Why not talk it out to see where you guys stand so you know for sure? One call or meetup just to see where things truly are. + You won't be the only one attending who doesn't like the groom or the bride.
This is completely pointless to do. OP knows exactly where they stand based off of the actions. People just like staying in denial.
Doesn’t sound like either option will affect your life that much. If you go, that’s a good time to talk with him and put differences aside. If you don’t, probably shutting the door on that friendship at least for a long time but it sounds like you’re cool w that. I probably wouldn’t ghost a close friend for being kinda snarky and defensive in a groupchat, plus I’m assuming you’ve got a lot of mutual friends there so it would still be fun, but that’s just me
I've said countless times that I'm not even upset.
I was just getting other people's opinion of the situation. I don't need to be a groomsmen or even go to the wedding.
I was just checking to see if EYE was tripping, or if I'm in the right to feel the way I feel about this situation
It’s a joke brodie
Praying you get your homie back and find peace
This is completely pointless to do. OP knows exactly where they stand based off of the actions. People just like staying in denial.
Toxic masculinity in a nutshell.
Toxic masculinity in a nutshell.
Absolutely not. Everything isn't ego based. Do you though
Toxic masculinity in a nutshell.
His friend actually sounds like toxic masculinity in a nutshell
I’m invited
I just don’t know if I’m still a groomsmen or I’m just invited to be in attendance
How bout you ask the people that can actually answer thay question instead of internet strangers who dont even know tou yourself let alone whoever at this wedding
And no one knows how deep or whos right or wrong here we dont know you
Outside of venting - this isnt accomplishing anytbing in either direction
Make your decision. Its your life & those you actually know that it'll effect - not us
what do you mean removed?
you didn’t even return his calls
I would skip this s*** bruh
Y’all didn’t reconcile after the beef so it’s still beef
You both didn't handle it well. Your friend was joking but if that's too far you then it's too far. I would cut him off after the threat of him cutting me off tho unless he calls me and straightens it out beforehand
You sound like you’re set in not going why even make this thread lol
He needed ktt2 validation
Man it’s a friend not a family member. F*** him
Some relatives don’t even attend their own cousins weddings
he still got the e-vite from before they stopped being friends & the itinerary is still there
he finna call his boy when he's at the airport
' oh we boarding, actually let me call this dude
pick up man, damn
babe, why this nigga DaeHan calling? i thought you took him off the attendee list?
damn i forgot to do it baby
you gon let him come and stink up our wedding with his non christian ass
heaven nah, i'll take care of this lil nigga right now
ayo DaeHan why you calling now, we ain't spoke in months? it's the eve of my wedding, i tried to make amends? you ain't even text me
yeah i made a KTT2 thread about it and they said i was soft like charmin so i decided to come and apologise
i just boarded the plane now fam, we gucci
got a free business class upgrade too
well i just logged onto the guest list and took your heathen ass off the list
word? i'm already on the plane fam, c'mon man please
should've thought about that before you didn't reply to my texts and calls for months, no mini quiche & virgin daiquiris for you f**k nigga
you censoring it at the end
Basically he tried to son me by downplaying/disrespecting my relationship of 2 years
He mentioned that he was going to be in town, and I said that him and his fiancé should double date with me and my girl (of 2 years)
He Lol'd at that and said that she probably doesn't exist and that its probably my cousin who I just chill with - Disrespectful
I told him that it was disrespectful what he was saying, and that he's talking big now that he's engaged
He then said that he was just joking. I told him that we're too old to keep using "I was just joking" as an excuse when you say disrespectful s***. He's always made comments in the past, and I've let it slide.
He then said that my track record is shady when it comes to women and that I'm not the model to follow until proven otherwise, and not to come at him like I'm some saint. He says that because I'm serious about this girl now, how is he supposed to take it seriously after 10000s of times with other girls who are never mentioned agin
I had to ask him, "If you see me trying to move in the right direction, why not acknowledge that instead of trying to harp on how I was in the past?"
My other homie in the chat chimed in and asked what happened and was met with - "He's being really sensitive over his track record...I've said these same things over the past 10 years and NOW he wants to get sensitive...he's got a girl who he's 'supposedly' been faithful to over the past 2 years but it doesn't add up because he still sends me pictures of other girls...he's gotten tender..."
I reiterated how I felt what he said was disrespectful and he told me that he didn't have time to keep talking because he had to get back to Bible study. I told him, "You need to go back to Bible study because you need Jesus"
His response was, "And don't ever ever ever ever speak to my faith life because I've done more than you have in a lifetime in just one year. I'll cut you off bro"
After that I was done
yeah he sounds like a d***head, f*** him
I was about to say you might regret it by not going but this shows how he really sees you
Basically he tried to son me by downplaying/disrespecting my relationship of 2 years
He mentioned that he was going to be in town, and I said that him and his fiancé should double date with me and my girl (of 2 years)
He Lol'd at that and said that she probably doesn't exist and that its probably my cousin who I just chill with - Disrespectful
I told him that it was disrespectful what he was saying, and that he's talking big now that he's engaged
He then said that he was just joking. I told him that we're too old to keep using "I was just joking" as an excuse when you say disrespectful s***. He's always made comments in the past, and I've let it slide.
