Start a business. It doesn't even have to be anything grand. It can be small. Helped me keep my sanity. These days I feel like I'm actually LIVING and not just surviving.
I know of a girl with tourettes who started a business from selling seashells on Etsy because no one would hire her. She's well off now off of a small Etsy store.
So she sells sea shells on the Etsy store ?
its a privilege to look at it as a choice to justify
imagine asking a nigga in a third world country getting paid in rice this lol
how come all those f***ers up at the top of the ladder get to sit on their backs and count money they’ll never spend while we have to bust our asses way more than we’ll ever need to to live an already barebones lifestyle that is becoming harder and harder to fulfill?
Both lifestyles are made possible thru exploitation of the third world
so all your saying is let’s still completely exploit people out of their humanity but...! split it up equally 👌🏾🔥
socialism go brr! now that’s real fairness
My dad worked an office job for 50 years and he seems pretty happy
80% of America is trying to get a side hustle going.
None of us want to do that s*** unless we're making 100k per year.
Ive only been working full time for 5 months and i already wanna retire. I need to hit the lotto or something cuz working 40+ hours a week for the rest of my life cannot be healthy
I mean worst case scenario I just do 18 more years in the military then retire
Retiring as a master Sergeant and getting that 40k a year and that 100% disability pay only to work pt if at all>>
Ima see as far as I can get while doing the bare amount as a officer, only thing ima try hard for is my guys
I already am the king of slackin off And getting high oer and I’m only rotc/NG right now
Probably work on my business or explore if the job is remote. It’s not that complicated tbh. There’s literally so much to do when not working:
I can learn a new skill, attempt to start a business, get in the tune with the arts, volunteer, explore new places, etc. work means absolutely nothing to me. I don’t align with the weird American culture where work is supposed to be my life and I’m supposed to be fulfilled by working hard. I used to, but nah, working a bunch of hours for someone else has 0 benefit to me other than putting money in my pocket.
1. Traveling to work stuck in traffic or public transportation is a waste of my time
2. Talking to a bunch of people on the daily that I really don’t care about and have to fake act like I’m cool with is a waste of time
3. Me spending most of my day completing tasks that really don’t improve the world (aka 99% of jobs) is a waste of time.
So all in all, I could be sitting home all day and thatd be a better use of my time than working 40 hours for the rest of my life. That said I do understand the necessity of work to keep society functioning so guess we’ll have to deal with it
Those people who believe work has to be your identity don’t envision anything interesting going on outside their lives except the regular mundane s***. Those people are the exact reasons why companies think they can overwork or expect the upmost loyalty from their employees because of work identity.
I will personally never understand making good amount of money but not having time to even enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Both lifestyles are made possible thru exploitation of the third world
so all your saying is let’s still completely exploit people out of their humanity but...! split it up equally 👌🏾🔥
socialism go brr! now that’s real fairness
Lol yeah if you practice a Nordic model of social democracy then yes you f*** over the third world to provide for your citizens
Socialism expressly states that it must be an international effort to uplift all of humanity
Ive only been working full time for 5 months and i already wanna retire. I need to hit the lotto or something cuz working 40+ hours a week for the rest of my life cannot be healthy
are you making an hourly wage or are you salary
Loving what you do
If it’s getting too bad leave before you get trapped in the job
Because I'd rather work towards maybe breaking out of it as opposed to sitting on my ass being broke and complaining about it