I don't think it's "moral degeneracy" because people have been blaming that ever since man learned how to invent their own cultures and to be "ethnocentric" in that they believe their traditions to be superior to everyone elses
things like addiction to video games/pornography/drugs/alcohol and consumption are largely a byproduct of societal alienation and not the cause
religious asceticism (even in its secular forms such as deemed by "the nation", in its socialist/capitalist connotations) is largely just invented out of the cloth of material conditions and a need to escape the pains of material reality into idealist transcendence (usually through death for a cause)
to see the flip on psychedelics in real time is so wild to me tbh
I know forreall
Legit in the span of 10 years it went from people constantly talking about absurd anecdotes, like how someone takes LSD and then they think theyre a teacup for the rest of their life to now people fully understanding the importance of them and seeing how they benefit so many. It gives me hope for the future
You have to dismantle the current structure of society. A lot of y'all are just giving suggestions or advice on how to cope with the trauma that society produces.
you're probably right tbh, but how do you restructure society in a sane yet quick way?
I don't think there's any way to really counter the mental health crisis at this point. There's a reason the mental health crisis is much more prevalent in 1st world countries vs 3rd world countries. We're in our heads now more then ever before
This is a health problem but the politics and money to be made holds back in advancements.
I know forreall
Legit in the span of 10 years it went from people constantly talking about absurd anecdotes, like how someone takes LSD and then they think theyre a teacup for the rest of their life to now people fully understanding the importance of them and seeing how they benefit so many. It gives me hope for the future
Yeah but it's also a very strong dissociative d*** and there's no shortage of people who have bad trips which can sometimes ruin their lives. You're really taking a gamble with psychedelics and those risks should be made known
yeah psychedelics aren't a panacea
s*** can absolutely ravage you if you don't understand yourself well enough
yeah psychedelics aren't a panacea
s*** can absolutely ravage you if you don't understand yourself well enough
it can also be straight up disastrous if you have a family history of more severe mental illness like schizophrenia
Stop the psyops and get ppl off the internet
you're probably right tbh, but how do you restructure society in a sane yet quick way?
Sane and quick? Impossible. Me personally.. I'd focus on early childhood development and remove all barriers that prevent kids from developing meaningful attachments (with caregivers first). From something as simple as guaranteed maternal and paternity leave to free child care because a stressed parent is a bad parent.
been waiting for a study like this to show how suicide among young girls is on the rise it's so sad, but an 48% increase in female suicide is just insane
Nuke social media and every type of algorithm that exploits people’s brains
why are there so many people in this thread saying this is a link to social media?
A revival of traditional and religious values. People are living like life is meaningless, the rise of mental health issues makes sense
why are there so many people in this thread saying this is a link to social media?
social media algorithms exploit our brains bro, streaming services and p*** too
too much stimulus isnt good at all, people need more and more and when they can’t get that high they get depressed
there’s too much going on nowadays
social media
streaming services
fast food
all these are fabricated with the intention to get people hooked, all these are an easy escape from reality but soon or later you get bored from them, that’s when you feel like you are missing something and you get depressed
less is more people, knowing how to regulate things is very important
why are there so many people in this thread saying this is a link to social media?
probably because instant validation at your fingertips for doing nothing (or being exploited - 14, 15, 16 year old girls dancing on tiktok have way too many suspect comments) is probably going to f*** your mind up
unironically follow jordan peterson's advice of making your bed and getting sleep and exercise abd having a strong social circle
toss everything else though
there’s too much going on nowadays
social media
streaming services
fast food
all these are fabricated with the intention to get people hooked, all these are an easy escape from reality but soon or later you get bored from them, that’s when you feel like you are missing something and you get depressed
less is more people, knowing how to regulate things is very important
what about undergoing a pandemic while your still developing?
yeah psychedelics aren't a panacea
s*** can absolutely ravage you if you don't understand yourself well enough
They tried it already in the 60’s. D**** are not the answer
Did anybody read this book? @plants
someone I know recommended it to me but I’m not sure about it
hmm nah i haven't read that, must have been someone else
hmm nah i haven't read that, must have been someone else
yeah it wasnt you, I was asking if you read it lol
yeah it wasnt you, I was asking if you read it lol
ohhhh haha i gotchu
might have to add it to the list too seems like a good one
if you take the hate into yourself and you pass it to the next guy; it has doubled, and as he passes it to the next person it spreads all around the world.
if you take the hate into you, resolve it, refine it, take out of it something good and leave away the dross, then you will not pass the hate onto another person. it exits the world. the energy dissipates, there is no more oxygen to the fire to keep it roaring and going up.
this is the alchemical great work of transmuting the dross, or the gross matter of the soul, into the finest gold. the world can only be truly changed by one human being at a time making the sovereign choice to change something bad into something good.
it is much easier to influence masses, or anyone, by your own example of change than it is to force them in anyway or to convince them with beautiful words.