why I get so much p****”
You just have to be that guy
If you haven’t been sexually assaulted at work idk what to tell u
Step it up I’m not even that attractive yet
Getting hit on at work is only fun when it’s baddies
are you glamorizing being sexually assaulted at work
We were hooking up secretly so it’s not a typical SA situation but she cornered me and kissed me at work when I wasn’t expecting it at all
If ur around women a lot and nothing like this is happening to u then u just don’t have anything going for u
Let’s be real a lot of men are weirdos and losers (put old me in that bucket too)
Just be a normal person and confident/happy with yourself and women will flow
Gotta chase and pull away. Show that interest, and if she’s feeling you, then remove it entirely. Gets them going. Works better at parties