anyway to answer OP's question
ever heard of the saying "there's no such thing as a free lunch"
there's free lunches tho wtf
Yea I’m totally lying even though this is one of my minors, you caught me.
I don’t even believe you would read any of my recommended books or articles so I won’t bother. Would recommend psych classes at your uni, but you don’t really learn s*** until labs/upper levels
Bad faith to escape responsibility I see
If it's one of your minors it would literally not hurt you to copy paste at least 3 sources
You really think no one is gonna read 3 articles (I understand the book part but articles, come on)
Furthermore, I added that
You've been up and down the thread replying in paragraphs but here's where the buck stops....
Last resort:
Can we at least get names of professionals who have dedicated 5+ decades to psychology that uphold your claim (made in the initial post)
"you're not gonna read it anyways" is a lazy cop-out... If I'm not reading it someone who'll come across this thread might will, posting an article/book title literally takes 10 seconds but I guess this "exchange" might prove your point (humans are naturally selfish) point better than any expert could.
i don't understand why you make threads when you clearly have your own fully formed opinion on the matter.
Okay dr.peterson
is dr peterson what people immediately think of when someone brings up basic evolutionary psychology these days
is dr peterson what people immediately think of when someone brings up basic evolutionary psychology these days
keep jordan's name out your f***ing mouth.
keep jordan's name out your f***ing mouth.
what the f*** are you mad about gumby
what the f*** are you mad about gumby
i don't like the jordan peterson disrespect on ktt2
i don't like the jordan peterson disrespect on ktt2
where did i disrespect him?
Bad faith to escape responsibility I see
If it's one of your minors it would literally not hurt you to copy paste at least 3 sources
You really think no one is gonna read 3 articles (I understand the book part but articles, come on)
Furthermore, I added that
You've been up and down the thread replying in paragraphs but here's where the buck stops....
Last resort:
Can we at least get names of professionals who have dedicated 5+ decades to psychology that uphold your claim (made in the initial post)
"you're not gonna read it anyways" is a lazy cop-out... If I'm not reading it someone who'll come across this thread might will, posting an article/book title literally takes 10 seconds but I guess this "exchange" might prove your point (humans are naturally selfish) point better than any expert could.
Lol you’re trying too hard, this is ktt. Just look up articles on psychological egoism. There’s many online publications on the phenomena/theory. I’ll agree it is simply a school of psychology and merely a theory but it holds a ton of validity empirically and I’d personally argue even from a ‘common sense’ perspective.
is dr peterson what people immediately think of when someone brings up basic evolutionary psychology these days
i guess the answer is yes
This concept has never made sense to me at all.
How you gone give someone a loan or something along those lines and then increase the amount they have to pay often times knowing that they cant. To me its immoral and there is clearly a reason that its a sin in Islam and Christianity.
Doing it knowing a person can't pay it back is f***ed up for sure but a loan in general isn't a bad proposition. It's an option to help finance something rather than having to save up so much. I know guys who started businesses with loans and it worked.
I swear I read it and expected it to be him lol
they're eerily similar. similar enough to be alts
is dr peterson what people immediately think of when someone brings up basic evolutionary psychology these days
Lmao exactly. I’m a fan of Peterson for his social commentary. You certainly can’t refute his psychological acumen, but nothing I stated was even from the man . 1/3 of my classes at school were psych related and behavioral psych was my bread and butter.
might as well do away with loans by that logic, no point for a bank or business to loan money if they aren’t making any
however, i do agree that interests rates can get unfairly high, making it so you are never able to pay down your debt.
of course, various factors come into effect pay like credit and the like, so it boils down to - should people with bad credit still be able to get loans (at a higher interest rate) or should it only be reserved for people with strong proven credit history (unfair to others)
it’s definitely a dilemma
why would you only give money so that you yourself could make some sort of profit ?
Because there's risk in just giving out money. Financial incentive is the only reason most people would just hand out money they could potentially lose.
If it's a friend I can see low interest or even none but I'm not giving out money to people I don't know without some incentive for the risk.
hate to inform 17 yr @op about this
or is he 22
we're on this earth to get f***ed.