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  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply


    This is classic KTT socialism.

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Actually interested no pun how do muslim countries do without interest

    It’s a profit sharing model rather than a standard interest bearing loan

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s a profit sharing model rather than a standard interest bearing loan

    Yea just looked jt up makes sense but I guess lending money is just a lot riskier

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Actually interested no pun how do muslim countries do without interest

    islamic banking essentially charges interest without charging interest on paper.

    bit of a simple explanation but e.g. say you buy a house, they'll inflate the value of the house and split it into tiny micro shares so-to-speak. the house is worth $250k so you'll pay on all these shares after an upfront calculation and it might total to something like $500k.

    usually this also means the borrower pays a little more due to the bureaucracy of it all but there's more transparency into what they're paying, so YMMV if it's a worthy trade-off.

  • Jan 5, 2021

    Yea just looked jt up makes sense but I guess lending money is just a lot riskier

    Which ironically would hurt more consumers as the bank wouldn’t be as open to lending money vs if the bank was getting interest regardless.

  • Jan 5, 2021

    honestly tho have u really lived if you haven't taken money from bugsy and lost a digit or two from your hands?


  • Jan 5, 2021

    They’re selling you money. That’s it.

  • Jan 5, 2021

    The amount of stupid ass neoliberals who cape for CEOs and capital owners while also seeing none of that reward on here is kind of disgusting. You think any person who owns a corporation did it ethically and didn’t have to exploit people to do it?

    “Incentivization drives productivity”

    You’re a dumbfuck who doesn’t even understand how finance works lmao.

    Please get educated

  • Jan 5, 2021
    HURRY UP sab

    the concept is that you pay somebody in the future to borrow their money in the present

    but morally.. how u gonna take extra money from somebody who clearly needs it more than you do

    why give them anything for nothing

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply


    This is classic KTT socialism.

    What are your views on the matter

  • Jan 5, 2021

    Whenever someone on this site uses ‘capital owner’ you know they have a NYC rats level IQ

  • Jan 5, 2021

    islamic banking essentially charges interest without charging interest on paper.

    bit of a simple explanation but e.g. say you buy a house, they'll inflate the value of the house and split it into tiny micro shares so-to-speak. the house is worth $250k so you'll pay on all these shares after an upfront calculation and it might total to something like $500k.

    usually this also means the borrower pays a little more due to the bureaucracy of it all but there's more transparency into what they're paying, so YMMV if it's a worthy trade-off.

    Gotchu TY

  • Hi-C 🦌
    Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    also great assumption d***head, and of course no one is going to renovate a house in the slums, property valuation takes in socio-demographic factors of whatever area its in, there’s no incentive to renovate a house if the collar behind the investment thinks its going to be trashed, at the end of the day they’re going to get money from it one way or another and thats all that matters to them

    Why do you think the socio-demographics are so poor in those areas? Why do people still buy properties if there is no reason to renovate?

    Furthermore, why do you think making others pay for overpriced housing is a fair and just way to earn capital? Lastly, you’re assuming that the people who own property actually do the renovation themselves. They again, through capital accumulation, hire others to do their work and sit back and collect a check because people NEED a place to live and don’t have any other option.

    A renter doesn’t give a f*** whether you had to put yourself through college and have an insane amount of debt or if your parents literally put you through college and you don’t have a single cent of debt. They see you as a check that they need at the end of the month. How do you look at that system and justify it as not problematic. If you are attributing the problem elsewhere, then you’re admitting that somewhere, there is an issue.

  • Side Nigha

    This is such an ass backwards take. Oh god here come the stupid socialists. I don’t got time today. “The less productive you are the more you gain”.

    I agree man that post is so silly of course profit incentivises productivity because the more profit and money you have raises your quality of life which is part of survival

  • Jan 5, 2021

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply

    What are your views on the matter

    On interest or socialism?

    Re interest, it’s the best practise for both consumer and the lender. The consumer has the power not to undertake a contract if he/she deems the rates to be too high and the lender chooses whether the loan is risky or not.

  • Jan 5, 2021
    · edited

    also great assumption d***head, and of course no one is going to renovate a house in the slums, property valuation takes in socio-demographic factors of whatever area its in, there’s no incentive to renovate a house if the collar behind the investment thinks its going to be trashed, at the end of the day they’re going to get money from it one way or another and thats all that matters to them

    "at the end of the day they’re going to get money from it one way or another and thats all that matters to them"

  • Hi-C 🦌
    Jan 5, 2021
    3 replies
    Side Nigha

    This is such an ass backwards take. Oh god here come the stupid socialists. I don’t got time today. “The less productive you are the more you gain”.

    It’s funny because you can spot a neo liberal from a mile away. Either they cape for capitalism because they hope to one day benefit from it or they’ve always benefitted from it and don’t want it to change because that means they have to admit they have always had an unfair advantage

  • Jan 5, 2021
    Side Nigha

    Lol it’s basic psychology and evolution. If something does not bring you some sort of benefit, why would you do it? Even ‘selfless’ acts like charity bring you some intrinsic psychological sense of good. Whether the benefit is ‘emotive’ or monetary is irrelevant.

    only thing dude could reply to this was "what are you even saying" and then quick subject change

    people love to think they are so philanthropic and not self serving like the rest of this 'evil country'

  • Jan 5, 2021
    Cant pick

    it seems like you understand it

  • Jan 5, 2021

    hate to inform 17 yr @op about this

    or is he 22


    we're on this earth to get f***ed.


  • Jan 5, 2021

    mannnnn young ppl disgust me

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s funny because you can spot a neo liberal from a mile away. Either they cape for capitalism because they hope to one day benefit from it or they’ve always benefitted from it and don’t want it to change because that means they have to admit they have always had an unfair advantage

    This fax what it got to do with interest tho

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Because there is no incentive to loan money and take the risk of the other party defaulting without interest

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Wouldnt there still be debt in communism

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