  • mishima 😈
    Feb 8
    1 reply

    Feels good to be a lean machine.

  • Yo momma so fat, she can't even leave the hospital early when she gets a hairline fracture because her weight might shatter the bone.


    You know nothing about me. Don’t assume I lack empathy because I expect the bare minimum of personal accountability. You assume people have no control, no agency, no ability to stand up for themselves. And that for me is profoundly sad. Why make an effort if it’s not your fault you’re 540 lbs, it’s the systems fault. Why do anything at all if it’s all out of your control
    I’m not oblivious to the fact that addiction is a complicated beast and can’t be solved simply by getting up and working harder. But to attribute your problems entirely to the system without considering your own agency will do nothing but make things worse

    I don't know why you're talking about the system like it's some mysterious s*** Being poor in America is the most backwards s*** ever. You realize that these food corporations lobby and take advantage of countries with rapidly growing gdp's? They switch out all the healthy food options or price them out; in groceries stores and local restaurants, for awful alternatives and then people like you blame the victims. These people can't afford healthy food and can't afford therapy to better themselves and here you go making fun of them

  • fun

    OP why does it feel like you attribute fatness to individual choice (moral degeneracy/greed) rather than structural factors that have created an obesity crisis

    500+ lbs??? We would have an epidemic if this was normal.

  • Feb 8
    1 reply

    You know nothing about me. Don’t assume I lack empathy because I expect the bare minimum of personal accountability. You assume people have no control, no agency, no ability to stand up for themselves. And that for me is profoundly sad. Why make an effort if it’s not your fault you’re 540 lbs, it’s the systems fault. Why do anything at all if it’s all out of your control
    I’m not oblivious to the fact that addiction is a complicated beast and can’t be solved simply by getting up and working harder. But to attribute your problems entirely to the system without considering your own agency will do nothing but make things worse

    Have you ever gone through depression? Sure, ultimately an individual needs to prioritise their own health, but i can understand how a person might go through their life without any motivation/guidance/infrastructure to do so.

  • Fat people suck man

  • Being fat is like being a d*** addict like them nihhas don't expect to make it past 50

  • Feb 8
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    it really comes down to energy levels and what that looks like. but yeah i know a lot of people who don’t eat at all when they’re in low periods. basically prolonged clinical depression just saps you of your energy to do anything (even s) so whatever’s not baseline survival for you that’s what you cut out. growing up both my parents worked and they were too exhausted to cook so i never really learned how to eat properly until i lived by myself. but when depression hit cooking started seeming like this daunting task so id eat out more and more and then would need to eat meals that were cheaper so that left fast food. its a really vicious cycle

    Yeah that's a hard cycle to break. Are you in a better place now mentally

  • k dog 99



  • mishima

    Feels good to be a lean machine.

  • Paying for health insurance = less food from DoorDash = Actually having to get up for food = Weight loss. What’s the point of eating if you just gone burn the calories off.

  • Feb 8

    Having such a complete disregard for personal responsibility is pathetic man

    you assume being fat is about "personal responsibility"

    poor people and people of colour have way higher rates of obesity than wealthier, white people. white people just have more personal responsibility, right

  • Feb 8
    Tobacco al Houthi

    Dog it’s 540 lbs

    I agree with that perspective for general normal overweight/fat people but 540 lbs is a you problem

    not strictly talking about person in op, just generally what ive seen from you

    even in extreme cases, i wouldnt assume that someone whos 540 pounds has bad moral character - i know nothing about them or what confounding health conditions they might have

  • fun

    isnt that the average weight of an American?

    us Europeans cant relate

    Brits are not too far behind


    Yeah that's a hard cycle to break. Are you in a better place now mentally

    yeah honestly my life rocks!

  • Feb 8
    1 reply

    He never said he disregarded those other factors though. It's just with these kind of issues, rarely does personal responsibility ever come up, which is a legit thing people need to also accept.

    is that even true? the vast majority of comments on here all skew towards he's fat and his life should end because he didn't appreciate not being fat and now he's no use to anyone and if he died people would laugh instead of mourn

  • maybe i'm old but this is a very tryhard thread


    You know nothing about me. Don’t assume I lack empathy because I expect the bare minimum of personal accountability. You assume people have no control, no agency, no ability to stand up for themselves. And that for me is profoundly sad. Why make an effort if it’s not your fault you’re 540 lbs, it’s the systems fault. Why do anything at all if it’s all out of your control
    I’m not oblivious to the fact that addiction is a complicated beast and can’t be solved simply by getting up and working harder. But to attribute your problems entirely to the system without considering your own agency will do nothing but make things worse

    youre clearly a little oblivious dude, you just did all the things you accused me of doing

  • Feb 8
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    is that even true? the vast majority of comments on here all skew towards he's fat and his life should end because he didn't appreciate not being fat and now he's no use to anyone and if he died people would laugh instead of mourn

    Where did anyone say anything remotely close to this lmao

    Yall projecting like a mfr

  • Tobacco al Houthi

    Where did anyone say anything remotely close to this lmao

    Yall projecting like a mfr

    try hard thread bro

  • nocomment

    Have you ever gone through depression? Sure, ultimately an individual needs to prioritise their own health, but i can understand how a person might go through their life without any motivation/guidance/infrastructure to do so.

    I have experienced depression. I’m not blaming someone for an inability to change, I’m well aware of how difficult it is. What helped for me (which is honestly why I’m defending this position) was to recognize I was capable of changing rather than blaming the world for my issues. The world will never give a s***. You have to look internally. A lot of people don’t. A lot of people disregard all personal responsibility and will never change. I’m not saying realizing this is all it takes to change. I’m not saying I don’t empathize with the struggle to change. I don’t blame people for struggling with it it’s near impossible. I’m just saying it’s a more productive, less helpless way to live

    I’m responding to the idea that no person over 500 lbs has any personal responsibility for their weight

  • Because that fat f*** knows he's high risk af so his premiums would've been crazy. I put the blame on the US healthcare system though. Even if you do have insurance often times its not enough so for most people you either pay an expensive premium a month or you save that money and just hope you never end up in the hospital