  • So glad I was raised on fruits and vegetables

  • Feb 8
    2 replies

    OP why does it feel like you attribute fatness to individual choice (moral degeneracy/greed) rather than structural factors that have created an obesity crisis

    Having such a complete disregard for personal responsibility is pathetic man

  • Feb 8
    1 reply

    Hope you're doing better. Do you know any depressed people who have the opposite habits, like not eating a lot for example

    it really comes down to energy levels and what that looks like. but yeah i know a lot of people who don’t eat at all when they’re in low periods. basically prolonged clinical depression just saps you of your energy to do anything (even s) so whatever’s not baseline survival for you that’s what you cut out. growing up both my parents worked and they were too exhausted to cook so i never really learned how to eat properly until i lived by myself. but when depression hit cooking started seeming like this daunting task so id eat out more and more and then would need to eat meals that were cheaper so that left fast food. its a really vicious cycle

  • Feb 8
    3 replies

    Having such a complete disregard for personal responsibility is pathetic man

    having a complete disregard for the majority of factors at play in these situations is not only pathetic but displays an astounding lack of empathy on your part

  • Feb 8
    2 replies
    Mark Moschino

    having a complete disregard for the majority of factors at play in these situations is not only pathetic but displays an astounding lack of empathy on your part


  • If you quarter of a ton, you are responsible for it lol

  • Feb 8
    1 reply
    k dog 99


    and i weighed 300? what are you going to do kill me? throw me in jail? what’s the goal of your contempt?

  • Feb 8
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    and i weighed 300? what are you going to do kill me? throw me in jail? what’s the goal of your contempt?

    300 is a long way from 540?

  • Feb 8
    1 reply
    k dog 99

    300 is a long way from 540?

    it’s really not, i gained 100 in a year and i lf id gone 3 years without treatment id be right there

  • and this guy didn’t have health insurance so it’s safe to assume he’s probably not going to therapy

  • Feb 8
    2 replies
    Mark Moschino

    it’s really not, i gained 100 in a year and i lf id gone 3 years without treatment id be right there

    And there is still personal responsibility to be held

    There is no contempt, but to act like the responsibility is not on the person themselves is a cop out

  • life section is so disappointing because it always boils down to posters being dumbfounded that other people exist and the context of their existence is more complicated than “they’re bad”

  • k dog 99

    And there is still personal responsibility to be held

    There is no contempt, but to act like the responsibility is not on the person themselves is a cop out

    lmao forsure dude, i’m glad you or no one you know have ever gone through anything and your life is perfect

  • Feb 8
    1 reply
    k dog 99

    And there is still personal responsibility to be held

    There is no contempt, but to act like the responsibility is not on the person themselves is a cop out

    is it a cop out for someone to lose parts of their lives to diseases that have only really began to be understood ?

    the fact that you edited your post to include that second paragraph is proof enough that you’re probably reading these comments and thinking yikes i sound f***ing mean here

  • Feb 8
    2 replies
    Mark Moschino

    is it a cop out for someone to lose parts of their lives to diseases that have only really began to be understood ?

    the fact that you edited your post to include that second paragraph is proof enough that you’re probably reading these comments and thinking yikes i sound f***ing mean here

    Not really lol

    I was deeply addicted to d**** before, and that was my personal responsibility for the f*** ups and deep depression it caused.

  • Feb 8
    1 reply

    the funniest part of this is i’ve literally seen both sides of this argument, taken the “personal responsibility” they’re talking about and i still sympathize with a dude that ways a quarter ton way more than some weirdo a****** who rifled through some guys personal medical history and then decided to post it on a forum making fun of them for the validation of 20 year olds

  • Feb 8
    1 reply
    k dog 99

    Not really lol

    I was deeply addicted to d**** before, and that was my personal responsibility for the f*** ups and deep depression it caused.

    so when you see someone else in addiction you think what? that guys a p**** he hasn’t sought treatment yet? what’s your point dude?

  • k dog 99

    Not really lol

    I was deeply addicted to d**** before, and that was my personal responsibility for the f*** ups and deep depression it caused.

    …have you never heard the concept of hitting bottom?

  • Feb 8
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    having a complete disregard for the majority of factors at play in these situations is not only pathetic but displays an astounding lack of empathy on your part

    He never said he disregarded those other factors though. It's just with these kind of issues, rarely does personal responsibility ever come up, which is a legit thing people need to also accept.

  • Feb 8
    Mark Moschino

    so when you see someone else in addiction you think what? that guys a p**** he hasn’t sought treatment yet? what’s your point dude?

    Just ignore peeps here

    They love to tell you how you should live your life

  • Probably too broke from eating food + not being able to work

    Sad thing is dude could really use the coverage. He’s pretty much an addict same as any other

  • Feb 8
    3 replies
    Mark Moschino

    having a complete disregard for the majority of factors at play in these situations is not only pathetic but displays an astounding lack of empathy on your part

    You know nothing about me. Don’t assume I lack empathy because I expect the bare minimum of personal accountability. You assume people have no control, no agency, no ability to stand up for themselves. And that for me is profoundly sad. Why make an effort if it’s not your fault you’re 540 lbs, it’s the systems fault. Why do anything at all if it’s all out of your control
    I’m not oblivious to the fact that addiction is a complicated beast and can’t be solved simply by getting up and working harder. But to attribute your problems entirely to the system without considering your own agency will do nothing but make things worse

  • fun

    isnt that the average weight of an American?

    us Europeans cant relate

  • Uncle Jack

    You know what’s sadder? Living in a country where the majority of natives are fat as f*** and can’t even reach retirement age cause the colonisers brought them McDonalds and KFC

  • Mark Moschino

    the funniest part of this is i’ve literally seen both sides of this argument, taken the “personal responsibility” they’re talking about and i still sympathize with a dude that ways a quarter ton way more than some weirdo a****** who rifled through some guys personal medical history and then decided to post it on a forum making fun of them for the validation of 20 year olds