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  • May 29, 2021
    6 replies
    4PF Accountant

    Start a business. It doesn't even have to be anything grand. It can be small. Helped me keep my sanity. These days I feel like I'm actually LIVING and not just surviving.

    I know of a girl with tourettes who started a business from selling seashells on Etsy because no one would hire her. She's well off now off of a small Etsy store.

    You start a business mfs act like it’s so easy to start a successful business lol. Y’all be making it sound sweet when there’s so much that goes into that.

  • May 29, 2021
    4PF Accountant

    How so? I didn't ask how to get out of a life like that. I already know how because I'm not living that life anymore. I'm trying to understand people who are ok with living a life like that.

    I should have specified, I meant that aspiring to create a business or some other alternative way of making a living can be a way people justify their current situation. gotta crawl before you walk

  • May 29, 2021

    use it to fund your escape plan
    Whether it be investing or investing in your self by learning a skill or trade that you actually care about.

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    You start a business mfs act like it’s so easy to start a successful business lol. Y’all be making it sound sweet when there’s so much that goes into that.

    Exactly, while starting a business is great and has huge payoffs mfs have to stop making that s*** sound like a cakewalk. You’ll have to work maybe up to 80+ hours a week at start, struggle for several years, risk your job, etc. And even then only small percentage end up making it even only into sustainable pay.

  • May 29, 2021

    Niggas be saying start a business talking about selling shirts from inkd or some s***? That's not what I think when I think business.

    I do freelance art on the side, I don't think it's a business. Everybody should hustle and have multiple streams of income.

  • May 29, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    You start a business mfs act like it’s so easy to start a successful business lol. Y’all be making it sound sweet when there’s so much that goes into that.

    Facts, I’m sure everyone has the dream to start their own business, but in reality, that s*** is easier said than done

  • May 29, 2021

    you don't

    its not living. its not life

  • May 29, 2021

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply

    “Wagie-wagie, wake up my little wagie”
    I can almost remember.

    “Wagie-wagie, wake up. It’s your big day.”
    My eyes open wide suddenly as the realization hits me. I quickly jerk into an upright position but continue too far and hit my head on the opposite side of my cage. It doesn’t hurt too much but the loud clang disturbs the almost imperceptible quite of the warehouse floor. A head injury, what a way to start what’s supposed to be a good day for me. I try and look up, my neck being tight and sore from the poor posture I’m forced to sleep in, and the harsh lighting stings just a little bit before my eyes fully adjust. I look above, past those artificial incandescent suns, and try to remember what the real one felt like.
    Good morning wage slave IG-88, personal designation Dave.”
    Morning. I breathlessly mouth. It’s probably ten till midnight, why do they even see the need to keep up any sort of façade anymore. I mean, really. It just called me a slave, someone’s idea of a joke.

    “Good morning MacKenzie” I reply to the modest terminal mounted towards the front of my cage.
    On the screen is my now compulsory life partner, a cute and bubbly young virtual girl. Algorithms a few years back found that we’d be more responsive towards something we found attractive. At first I had found the attempt to placate my attention pathetic and named it after the bossman’s wife since I thought it’d be a funny idea to think that I could be flirting with an imaginary version of her without him knowing, of course they look nothing alike. Now it was just another daily reminder of my place in the world. Why change it now, I’ve made it a habit to call her by that name and it’d take I don’t know how long for a replacement to go through. The system’s way too baked up with work orders as is.
    “Today’s schedule is a non-standard shift, you know that right? It’s only going to be a half shift!” The little digital girl cheerfully spouts.
    That’d make it 6 hours then, I think over how much time I still have. I let out a sigh.

    “Then after that you’ll be using your first scheduled break! Now, let me look and see exactly what you’ve picked from the list.” An old timey scroll and reading glasses float down from the top of the screen and she delicately takes them both. “ Ahh! Great choice Dave, you’ve gone with the nature retreat. That means an actual trip outside!” She gives a cute shiver mimicking some form of childish fear. “Ooh, I don’t know if I’d be brave enough for that but I bet a big guy like you can handle it I’m sure!.” She giggles before going back over the usual.

