I’ve been on a bend for about less than a month, taking about 10 shots a day at most, my tolerance is really low, so I feel I have a couple long longevity in this
AiNT no gimmick b**** this how I live
I took a look at your thread history and I fully believe that.
In seriousness though you'll see them as soon as you stop drinking. I'm all for having fun with d**** and stuff but a month bender is too long especially with alcohol. You're just decreasing your lifespan at that point
Start drinking beer, it’s more volume so you’ll be full faster
Beer everyday is too much calories
How long until you run out of ideas and the ban catches up to you
In seriousness though you'll see them as soon as you stop drinking. I'm all for having fun with d**** and stuff but a month bender is too long especially with alcohol. You're just decreasing your lifespan at that point
I think after I’m done with this 1.75 liter of rum I’ll stop and try something else
I’m not down with dying just yet
Tell me how I’m trolling
according to the National Institutes of Health. One serving of rum (1.5 fl. oz.) has 97 calories, as do gin, vodka, whiskey, and tequila. However, one serving of beer (12 fl.oz) has 153 calories, and one serving of red wine (5 fl. oz.) has 125 calories. A 1.5 fl. oz. serving of sweetened liqueur has a whopping 165 calories, as does sweetened wine. So you can see why plain rum is a better choice than most other alcoholic beverages, diet-wise — that is, when you compare calories per serving.