  • This isn’t suicidal at all I’m not suicidal anymore. Even though I feel like my mental health is getting way better whenever I try to interact with other humans it’s painfully obvious to me that I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t understand how this comes naturally to everyone else and even when I look this up on the internet I can’t find anyone else that feels like this. Idk maybe this is just my depersonalization but I really feel like I’m not meant to be here. Like my soul was supposed to be in another thing’s body on a different planet.

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    before you do can you post in my most recent thread? lets try and keep it at the top!

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    This isn’t suicidal at all I’m not suicidal anymore. Even though I feel like my mental health is getting way better whenever I try to interact with other humans it’s painfully obvious to me that I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t understand how this comes naturally to everyone else and even when I look this up on the internet I can’t find anyone else that feels like this. Idk maybe this is just my depersonalization but I really feel like I’m not meant to be here. Like my soul was supposed to be in another thing’s body on a different planet.

    Ive felt like this b4.

    You just gotta find some 1 you vibe with.

    Your true bestfriend.

    You will kno.

    And everything will change

    On some fire nation type s***

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply
    Mmm Hmm

    Ive felt like this b4.

    You just gotta find some 1 you vibe with.

    Your true bestfriend.

    You will kno.

    And everything will change

    On some fire nation type s***

    Man you have no idea how long I’ve wanted a friend like that. I’ve literally had dreams of having a real friend. It’s so sad I can’t believe this is so hard for me.

  • Mar 8, 2020

    oh you definitely belong on earth because of this kinda thread

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    before you do can you post in my most recent thread? lets try and keep it at the top!

    Just because you said that I’m not gonna comment so that it can get lower and lower until every1 forgets about it.

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    You're not alone you can find someone who understands

  • Mar 8, 2020

    Just because you said that I’m not gonna comment so that it can get lower and lower until every1 forgets about it.

    cmon man any thred any thread but the foreskin one please af please af

  • Mar 8, 2020
    2 replies

    You're not alone you can find someone who understands

    How do I do that tho. I’m genuinely trying now and it’s still so f***ing hard. It’s so frustrating it feels so hopeless.

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply


  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply


    I’m already taking Lexapro. I can look at people in the eye now and actually somewhat carry a conversation but I’m still doing something wrong. I’m still unable to build any sort of meaningful relationship with anyone. I don’t know what to do I’m starting to lose hope.

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    How do I do that tho. I’m genuinely trying now and it’s still so f***ing hard. It’s so frustrating it feels so hopeless.

    How often do you put yourself out there? When I was depressed my freshman year of college I barely went outside and even began skipping classes. This year was completely different because I started going out and meeting people and I joined a few clubs, I honestly feel like I still don't relate to most people that well but I met my girlfriend through being more social this year and I'm so thankful because she tries to be as understanding as possible and I feel like I can be myself around her. I never really bonded that well with too many people in my life in general and I was very passive with the girls who liked me previously so I never had a girlfriend before her and I'm just so grateful and glad I met her because I really never would have met her if I didn't start socializing and going out more. I'm not sure what situation you're in but my play this year was to take advantage of college because I'll never get a chance to meet and socialize with people like this again. It ending up working out and if you happen to be in a similar situation I would consider taking the same route

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    How do I do that tho. I’m genuinely trying now and it’s still so f***ing hard. It’s so frustrating it feels so hopeless.

    Idk man ppl like us usually are alone or want to be alone so it's rly hard

    Maybe just find a group activity or therapist. Something related to ur interests. Ppl won't open up like this irl but so many ppl are f***ed up emotionally

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m already taking Lexapro. I can look at people in the eye now and actually somewhat carry a conversation but I’m still doing something wrong. I’m still unable to build any sort of meaningful relationship with anyone. I don’t know what to do I’m starting to lose hope.

    if you don't mind me asking OP... How old are you?

  • Mar 8, 2020
    4 replies

    if you don't mind me asking OP... How old are you?

    Less than 19

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Idk man ppl like us usually are alone or want to be alone so it's rly hard

    Maybe just find a group activity or therapist. Something related to ur interests. Ppl won't open up like this irl but so many ppl are f***ed up emotionally

    The thing is that I don’t want to be alone. I never wanted to be alone. I don’t like being alone.

  • Mar 8, 2020

    Me neither

  • Mar 8, 2020
    Eazy or EzP

    How often do you put yourself out there? When I was depressed my freshman year of college I barely went outside and even began skipping classes. This year was completely different because I started going out and meeting people and I joined a few clubs, I honestly feel like I still don't relate to most people that well but I met my girlfriend through being more social this year and I'm so thankful because she tries to be as understanding as possible and I feel like I can be myself around her. I never really bonded that well with too many people in my life in general and I was very passive with the girls who liked me previously so I never had a girlfriend before her and I'm just so grateful and glad I met her because I really never would have met her if I didn't start socializing and going out more. I'm not sure what situation you're in but my play this year was to take advantage of college because I'll never get a chance to meet and socialize with people like this again. It ending up working out and if you happen to be in a similar situation I would consider taking the same route

    I try to put myself out there as much as possible. It’s just that once I’m there I have no idea what to say.

  • Mar 8, 2020

    I live On another planet.

    For this Life i squander

  • I’m honestly tired of making posts like this. I would love to be happy and be social and s***. I’m tired of this self-loathing s*** it’s f***ing pathetic and I know nobody wants to hear this downer s***. Even I don’t.

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Bruh go to bed😂😂😂🤦‍♂️

  • Mar 8, 2020

    The thing is that I don’t want to be alone. I never wanted to be alone. I don’t like being alone.

    Ppl can bond over hobbies. U should talk to everyone see where it leads. Don't force convo obv. But just take advantage of opportunities. It's fun tbh

    Learning what to say is just a choice. We all decide who we want to pretend to be. It's adopting a persona. U jus gotta find ur identity or just say whatever comes to mind

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Less than 19

    It's natural OP. You're not supposed to feel normal at around 18. You're kinda realizing that everything is basically bullshit and constructs.

    The thing is everyone feels this way. Majority of people just lied to themselves so many times that they're more comfortable acting.... "playing human" then actually being it.

    Also, we're Gen Z. We were kinda bred to have an aversion to socialization and contempt for empty conversation.

    You'll be cool.

    Advice: Find a hobby and obsess over it. Something that can make you money because by 25 you'll have built a skill that'll make you bank.

  • Mar 8, 2020

    You wrote this thread and probably talk on here with some frequency just like the rest of us. Antisocial people have a hard time finding other antisocial people because those people are also antisocial

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Less than 19

    oh wow