  • Jul 1, 2022

    I have a good job. great people, and environment. however, recently got an offer from a company i was interviewing with that i wasn’t taking too seriously but after looking at the perks and pay bump… it woulde be unwise to not take it. i also wouldn’t have to work hybrid anymore as they have an HQ about 20 min out from me, but it’s completely optional.
    thing is, I’m currently in a new grad role and everyone i work with had been here for like 5-25 years. no one really leaves this soon. also, another a***yst on my team left this month so it’s been rough on my tm. how do i approach this without burning bridges

  • plants 🌻
    Jul 1, 2022

  • Jul 1, 2022
    2 replies

    Put in your 2 weeks, explain it's because cost of living is nuts right now and that you can't afford not to take it, spend the next 2 weeks doing as much as possible to set the next person up for success, and it shouldn't be a problem if they have high turnover right now it's potentially expected and on them to retain talent

  • Jul 1, 2022
    2 replies
    lucky star

    I have a good job. great people, and environment. however, recently got an offer from a company i was interviewing with that i wasn’t taking too seriously but after looking at the perks and pay bump… it woulde be unwise to not take it. i also wouldn’t have to work hybrid anymore as they have an HQ about 20 min out from me, but it’s completely optional.
    thing is, I’m currently in a new grad role and everyone i work with had been here for like 5-25 years. no one really leaves this soon. also, another a***yst on my team left this month so it’s been rough on my tm. how do i approach this without burning bridges

    "Hey I got a new job offer that is paying me more and gives me more benefits, my last day will be 7/15, thanks for the time"

  • If they real, they’ll understand

    if they fake f*** ‘em

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Jul 1, 2022
    lucky star

    I have a good job. great people, and environment. however, recently got an offer from a company i was interviewing with that i wasn’t taking too seriously but after looking at the perks and pay bump… it woulde be unwise to not take it. i also wouldn’t have to work hybrid anymore as they have an HQ about 20 min out from me, but it’s completely optional.
    thing is, I’m currently in a new grad role and everyone i work with had been here for like 5-25 years. no one really leaves this soon. also, another a***yst on my team left this month so it’s been rough on my tm. how do i approach this without burning bridges

    Give them a 2 weeks notice. Or 1 month notice so they have enough time to hire someone else.

  • Tubig 🌊
    Jul 1, 2022

    Can’t be rude to your employer!

  • Tubig 🌊
    Jul 1, 2022

    "Hey I got a new job offer that is paying me more and gives me more benefits, my last day will be 7/15, thanks for the time"

  • Bridges will be burned regardless if you take it this soon in your job. It just depends if you think the network here will be worth it to keep your current position. If not, then take the bigger pay and start investing during a bear market!

  • Jul 1, 2022
    3 replies
    babylon sherm

    Put in your 2 weeks, explain it's because cost of living is nuts right now and that you can't afford not to take it, spend the next 2 weeks doing as much as possible to set the next person up for success, and it shouldn't be a problem if they have high turnover right now it's potentially expected and on them to retain talent

    new position would be starting in like 2 weeks and my TM is on PTO from today until July 12

    I was literally thinking of being like “oh I’m actually starting grad school and got in last minute AND it’s across the country”

    also, there is no next person in this situation
    i was the next person after the last person left

  • Jul 1, 2022
    1 reply

    Gotta choose you in this instance b

    They’ll find another new grad, get your money young man

  • Jul 1, 2022
    1 reply

    Gotta choose you in this instance b

    They’ll find another new grad, get your money young man

    no yeah, the pay too good to pass up

  • Jul 1, 2022

    Lol what man who cares ur not doing anything wrong

  • lucky star

    new position would be starting in like 2 weeks and my TM is on PTO from today until July 12

    I was literally thinking of being like “oh I’m actually starting grad school and got in last minute AND it’s across the country”

    also, there is no next person in this situation
    i was the next person after the last person left

    If you don't want to burn bridges, don't lie.

    If they are pressed because you give them notice and do what's best for yourself over the company, the bridge wasn't worth keeping up.

  • Jul 1, 2022
    1 reply

    Give them the opportunity to match the offer. They can’t be mad if they say no

  • Jul 1, 2022

    show appreciation and say this is an opportunity that you would have to pursue for your own professional career. Then offer a smooth transition (in whatever way you're comfortable with) within the 2 weeks you have left.

    Dont let your current company culture guilt trip you into long term employment (unless that's the priority you have, but in this case it isnt)

  • Jul 1, 2022

  • Jul 1, 2022

    Nigga if you don’t leave dem crackers

  • Jul 1, 2022
    lucky star

    new position would be starting in like 2 weeks and my TM is on PTO from today until July 12

    I was literally thinking of being like “oh I’m actually starting grad school and got in last minute AND it’s across the country”

    also, there is no next person in this situation
    i was the next person after the last person left

    Less work for you on the way out then bad time for your boss to be out on PTO too, can't be helped. You haven't been there too long so I doubt you'll hurt too many feelings tbh

  • Jul 1, 2022

    Give them the opportunity to match the offer. They can’t be mad if they say no

    This too

  • Jul 1, 2022
    lucky star

    new position would be starting in like 2 weeks and my TM is on PTO from today until July 12

    I was literally thinking of being like “oh I’m actually starting grad school and got in last minute AND it’s across the country”

    also, there is no next person in this situation
    i was the next person after the last person left

    Why would you lie

    Thats an obvious ass lie to figure out isnt true

    How does that make more sense than telling the truth

  • Jul 1, 2022
    lucky star

    I have a good job. great people, and environment. however, recently got an offer from a company i was interviewing with that i wasn’t taking too seriously but after looking at the perks and pay bump… it woulde be unwise to not take it. i also wouldn’t have to work hybrid anymore as they have an HQ about 20 min out from me, but it’s completely optional.
    thing is, I’m currently in a new grad role and everyone i work with had been here for like 5-25 years. no one really leaves this soon. also, another a***yst on my team left this month so it’s been rough on my tm. how do i approach this without burning bridges

    Nobody’s looking out for nobody bro. Never buy in to the “we are a family” bullshit, the company would not give 2 f***s about sacking you if it benefited them in anyway. Leave on a good note by giving them a heads-up ahead of time so they don’t need to scramble for your replacement

  • Jul 1, 2022

    Think about yourself

  • Jul 1, 2022

    Honestly it is what it is. If the shoe was on the other foot 99% of the time the employer wouldn’t show loyalty.

    Just do what @ks99 said and keep it pushing, seriously

  • Jul 1, 2022

    Never think you're loyal to a company. People will be sad n s***, but that's part of leveling up. It's your ride, not theirs

    Also not a single rational person would judge you for taking a better job at your age.