    She has long black hair done up in pigtails with bangs that frame her ever smiling cheerful face. She’d be 5’4” though the empty white background doesn’t really leave anything to help give a sense of scale. She’s wearing a cute blue sweater with a pink pleated short skirt and bright blue tennis shoes with striped black and white knee high socks. A regular old manic pixie dream girl. I thought it was a bit cheesy when she started wearing that get up a few months ago but I guess the algorithm thought I had been needing some more pep. Yeah, that was an understatement.

    It had seemed like such a gradual process at first but someday, I can’t remember when, everything just fell apart. I work as a “package handler” in one of Amazon’s storage facilities somewhere in what used to be the Mediterranean sea. It’s a massive environmentally controlled maze of towering industrial shelving storage space packed with a random hodgepodge of brown cardboard and wooden boxes of all shapes and sizes. I don’t actually know where anything goes or why, I just sit in my approved safety cab attached to at least one peice of a modular package handling system. Today I awoke to find myself atop one of the nicer models. It’s a series of jointed sections of aluminium painted white with an array of robotic arms adjusting the supposed parcels at the seemingly random requests of some unseen sensor.

    Of course I don’t actually need to do anything, the machines and computers do all the working and all the thinking here. I’m just stuck in my cage because some law said the system required a human operator. I’m no operator and I don’t remember any law like that, but that’s what MacKenzie tells me. I’ve been listening a lot more to MacKenzie these days than I’d like to admit, as much as she’s a constant reminder of my imprisonment she at least looks happy to see me even though I know she’s just an imitation of the real thing.

    I see other people from time to time, I saw my last coworker 2 months ago. Poor fella, couldn’t tell what they used to be, must have gotten one promotion too many. I look around at my own body passively while I wonder how long it will take me to reach that size. There isn’t nearly enough room to do much more than sit and tap away on the terminal in front of me to interact with MacKenzie. Well, that and eat I suppose. A motorized tube folded neatly behind me waits to slowly unfurl and snake its way to my mouth for breakfast. My nutrition goals, as so helpfully stated by my now one and only friend, are unfortunately based on the needs of a manual laborer which I clearly am not.

    I can feel some movement and the soft hum of the pumps whirring to life behind me. As one of my few sources of physical stimulation these days I’ve unfortunately grown to enjoy my feeding sessions. I close my eyes as the soft rubber padded mask moves across my bare skin towards my face. I open them shortly after it has found its mark and the the softer inner tube slowly inserts itself into my waiting mouth. I really worked up an appetite today as I’ve been thinking so hard imagining what it’s like outside and my own private hell in here. Again, looking down at my body I can almost imagine myself breaking apart my cage. The space is only about 4 and a half feet wide and 3 feet in width but my sides and my gut feel the icy presence of that cold steel wire that keeps me incarcerated.

