  • Op you can do this. Make sure you’re actually studying don’t just go through the motions. Work on the things you hate studying and get those out of the way first then everything else will seem like a cakewalk

  • Jun 25, 2020
    2 replies

    Don’t cheat man

    if the opportunity is there i’m taking advantage to get the best grade possible

  • Jun 25, 2020

    You’re going to burn yourself out

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Study in intervals. 30 minutes studying then take a 5 minute break or something

    Make lots of tea

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    if the opportunity is there i’m taking advantage to get the best grade possible

    Don’t you care about your school’s honour code? Doesn’t seem right

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Don’t you care about your school’s honour code? Doesn’t seem right

    f*** no wtf. college is a scam

  • Jun 25, 2020
    2 replies

    you got this king fr

    aren’t these online exams? should be a bit easier than class room exams from experience

    yeah online exams. Math is classic but econ is some 50 quiz exams in 25 min bs

  • Jun 25, 2020

    Wtf 10 hours? Y'all must be smart smart or dangerously close to flunking.

    During finals I'd do like 4-6 hours per day max. Going to a school library/public library/cafe/etc and forcing yourself not to leave until you review every chapter or spend an absurd amount of time studying would work for me.

    I am dumb dumb

  • Jun 25, 2020
    fun guy

    Study in intervals. 30 minutes studying then take a 5 minute break or something

    Make lots of tea

    I am already drinking 8 cup of coffee a day for 6h study

  • Jun 25, 2020

    f*** no wtf. college is a scam

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    study for 45 mins take a 1 hour break

    study non stop is dumb

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Your brain is a muscle . You can’t cram studying for hours , you studying and focus for a set amount of time . Take a break and study another set amount of time , rinse and repeat ,

    You can also try out anki for studying

  • Jun 25, 2020

    if the opportunity is there i’m taking advantage to get the best grade possible

    yea that guy dumb af

    life is about cheating and getting what u want as easy as possible

    you think these millionaires didn't cheat and play the game fair?


  • Jun 25, 2020

    Your brain is a muscle . You can’t cram studying for hours , you studying and focus for a set amount of time . Take a break and study another set amount of time , rinse and repeat ,

    You can also try out anki for studying

    anki so fire. Downloaded it last week

  • Jun 25, 2020
    free world

    study for 45 mins take a 1 hour break

    study non stop is dumb

    maybe you on to something. I was doing 40 min with 5-10 min break which feels tiring

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    10 hours?

    i can barely do 2 wtf

  • Jun 25, 2020

    10 hours?

    i can barely do 2 wtf

    I was like that. Tried so hard to bump up to 6

    few of the techniques shared by this dude kinda fire

  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply


  • Jun 25, 2020
    Tribal Chief

    yeah online exams. Math is classic but econ is some 50 quiz exams in 25 min bs

    dude. my online exams were easy asf. i was stressing my ass off and studying all day basically, until some classmates reassured me that they would be easy. i took their word for it and it was deadass easy asf. they were open book exams so you could just search the answer online every time if u knew where to look lmao. this was for winter semester

  • Jun 25, 2020
    Tribal Chief

    yeah online exams. Math is classic but econ is some 50 quiz exams in 25 min bs

    but still you gotta study. it is always the better option. look at it this way. say your exam is in a week. thats a week of studying everyday as much as possible to do as best as possible on the exam. over time you will realize the time spent studying for the exam is worth it when you succeed cause it helps you progress forward. that progression is ultimately is whats gonna get u what you want, your degree and a well paying job.

  • Jun 26, 2020

    Go somewhere where you won’t get distracted. Before covid, I would go to the library.

    Till you see the baddies walking by

  • Jun 26, 2020
    1 reply

    I'd probably be super smart, but I never studied for nothin

  • Jun 26, 2020

    I dont

  • Jun 26, 2020

    I only can even get close to 10 hours the few days before the exam when I know I don't know s***. Otherwise the pressure isn't high enough. I try to start on time giving the exam and usually do 4-5 hours a day, study longer when needed.

  • Jun 26, 2020

    10 hours a day is insane, can only do that for a couple days max