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  • I carry life long grudges when i get real f***ed over.

    I can’t imagine forgiving at a certain point, makes me feel like they got away with it.

  • Mar 16, 2021

    i dont

  • Mar 16, 2021

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Will never forgive my sister for throwing away half a double chocolate chip muffin

  • rano 🇧🇷
    Mar 16, 2021

    gotta accept we all humans and make mistakes

  • Mar 16, 2021

    Will never forgive my sister for throwing away half a double chocolate chip muffin

    damn thats like one whole chocolate chip muffin

  • Mar 16, 2021

    get super successful then put a hit on them. ask for forgiveness at their funeral

  • Mar 16, 2021

    sometimes you can forgive but don't ever forget

    people don't change all of the sudden

  • Mar 16, 2021
    2 replies

    Life is too short to be mad at people for petty s*** imo

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply

    sometimes you just gotta let time pass by

  • Mar 16, 2021

    eat their ass

  • Mar 16, 2021
    2 replies

    Realizing that hate, grudges, all that, will rot you from the inside

    You’ll end up hurting yourself even more than they did. They’ll end up winning.

    Also, me personally I’m tired of the cycle of hate. I rather just remove myself completely.

  • Mar 16, 2021

    It’s easy to forgive other people after you are able to accept and admit your own flaws and see how easy it is to have them.

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    I carry life long grudges when i get real f***ed over.

    I can’t imagine forgiving at a certain point, makes me feel like they got away with it.

    Bro carrying around grudges is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick. i used to be hella petty but you gotta evolve. There is no point in carrying a grudge that effects your emotions and serenity, while the other person probably dont give a flying f***ing and is carrying on with their lives like nothing ever happened not caring. You only hurting yourself

  • Mar 16, 2021
    2 replies
    no color

    Realizing that hate, grudges, all that, will rot you from the inside

    You’ll end up hurting yourself even more than they did. They’ll end up winning.

    Also, me personally I’m tired of the cycle of hate. I rather just remove myself completely.

    lines got f***ing crossed. I can forgive petty s*** easy, it’s when they go full f***ing throttle “by mistake” that i can’t forgive s***

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Bro carrying around grudges is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick. i used to be hella petty but you gotta evolve. There is no point in carrying a grudge that effects your emotions and serenity, while the other person probably dont give a flying f***ing and is carrying on with their lives like nothing ever happened not caring. You only hurting yourself

    you know you’re right but it feels wrong forgiving them.

    they’d rather be friends with actual abusers then me

    they said “oh we forgive you but we wanna forget you”

    no, no, no you f***ed me over and i’m suppose to want your forgiveness now? Nah, we’re past that

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    lines got f***ing crossed. I can forgive petty s*** easy, it’s when they go full f***ing throttle “by mistake” that i can’t forgive s***

    I understand. You can, but it’s extremely hard, I know.

    Like I said, its more about doing it for yourself than them.

    Forgiveness doesn’t mean everything goes back to normal. You can forgive but still end whatever relationship you have with the person in question.

    Forgiveness is just about letting go. If you’re not gonna retaliate then holding onto that immediate rage will do nothing. Let yourself feel it, let it out however, as long as you dont contribute to the cycle by targeting someone else.

    Once that energy has been released, forgiveness comes naturally.

    Its not about them, its about liberating yourself.

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply

    It depends what you mean. Do I typically forgive people that legitimately wronged me? No.

    However, I wouldn’t say I hold grudges against them. I just don’t f*** with em and move on with my life.

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply
    no color

    I understand. You can, but it’s extremely hard, I know.

    Like I said, its more about doing it for yourself than them.

    Forgiveness doesn’t mean everything goes back to normal. You can forgive but still end whatever relationship you have with the person in question.

    Forgiveness is just about letting go. If you’re not gonna retaliate then holding onto that immediate rage will do nothing. Let yourself feel it, let it out however, as long as you dont contribute to the cycle by targeting someone else.

    Once that energy has been released, forgiveness comes naturally.

    Its not about them, its about liberating yourself.

    I don’t know how to let it out properly.

    and one second i’ll feel like “yeah i got closure, i can forgive them” but then the next i think “holy f*** dude they turned a petty thing into something that has affected my mental health severely and my image” and i get really f***ing mad

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply

    It depends what you mean. Do I typically forgive people that legitimately wronged me? No.

    However, I wouldn’t say I hold grudges against them. I just don’t f*** with em and move on with my life.

    yeah i am just not talking to any of them anymore but i got a f***ing grudge dude.

    It’s so hard to let it go

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    you know you’re right but it feels wrong forgiving them.

    they’d rather be friends with actual abusers then me

    they said “oh we forgive you but we wanna forget you”

    no, no, no you f***ed me over and i’m suppose to want your forgiveness now? Nah, we’re past that

    Forgiving aint for anyone but your self. To give your own soul piece stop making it about the other person. And theres a difference between forgiving and forgetting. Sounds corny but you dont have to forget how someone hurt you.

    Maybe you could provide some more context

  • focus on forgiving yourself, then it becomes easier

    niggas just human b ain’t nobody perfect

    it’s not my place to tell ppl what they can or cannot forgive however. but i think almost stuff in life can be forgivable it’s just about knowing your boundaries.

    some s*** you can’t forget

  • Emery Atreides

    yeah i am just not talking to any of them anymore but i got a f***ing grudge dude.

    It’s so hard to let it go

    Don’t hold onto it man, it isn’t healthy. You gotta move on and live your life. It isn’t healthy to waste any mental capacity on hating someone that likely isn’t even thinking about you like that.

  • Mar 16, 2021

    god or the universe or whatever you want to call it will take care of it, holding a grudge or trying to get back at someone is a waste of your time

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    I don’t know how to let it out properly.

    and one second i’ll feel like “yeah i got closure, i can forgive them” but then the next i think “holy f*** dude they turned a petty thing into something that has affected my mental health severely and my image” and i get really f***ing mad

    Then you’ll have to learn. Learn and practice emotional awareness, take time, remove yourself from distraction and find a deeper understanding of your mind and body, how they’re affected by strong emotions, (I’m talking, every single tick, tense muscle, thought form, trigger, whatever) and just let it do its thing without resistance. I do this through meditation but theres other ways if thats not your thing and i dont wanna force that on you. Im far from an expert but there are proper resources out there on healthy ways to release difficult emotion. You just gotta be willing to be vulnerable with yourself, completely.

    Its a painful process but holding it in will only make things worse for you.

    Thats the thing, you cant force closure, especially with the stakes in question.

    Maybe dont even think of it as forgiveness. Thats too sweet a word sometimes. You’re really unburdening yourself. Especially when its someone elses s***ty toxicity thats putting you in this position. Rise above it. You already on the right path by asking this question.

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