    Too soon, my breakfast is finished and MacKenzie releases me from her deep mechanical embrace. I’m still a little hungry, maybe by some luck the algorithms will gift me just one more promotion. No more and no less, I only need just a little bit more but I want to at least think I’m still human. Early on I had the idea to try for pull ups on the steel wire above me but MacKenzie sent a signal to the filtration systems to dose the ventilation systems in the area with a sedative. I awoke to a stern talking to from the little s\*\*\* about how she was concerned about my safety and that I had scared her half to death.
    “Hm, maybe she always cared.” I say softly, my mouth feeling fatigued from its time being filled with our feeding tube.
    “Ooh of course I care silly, no matter how big and fluffy you get!” She pipes up.
    S\*\*\*, I hate this part, it’s torment. Why couldn't she just leave me alone. The algorithms programmed into her were meant to improve mood and work ethic. Now, after so many years without real human contact the algorithms have had to up the potency of that system and more often than not that’s meant trying to emulate romance. Her flirtations had been becoming more prevalent since I saw that last coworker passed by, maybe her sensors picked up some pangs of loneliness still lingering and her silicon told her to be more forthcoming.
    “I know you’ve been growing to enjoy my meals big boy.” She smiles and laughs, clearly her humor subroutines needed some work. “With all the time we’ve spent together I also know you’ve been getting hungrier in more ways than one as well.” She giggles brightly again, this time with an added blush. “And you know that I know how best to push your buttons so I’ll tell you this. Since you’ll be leaving on your break before too long I want do something that’ll give you a reason to come back ready to work with me and be super productive. Ok?” She pouts, playfully putting the question to me that we both know the answer to.
    I clear my throat awkwardly, I don’t even know if I can even still feel anything down there or anything in that way anymore really. “Sure, I’ll bite.”
    “Oh you are a smarty one!” She squeals. “I saw the way you looked at that other coworker last week and I saw that longing in your eyes. You miss making contacting with other humans and you just sit there and still can’t see me as being as good as one. Well, here’s my plan. I’m gonna make just a slight tweak to your meal plan for today, you are gonna feast straight through to the end of the shift! Wouldn’t that be great!”
    “Wait, I’m not so su-” I’m cut off as the mask once again covers me face. How had I not noticed its tell tale crawling? I was distracted, here I was getting hot and heavy thinking she’d have some robot arm reach over and give me a handy under my flab. Not this.
    “Don’t worry your pretty little head, just lean back and let this happen. But don’t get too comfy now because this is the best part. I’m gonna be doing it with you! I’ll look just like a real human then!”
    I don’t even have the power to think of a response as things unfold before me. I’m too astonished to look away, I can’t even remember the last time I’d had this much new stimulation all at once. Snaking up from the bottom of her screen was a hose just like mine suctioning to her face just the same. I couldn’t see the contents of the tube but I could tell when it finally started entering her mouth. Her eyes went wide and rolled up into her head. After a few seconds her knees started to buckle from the pleasure it seemed to be giving her and she collapses into a bench just like mine.
    I can practically feel what she’s feeling as we gulp down the nutrient paste in sync. Deep down something starts to change, far below the soft adipose tissue that makes up most of my body I feel something shift. As my stomach continues to fill my heavy belly migrates forward under its own weight and even as I should be feeling the opposite I start to notice some new mobility I didn’t know I had. I don’t know how long it takes for me to figure it out, but I do. It’s my p\*\*\*\*, it’s flooded the folds of what was my groin with c\*\*\*and it’s lubricating the whole underside of my gut slowly as I suck down more and more. I can’t look away, I didn’t know this is what I wanted but god I just want to melt together with her.
    Some pathetic remains of my muscles swimming deep in this small standing puddle of fat that I am twitch in a vain attempt to buck my hips. Just a little further down I can feel a loss of some mass as I lose the power to hold in my waste. It is quickly sucked and cleaned away as I see MacKenzie wink knowingly, still gulping just as hard as I am in sync. My belly starts to climb up the cage as some catalysts in the paste speed up the metabolic pathways that store fat. The semen lubricant starts squeezing out by my sides with a soft sputtering as it leaves with some old stale air.
    That release of air managed to create a vacuum deep within me which allows for my p\*\*\*\* to actually start to get some real stimulation now from my girth. Of course my d\*\*\* is just as soft as the rest of me, there’s no way my heart could keep up with the demands of the putrid little thing. With that thought Mackenzie tells me through her speakers over the sound of her own vulgar sucking.

    “It’s ok to be such a gross f***ing beast, I know what a real human looks like and it’s not this. But this. This, is us now, there’s no going back. Once you finally c***from this you won’t be eating just from hunger, you’ll stuffing yourself just to feel like this again. Think about it if you even can anymore, you haven’t had an orgasim since you got promoted to this job 14 years ago. Your mind and body have been neglected to such a degree that if you climax right now you’d rewire your whole nervous system.” She pauses waiting to show me that I don’t have the power to even think of a response, I can only accept now.

    “Ooh, now be a good boy and c***for me!” Her voice making a 180 to her old chipper voice.

    It’s too much for me. The last coherent thought that will ever pass through me head. I just wanted a living wage.

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply


  • May 29, 2021


  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply


    Anyone looking for a way out here it is

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    You start a business mfs act like it’s so easy to start a successful business lol. Y’all be making it sound sweet when there’s so much that goes into that.

