one technically, been driving for 5 years
This. Just me involved too
Snow/black ice tried to kill me. Probably wouldn't be here if I left 5-10seconds earlier... Snow plow was in the other lane where I crashed but I already passed it.
None so far.
This. Just me involved too
Snow/black ice tried to kill me. Probably wouldn't be here if I left 5-10seconds earlier... Snow plow was in the other lane where I crashed but I already passed it.
Glad you're still alive fam, quite scary to think about
Learned how to drive in my home state and got a license in like 2015 or 2016 but didnt really start driving till 2017 in another state
3. I've been driving since 2008.
2 major ones that totaled my car, both situations the other car either ran a stop sign or stoplight and caused it. One driver was high as s*** coming back from a party, the other was really old. I'm lucky to still be alive from that second one, my car got spun into another one in the middle of an intersection.
The one with the girl and her friend coming back from a high school party, I'm still amazed that no one in their car died. It was a 50 MPH zone on a highway at night and I only saw them at the last second. I still remember the father yelling at me like I killed someone. F***ing terrifying s***.
There was another accident in between those two, someone merged into my lane from the left and took the front bumper off my car. It wasn't really my fault but I was an idiot and didn't call a third party to check it out, so it ended up being ruled a 50/50 and neither insurance paid. Learn from that mistake.
To this day, I still have flashbacks and s*** when I'm driving, especially going through intersections. Writing this post was really triggering but it is what it is. I don't drive much anymore these days. Prior to the pandemic, I was taking public transport when I could.
A car hit me when I was riding my bicycle so I guess that
I also crashed a motorcycle, alone tho. Just being too speedy.
a bunch in my childhood. since i've been an adult,one where my tire blew on the interstate but my car was the only one damaged. then some dude backed into me at walmart the other day but damaged his car and not mine so i let him go lol
None thankfully. Had a little miracle hitting a deer going 70 at night and it only took off my driver side mirror tho