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  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    please tell me this isn't really your argument for the 40 hour work week...

    Edit: mistyped

    im not arguing against it

  • May 29, 2021

    what is the difference between this and slavery?


  • May 29, 2021

    knowing i wont be alive that long

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply

    lol yeah maybe once you’re 70 if you’re lucky

    imagine being part of the lower class where you never had the opportunity to be educated because you never made enough to have time off, so you and your family live in a never ending cycle of work and toil

    ? I live in a half million dollar home right now at 25 and live like a king lol I'm not working 40 hrs at Micky D's

    I literally grew up in section 8 with a single mom and made opportunities for myself. The idea that lower income people don't have the opportunity to be educated is a myth. I went to a good state school and graduated with my bachelor's with 30k of debt and didn't even have scholarships like that. People suppress themselves because they buy into that mentality

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    im not arguing against it


  • May 29, 2021

    Probably work on my business or explore if the job is remote. It’s not that complicated tbh. There’s literally so much to do when not working:

    I can learn a new skill, attempt to start a business, get in the tune with the arts, volunteer, explore new places, etc. work means absolutely nothing to me. I don’t align with the weird American culture where work is supposed to be my life and I’m supposed to be fulfilled by working hard. I used to, but nah, working a bunch of hours for someone else has 0 benefit to me other than putting money in my pocket.

    1. Traveling to work stuck in traffic or public transportation is a waste of my time
    2. Talking to a bunch of people on the daily that I really don’t care about and have to fake act like I’m cool with is a waste of time
    3. Me spending most of my day completing tasks that really don’t improve the world (aka 99% of jobs) is a waste of time.

    So all in all, I could be sitting home all day and thatd be a better use of my time than working 40 hours for the rest of my life. That said I do understand the necessity of work to keep society functioning so guess we’ll have to deal with it


  • May 29, 2021
    2 replies

    ? I live in a half million dollar home right now at 25 and live like a king lol I'm not working 40 hrs at Micky D's

    I literally grew up in section 8 with a single mom and made opportunities for myself. The idea that lower income people don't have the opportunity to be educated is a myth. I went to a good state school and graduated with my bachelor's with 30k of debt and didn't even have scholarships like that. People suppress themselves because they buy into that mentality

    being working class isn’t just an effect of mentality and you know it

    even the people down there SHOULD be able to make a good livable wage without needing to put in the 10-12hours a day that they need to

    Not every person can go to school and work and care for their family all at once, especially if they lack skills that are necessary to advance themselves

  • May 29, 2021

    lol yeah maybe once you’re 70 if you’re lucky

    imagine being part of the lower class where you never had the opportunity to be educated because you never made enough to have time off, so you and your family live in a never ending cycle of work and toil

    you're forced to go to 1-12 grade in the usa.

  • May 29, 2021

    being working class isn’t just an effect of mentality and you know it

    even the people down there SHOULD be able to make a good livable wage without needing to put in the 10-12hours a day that they need to

    Not every person can go to school and work and care for their family all at once, especially if they lack skills that are necessary to advance themselves

    depends a lot on what you go to higher ed for. I went for engineering and that is working out extremely well for me so far

  • May 29, 2021

    working 40 hours a week for 40 years can’t justify a luxurious lifestyle ever for me ever

    that’s more than half my waking hours for ten decades

    100 years 💀💀

  • May 29, 2021
    2 replies


    im not arguing for it either. 40 hours is arbitrary. im just saying 40 hours a week that much and it gives you structure and something to do.

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    im not arguing for it either. 40 hours is arbitrary. im just saying 40 hours a week that much and it gives you structure and something to do.

    haven't really been keeping up with this entire exchange but I'm curious- in your ideal world, would you do wage labour for 40 hours a week?

    edit: nvm read this post wrong. although I'm still curious as to what you mean by 'something to do' - I'm sure most people could pretty easily find more enjoyable things to fill up their time lol

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    im not arguing for it either. 40 hours is arbitrary. im just saying 40 hours a week that much and it gives you structure and something to do.

    Our time on this planet is very brief. Any amount of time we spend doing something shouldn't be arbitrary. Work shouldn't be what structures our whole lives, just part of it.

  • May 29, 2021

    being working class isn’t just an effect of mentality and you know it

    even the people down there SHOULD be able to make a good livable wage without needing to put in the 10-12hours a day that they need to

    Not every person can go to school and work and care for their family all at once, especially if they lack skills that are necessary to advance themselves

    depends on how u define livable wage.

    ideally people wouldn't have to work 10-12 hours a day 7 days a week (ideally)

    but even if we all decided work week should be 30 hours a week some people would have to work longer especially in low skill jobs which we "need" 24/7

    May 29, 2021
    CLB Fractions

    40 hours a week isnt even that much. its not like u doing anything else 🥴

    the 7-8 hour school day preps you for workin 8 hours a day

    yea it is that much

  • May 29, 2021

    haven't really been keeping up with this entire exchange but I'm curious- in your ideal world, would you do wage labour for 40 hours a week?

    edit: nvm read this post wrong. although I'm still curious as to what you mean by 'something to do' - I'm sure most people could pretty easily find more enjoyable things to fill up their time lol

    in my ideal world, would I personally?
    if its white collar work sure. If i absolutely had to i would even do plantation work

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply

    I get to live in a beautiful home with my incredible wife, do work that I enjoy and live a fairly luxurious lifestyle

    you won, married at 25. Was my dream

  • May 29, 2021

    Our time on this planet is very brief. Any amount of time we spend doing something shouldn't be arbitrary. Work shouldn't be what structures our whole lives, just part of it.

    we arnt that technologically advanced yet to not be work focused.

  • May 29, 2021
    1 reply

    you won, married at 25. Was my dream

    Well technically I'm engaged but I'll be married in four months when I'm 26 😁 I really lucked out with her though

  • May 29, 2021

    Well technically I'm engaged but I'll be married in four months when I'm 26 😁 I really lucked out with her though

    Congrats my man. Keep living it up. American dream fr

  • May 29, 2021

    Justify? B**** nigga mentality

    How are you not thankful thats all you have to do for a stable life?

    instead of picking proverbial rice grains off the street and living in a hut

  • May 29, 2021

    Some people happy with it, some not man. there aint much you can do. and honestly doing other s*** is hard as f*** and life itself already hard. the easy way is to just go with the status quo honestly, i cant knock that

  • May 29, 2021

    its a privilege to look at it as a choice to justify

    imagine asking a nigga in a third world country getting paid in rice this lol

  • May 29, 2021

    personality plays a huge role in all of this. some of the smartest people i know (way smarter than me) are very comfortable punching a daily clock for job security and benefits. i cant knock that

  • May 29, 2021

    Niggas need some real perspective asking s*** like this and complaining about our working hours

    Just a hundred years ago your ass probably would have been picking grains at a farm .. as a child

    Our complacency and lack of gratefulness in the western world is sick

    Even “surviving” comes at the expense of a nigga slaving away for me to eat a cheap banana

    Get yourselves f***ing checked fr