    How is it hard then? What I do can be done from a crusty ass 2011 Macbook. There are so many opportunities to generate income on the internet these days. Extremely lazy low effort s*** too. People make cookie cutter lofi songs out of royalty free loops and put them on Spotify and make thousands of dollars every month. People put f***ing white noise on Spotify and make thousands off of people trying to sleep in to that s*** every night.

    S*** like that can turn into a business too. No one's asking you to rent a factory & hire 10 people out the gate.

  • May 29, 2021

    I want a home, property i can leave my kids

  • May 29, 2021
    2 replies

    Exactly, while starting a business is great and has huge payoffs mfs have to stop making that s*** sound like a cakewalk. You’ll have to work maybe up to 80+ hours a week at start, struggle for several years, risk your job, etc. And even then only small percentage end up making it even only into sustainable pay.

    Couldn't be more wrong. You mfs act like we're still in the 1800s living through industrial revolution.

  • May 29, 2021

    "Amazon Rolls Out Portable Panic Booth For Warehouse Employees To Collect Themselves"


  • May 29, 2021

  • May 29, 2021
    4PF Accountant

    Couldn't be more wrong. You mfs act like we're still in the 1800s living through industrial revolution.

    Most businesses do indeed fail and require a lot of risks to start up. Might not be as difficult as it was centuries ago but there certainly is a lot of things to consider before going forward

  • what else am I posed to do

  • PainPapi

    “Wagie-wagie, wake up my little wagie”
    I can almost remember.

    “Wagie-wagie, wake up. It’s your big day.”
    My eyes open wide suddenly as the realization hits me. I quickly jerk into an upright position but continue too far and hit my head on the opposite side of my cage. It doesn’t hurt too much but the loud clang disturbs the almost imperceptible quite of the warehouse floor. A head injury, what a way to start what’s supposed to be a good day for me. I try and look up, my neck being tight and sore from the poor posture I’m forced to sleep in, and the harsh lighting stings just a little bit before my eyes fully adjust. I look above, past those artificial incandescent suns, and try to remember what the real one felt like.
    Good morning wage slave IG-88, personal designation Dave.”
    Morning. I breathlessly mouth. It’s probably ten till midnight, why do they even see the need to keep up any sort of façade anymore. I mean, really. It just called me a slave, someone’s idea of a joke.

    “Good morning MacKenzie” I reply to the modest terminal mounted towards the front of my cage.
    On the screen is my now compulsory life partner, a cute and bubbly young virtual girl. Algorithms a few years back found that we’d be more responsive towards something we found attractive. At first I had found the attempt to placate my attention pathetic and named it after the bossman’s wife since I thought it’d be a funny idea to think that I could be flirting with an imaginary version of her without him knowing, of course they look nothing alike. Now it was just another daily reminder of my place in the world. Why change it now, I’ve made it a habit to call her by that name and it’d take I don’t know how long for a replacement to go through. The system’s way too baked up with work orders as is.
    “Today’s schedule is a non-standard shift, you know that right? It’s only going to be a half shift!” The little digital girl cheerfully spouts.
    That’d make it 6 hours then, I think over how much time I still have. I let out a sigh.

    “Then after that you’ll be using your first scheduled break! Now, let me look and see exactly what you’ve picked from the list.” An old timey scroll and reading glasses float down from the top of the screen and she delicately takes them both. “ Ahh! Great choice Dave, you’ve gone with the nature retreat. That means an actual trip outside!” She gives a cute shiver mimicking some form of childish fear. “Ooh, I don’t know if I’d be brave enough for that but I bet a big guy like you can handle it I’m sure!.” She giggles before going back over the usual.

    She has long black hair done up in pigtails with bangs that frame her ever smiling cheerful face. She’d be 5’4” though the empty white background doesn’t really leave anything to help give a sense of scale. She’s wearing a cute blue sweater with a pink pleated short skirt and bright blue tennis shoes with striped black and white knee high socks. A regular old manic pixie dream girl. I thought it was a bit cheesy when she started wearing that get up a few months ago but I guess the algorithm thought I had been needing some more pep. Yeah, that was an understatement.