He then said that my track record is shady when it comes to women and that I'm not the model to follow until proven otherwise, and not to come at him like I'm some saint. He says that because I'm serious about this girl now, how is he supposed to take it seriously after 10000s of times with other girls who are never mentioned agin
I had to ask him, "If you see me trying to move in the right direction, why not acknowledge that instead of trying to harp on how I was in the past?"
My other homie in the chat chimed in and asked what happened and was met with - "He's being really sensitive over his track record...I've said these same things over the past 10 years and NOW he wants to get sensitive...he's got a girl who he's 'supposedly' been faithful to over the past 2 years but it doesn't add up because he still sends me pictures of other girls...he's gotten tender..."
I reiterated how I felt what he said was disrespectful and he told me that he didn't have time to keep talking because he had to get back to Bible study. I told him, "You need to go back to Bible study because you need Jesus"
His response was, "And don't ever ever ever ever speak to my faith life because I've done more than you have in a lifetime in just one year. I'll cut you off bro"
After that I was done
'yall fellas deal with emotions like b****es'
He didnt call any bluff.
Insinuating that your supposed best friend's girlfriend isn't real during a casual conversation between two boys making plans is basic jokes. It's the same as saying "what's his name?" to a straight guy friend when they say they met someone amazing. People who function in a regular way would have a funny comeback of their own prepared for them, or say something like "lol well lets make double date plans and you'll find out if she's real or not".
OP responded by saying that was disrespectful and his former-friend rightfully said "it was just a joke".
Then OP doubled down and turned into a 2017 Twitter reply-guy saying bullshit like "if you're an adult you can't keep hiding behind the excuse of everything being a joke". This is overdramatic and irrational clown s***. The type of stuff ou typically see in either terminally online headcanon addicts, or college dudes in ther 2nd round of steriods who misinterpret someone saying "have a nice day" as an attack on their existence.
So obviously, after the former best friend realized that OP was acting like he just got discharged from having a lobotomy and wasn't willing to brush off a simple joke or clapback with his own, the old BFF probably thought "fuck it, i'll just keep going and give him an actual reason to feel that way".
And now OP is on KTT2.com asking a bunch of strangers to advise him on going to this old friend's wedding — mind you, an old friend that OP admits has reached out to him since their dumb argument, which OP didn't reciprocate because "he not interested in smoothing things over." But also makes sure to tell Life Section that he's "not upset".
Threw away a best friend over something stupid, and then gave him the cold shoulder when he tried to make amends. Now suddenly OP realizes the wedding is coming up and also he's no longer a groomsman, and is having a social dilemma on whether or not to attend. Let me remind you this is the same person who said "i'm not interested in smoothing things over" in the very same post -- so why is he even debating about traveling across the country to attend a dude's wedding that he supposedly doesn't care to interact with at all.
Yeah, clearly not upset. And definitely isn't screaming in his mind all day thinking about how he's not a groomsman anymore and all the fun that the wedding party is going to have that OP won't be involved in because he crumbled like a sugar cookie cause he was the punchline of a cheeky joke.
u need some help bro, wtf is this bullshit armchair psychology u spewing
u need some help bro, wtf is this bullshit armchair psychology u spewing
Someone went back to 2011 and learned a new phrase 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
What did you have?
Basically just went on vacation with few people, none of my family came, got married a couple days in
he still got the e-vite from before they stopped being friends & the itinerary is still there
he finna call his boy when he's at the airport
' oh we boarding, actually let me call this dude
pick up man, damn
babe, why this nigga DaeHan calling? i thought you took him off the attendee list?
damn i forgot to do it baby
you gon let him come and stink up our wedding with his non christian ass
heaven nah, i'll take care of this lil nigga right now
ayo DaeHan why you calling now, we ain't spoke in months? it's the eve of my wedding, i tried to make amends? you ain't even text me
yeah i made a KTT2 thread about it and they said i was soft like charmin so i decided to come and apologise
i just boarded the plane now fam, we gucci
got a free business class upgrade too
well i just logged onto the guest list and took your heathen ass off the list
word? i'm already on the plane fam, c'mon man please
should've thought about that before you didn't reply to my texts and calls for months, no mini quiche & virgin daiquiris for you f**k nigga
I cried real tears
Honestly op this kinda happened to me but I took the route of cutting him off
So I miss the friendship yes, do I wish I was the bigger person yes, do I regret it no
If I could rewind the hands of time I would’ve squashed it and kept it moving but my ego and pride made me believe other wise
You should text him
And also do expect him to be nice either, just power through it and be there