Konnichiwa, Kenig-san (^_^)
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I’ve actually been studying this a bit. French is a Romance language but English is a Germanic language similar to German and Dutch. Anglo Saxons from the coast of Germany and the Netherlands came to England, I can’t remember why but that’s where our weird German side comes from.
But French was introduced into English by the Normans from the Normandy coast of France when they invaded and took control.
French became the language of the courts and high society eventually until words became integrated into our own language. Sooner or later, that kingdom fell and things reverted back to being English but of course those words are still with us today. Allot of words like democracy, culture, tax, prison, mayor, music, war, faith, attorney etc etc all come from French
fascinating. thanks for the info dawg
that's why father/mother/son/daughter come from german and uncle/nephew/aunt/cousin come from latin because only high society cared about extended family
but also there were two french dialects fighting in england the norman one and the one used by latter kings of french origins so this is why a lot of words have the same french origin but with slight differences and different meanings, like guarantee and warranty
so is there two separate french words for guarantee and warranty or is it garantie for both and there used to be two separate french words?
I think we watched the same YouTube video
But also I think you are French right? so maybe this is just common knowledge for you
i think he might be from France
I think we watched the same YouTube video
But also I think you are French right? so maybe this is just common knowledge for you
yea i watched that one lmfao and i knew like half of what he was talking about probably but it's not common knowledge most people are pretty surprised and have an inferiority complex regarding english and the uk
so is there two separate french words for guarantee and warranty or is it garantie for both and there used to be two separate french words?
same word used for both meanings
same word used for both meanings
so there used to be some b******ized word
so there used to be some b******ized word
First wave of french speakers in england would use the word garantie
Second wave would use the word warranty, since those people turned all the Gs into Ws
And the brits ended up using them for different contexts
Ain’t nothing topping throwing out an exaggerated ass “NANI?!”.
You gotta give it a subtle undercurrent of vibrato when you state it.
France has a regional history of comics and cartoons.
You know what we call them?
French comics and French cartoons.
You know what we don't call them?
Bandes dessinées and dessin animé.
You know why?
Because we aren't French!
You know who calls them that?
People speaking in French!
I read it twice and have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say