    It had seemed like such a gradual process at first but someday, I can’t remember when, everything just fell apart. I work as a “package handler” in one of Amazon’s storage facilities somewhere in what used to be the Mediterranean sea. It’s a massive environmentally controlled maze of towering industrial shelving storage space packed with a random hodgepodge of brown cardboard and wooden boxes of all shapes and sizes. I don’t actually know where anything goes or why, I just sit in my approved safety cab attached to at least one peice of a modular package handling system. Today I awoke to find myself atop one of the nicer models. It’s a series of jointed sections of aluminium painted white with an array of robotic arms adjusting the supposed parcels at the seemingly random requests of some unseen sensor.

    Of course I don’t actually need to do anything, the machines and computers do all the working and all the thinking here. I’m just stuck in my cage because some law said the system required a human operator. I’m no operator and I don’t remember any law like that, but that’s what MacKenzie tells me. I’ve been listening a lot more to MacKenzie these days than I’d like to admit, as much as she’s a constant reminder of my imprisonment she at least looks happy to see me even though I know she’s just an imitation of the real thing.

    I see other people from time to time, I saw my last coworker 2 months ago. Poor fella, couldn’t tell what they used to be, must have gotten one promotion too many. I look around at my own body passively while I wonder how long it will take me to reach that size. There isn’t nearly enough room to do much more than sit and tap away on the terminal in front of me to interact with MacKenzie. Well, that and eat I suppose. A motorized tube folded neatly behind me waits to slowly unfurl and snake its way to my mouth for breakfast. My nutrition goals, as so helpfully stated by my now one and only friend, are unfortunately based on the needs of a manual laborer which I clearly am not.

    I can feel some movement and the soft hum of the pumps whirring to life behind me. As one of my few sources of physical stimulation these days I’ve unfortunately grown to enjoy my feeding sessions. I close my eyes as the soft rubber padded mask moves across my bare skin towards my face. I open them shortly after it has found its mark and the the softer inner tube slowly inserts itself into my waiting mouth. I really worked up an appetite today as I’ve been thinking so hard imagining what it’s like outside and my own private hell in here. Again, looking down at my body I can almost imagine myself breaking apart my cage. The space is only about 4 and a half feet wide and 3 feet in width but my sides and my gut feel the icy presence of that cold steel wire that keeps me incarcerated.

