  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Maybe like 4 in total as far as standard accidents.

    Outside of that I've been hit by a car at the age of 12.

    Nigga tf happened when you were 12? Was it bad

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Nigga tf happened when you were 12? Was it bad

    It sounds bad but it could've been a lot worse.

    An Impala was speeding through our neighborhood when me and friend were on the sidewalk and the car ended up riding into the curb and struck me.

    If I didn't jump up to the hood's level and brace myself then I would have for sure been steamrolled lol.

    Was launched back but out of the car's path thankfully and I only had minor scratches on my arm and leg.

  • Aug 23, 2020

    3, with only one being bad

  • Aug 23, 2020

    It sounds bad but it could've been a lot worse.

    An Impala was speeding through our neighborhood when me and friend were on the sidewalk and the car ended up riding into the curb and struck me.

    If I didn't jump up to the hood's level and brace myself then I would have for sure been steamrolled lol.

    Was launched back but out of the car's path thankfully and I only had minor scratches on my arm and leg.

    thats f***ing wild. Ik it was yeras ago but glad you ok s***

  • Aug 23, 2020


    Was in the McDonalds drive thru and forgot to put car in park.

    Slightly bumped the car ahead of me but it left a mark.

  • Aug 23, 2020

    Imagine not taking a horse & carriage everywhere

  • PIMP 💿
    Aug 23, 2020

    1960's up in this thread

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply
    Rihanna Stan

    Hit & Run just last month smh

    was it you that ran tho

  • Aug 23, 2020

    Nearly got killed as a kid from a car, but as a driver I’ve only gotten into minor bumps

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply

    4 but 3 that actually f*** my s*** up s*** is no joke life really be flashing for a moment

  • Aug 23, 2020

    3. I've been driving since 2008.

    2 major ones that totaled my car, both situations the other car either ran a stop sign or stoplight and caused it. One driver was high as s*** coming back from a party, the other was really old. I'm lucky to still be alive from that second one, my car got spun into another one in the middle of an intersection.

    The one with the girl and her friend coming back from a high school party, I'm still amazed that no one in their car died. It was a 50 MPH zone on a highway at night and I only saw them at the last second. I still remember the father yelling at me like I killed someone. F***ing terrifying s***.

    There was another accident in between those two, someone merged into my lane from the left and took the front bumper off my car. It wasn't really my fault but I was an idiot and didn't call a third party to check it out, so it ended up being ruled a 50/50 and neither insurance paid. Learn from that mistake.

    To this day, I still have flashbacks and s*** when I'm driving, especially going through intersections. Writing this post was really triggering but it is what it is. I don't drive much anymore these days. Prior to the pandemic, I was taking public transport when I could.

    mannn i know that driving ptsd is crazy for you.

    glad u safe

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply

    thread history perplexing

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply

    one, got t boned by a MACK truck in the drivers ed car

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply

    4 but 3 that actually f*** my s*** up s*** is no joke life really be flashing for a moment

    do you get ptsd sometimes when driving

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply

    one, got t boned by a MACK truck in the drivers ed car

    f*** this gotta be the worst experience ever

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply

    f*** this gotta be the worst experience ever

    it was the teachers PERSONAL CAR too

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 23, 2020
    2 replies

    0 and 6 years

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 23, 2020

    0 and 6 years

    I’ve never even been in an accident with my parents driving or my friends

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply

    it was the teachers PERSONAL CAR too

    did they make u pay for the damages ? this must’ve discouraged you a bit from learning to drive huh

  • Aug 23, 2020

    I been in two but I dont drive lmao

  • Aug 23, 2020

    only one serious one, I was lile 14 in the backseat and I had no seat belt on either. We were coming up on traffic and were basically at a complete stop and tbis dude was on his phonr and smashed into the back of us going like 50-60 mph. Whole back of the car was crumpled up idk how i aint dead i wasn't even injured, just a few scratches from glass

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply

    was it you that ran tho

    Hell no lol. Dude ran off, and I chased his ass for 5 minutes, got his tag and everything. But his plates didn't show anything

  • Aug 23, 2020
    1 reply
    Rihanna Stan

    Hell no lol. Dude ran off, and I chased his ass for 5 minutes, got his tag and everything. But his plates didn't show anything

    my bad. didn’t realize you made that initial post
    hope the damage wasn’t too bad

  • Aug 23, 2020

    my bad. didn’t realize you made that initial post
    hope the damage wasn’t too bad

    not bad at all just a few scratches on the back bumper

  • Aug 23, 2020

    Too many for you judgy mfs apparently 🤐