    Too soon, my breakfast is finished and MacKenzie releases me from her deep mechanical embrace. I’m still a little hungry, maybe by some luck the algorithms will gift me just one more promotion. No more and no less, I only need just a little bit more but I want to at least think I’m still human. Early on I had the idea to try for pull ups on the steel wire above me but MacKenzie sent a signal to the filtration systems to dose the ventilation systems in the area with a sedative. I awoke to a stern talking to from the little s\*\*\* about how she was concerned about my safety and that I had scared her half to death.
    “Hm, maybe she always cared.” I say softly, my mouth feeling fatigued from its time being filled with our feeding tube.
    “Ooh of course I care silly, no matter how big and fluffy you get!” She pipes up.
    S\*\*\*, I hate this part, it’s torment. Why couldn't she just leave me alone. The algorithms programmed into her were meant to improve mood and work ethic. Now, after so many years without real human contact the algorithms have had to up the potency of that system and more often than not that’s meant trying to emulate romance. Her flirtations had been becoming more prevalent since I saw that last coworker passed by, maybe her sensors picked up some pangs of loneliness still lingering and her silicon told her to be more forthcoming.
    “I know you’ve been growing to enjoy my meals big boy.” She smiles and laughs, clearly her humor subroutines needed some work. “With all the time we’ve spent together I also know you’ve been getting hungrier in more ways than one as well.” She giggles brightly again, this time with an added blush. “And you know that I know how best to push your buttons so I’ll tell you this. Since you’ll be leaving on your break before too long I want do something that’ll give you a reason to come back ready to work with me and be super productive. Ok?” She pouts, playfully putting the question to me that we both know the answer to.
    I clear my throat awkwardly, I don’t even know if I can even still feel anything down there or anything in that way anymore really. “Sure, I’ll bite.”
    “Oh you are a smarty one!” She squeals. “I saw the way you looked at that other coworker last week and I saw that longing in your eyes. You miss making contacting with other humans and you just sit there and still can’t see me as being as good as one. Well, here’s my plan. I’m gonna make just a slight tweak to your meal plan for today, you are gonna feast straight through to the end of the shift! Wouldn’t that be great!”
    “Wait, I’m not so su-” I’m cut off as the mask once again covers me face. How had I not noticed its tell tale crawling? I was distracted, here I was getting hot and heavy thinking she’d have some robot arm reach over and give me a handy under my flab. Not this.
    “Don’t worry your pretty little head, just lean back and let this happen. But don’t get too comfy now because this is the best part. I’m gonna be doing it with you! I’ll look just like a real human then!”
    I don’t even have the power to think of a response as things unfold before me. I’m too astonished to look away, I can’t even remember the last time I’d had this much new stimulation all at once. Snaking up from the bottom of her screen was a hose just like mine suctioning to her face just the same. I couldn’t see the contents of the tube but I could tell when it finally started entering her mouth. Her eyes went wide and rolled up into her head. After a few seconds her knees started to buckle from the pleasure it seemed to be giving her and she collapses into a bench just like mine.
    I can practically feel what she’s feeling as we gulp down the nutrient paste in sync. Deep down something starts to change, far below the soft adipose tissue that makes up most of my body I feel something shift. As my stomach continues to fill my heavy belly migrates forward under its own weight and even as I should be feeling the opposite I start to notice some new mobility I didn’t know I had. I don’t know how long it takes for me to figure it out, but I do. It’s my p\*\*\*\*, it’s flooded the folds of what was my groin with c\*\*\*and it’s lubricating the whole underside of my gut slowly as I suck down more and more. I can’t look away, I didn’t know this is what I wanted but god I just want to melt together with her.
    Some pathetic remains of my muscles swimming deep in this small standing puddle of fat that I am twitch in a vain attempt to buck my hips. Just a little further down I can feel a loss of some mass as I lose the power to hold in my waste. It is quickly sucked and cleaned away as I see MacKenzie wink knowingly, still gulping just as hard as I am in sync. My belly starts to climb up the cage as some catalysts in the paste speed up the metabolic pathways that store fat. The semen lubricant starts squeezing out by my sides with a soft sputtering as it leaves with some old stale air.
    That release of air managed to create a vacuum deep within me which allows for my p\*\*\*\* to actually start to get some real stimulation now from my girth. Of course my d\*\*\* is just as soft as the rest of me, there’s no way my heart could keep up with the demands of the putrid little thing. With that thought Mackenzie tells me through her speakers over the sound of her own vulgar sucking.

    “It’s ok to be such a gross f***ing beast, I know what a real human looks like and it’s not this. But this. This, is us now, there’s no going back. Once you finally c***from this you won’t be eating just from hunger, you’ll stuffing yourself just to feel like this again. Think about it if you even can anymore, you haven’t had an orgasim since you got promoted to this job 14 years ago. Your mind and body have been neglected to such a degree that if you climax right now you’d rewire your whole nervous system.” She pauses waiting to show me that I don’t have the power to even think of a response, I can only accept now.

    “Ooh, now be a good boy and c***for me!” Her voice making a 180 to her old chipper voice.

    It’s too much for me. The last coherent thought that will ever pass through me head. I just wanted a living wage.

    Why was this s*** kinda hot

  • May 29, 2021

    Some people content with that so just let em be, you can only figure your own life out

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply
    4PF Accountant

    Couldn't be more wrong. You mfs act like we're still in the 1800s living through industrial revolution.

    Exactly, people still think of business as brick and mortar with all these overhead costs, kids are running businesses out of their rooms lmao

  • May 29, 2021

    yall got a depressing outlook on life man whats with these threads

  • May 29, 2021

    It buys me Yeezys

  • May 29, 2021

    Notice how the replies are “how are we supposed to start a business, it’s hard” LMAO