  • Nov 30, 2022

    I want you to build me an app I can f***.

  • Nov 30, 2022

    You haven’t seen me

    Post a pic then

  • Nov 30, 2022
    1 reply
    Okay Yeah

    I did 3 internships of various lengths, and an undergrad. So I graduated pretty late, at like 24-25

    how old are you now

  • Nov 30, 2022
    1 reply

    how old are you now


  • Nov 30, 2022
    1 reply
    Bernie X

    U think you’d have felt better just switching companies somewhere with a better culture and reasonable hours?

    yeah I'll do that if I fail at my own company,
    why be a sucker and work for someone else if I can do my own thing?

  • Nov 30, 2022
    Okay Yeah


    What’s your TC

  • Nov 30, 2022
    Okay Yeah

    Stereotypical corporate soul-sucking and utterly meaningless way to spend 40 hours/week of my life

    Want to figure out how to create my own company next

    That's pretty much my plan....

    I imagine making 250k a year you have way more liquid cash to start off than me tho

  • Nov 30, 2022

    Thought you were saying something about having a meeting while you were in nyc and wanting a raise

    nah I wasn't looking for a raise, just a good exit package so I wouldn't be quitting with nothing

  • Nov 30, 2022
    Bo Ceephus

    come on man, mentor me a bit. I knew about those resources but I was hoping to get some knowledge without spendijg an exorbitant fee if possible.

    But I get it, you might have some other s*** going on atm.

    there's no secret sauce, you have to put in the work

  • Nov 30, 2022
    Okay Yeah

    yeah I'll do that if I fail at my own company,
    why be a sucker and work for someone else if I can do my own thing?


    My plan is to enter tech and save up for 5 years, maybe a bit more and figure out a way to get the f*** out. I’m not gonna act surprised you’d quit a good thing, ur convinced there’s better things out there for u so why not bet on urself

    Godspeed bro

  • Nov 30, 2022
    Okay Yeah

    Stereotypical corporate soul-sucking and utterly meaningless way to spend 40 hours/week of my life

    Want to figure out how to create my own company next

    What sorts of things were you doing in your role

  • Nov 30, 2022
    4 replies

    What was your breaking point? I'm not sure if you mentioned that already, but if you did let me know what page is it on.

    I can't imagine quitting job that pays this much, I've worked wack jobs with bad pay and still sucked it up.

    I worked really hard to:

    • get an internship at this company
    • get a new grad offer afterwards
    • get promoted from new grad to junior SWE within 7 months (fastest in my new grad class)

    then realized it's not worth it. Like right after my promo, I asked about when id be eligible for promo again and my manager said no matter how hard I work, I still gotta wait a certain amount of time, like 1.5 years. That made me realize all this corporate stuff is bullshit. And even when you get promoted, your pay is not that much higher after taxes. While the people and execs at top are getting an insane amount of returns. Why the f*** would I be part of this system much longer

  • Nov 30, 2022
    Okay Yeah

    I worked really hard to:

    • get an internship at this company
    • get a new grad offer afterwards
    • get promoted from new grad to junior SWE within 7 months (fastest in my new grad class)

    then realized it's not worth it. Like right after my promo, I asked about when id be eligible for promo again and my manager said no matter how hard I work, I still gotta wait a certain amount of time, like 1.5 years. That made me realize all this corporate stuff is bullshit. And even when you get promoted, your pay is not that much higher after taxes. While the people and execs at top are getting an insane amount of returns. Why the f*** would I be part of this system much longer

    250K TC?

    Including your RSU’s, bonus etc I’m assuming?

  • Nov 30, 2022
    Okay Yeah

    I worked really hard to:

    • get an internship at this company
    • get a new grad offer afterwards
    • get promoted from new grad to junior SWE within 7 months (fastest in my new grad class)

    then realized it's not worth it. Like right after my promo, I asked about when id be eligible for promo again and my manager said no matter how hard I work, I still gotta wait a certain amount of time, like 1.5 years. That made me realize all this corporate stuff is bullshit. And even when you get promoted, your pay is not that much higher after taxes. While the people and execs at top are getting an insane amount of returns. Why the f*** would I be part of this system much longer

    you were making $250k with junior in your title?

  • Okay Yeah

    I worked really hard to:

    • get an internship at this company
    • get a new grad offer afterwards
    • get promoted from new grad to junior SWE within 7 months (fastest in my new grad class)

    then realized it's not worth it. Like right after my promo, I asked about when id be eligible for promo again and my manager said no matter how hard I work, I still gotta wait a certain amount of time, like 1.5 years. That made me realize all this corporate stuff is bullshit. And even when you get promoted, your pay is not that much higher after taxes. While the people and execs at top are getting an insane amount of returns. Why the f*** would I be part of this system much longer

    The only thing I don’t understand is why you wouldn’t work to establish something on the side while you work and have something stabilize before you leave but i agree working is all bullshit and a waste of 40 hours a week

  • Nov 30, 2022

    Couldn’t you just work and use that income to supplement your new venture or did you not feel like you had enough time for both?

  • Nov 30, 2022
    Okay Yeah

    I did 3 internships of various lengths, and an undergrad. So I graduated pretty late, at like 24-25

    Did you go to Waterloo by any chance?

    Think they're known for doing extensive internships within their program

  • Nov 30, 2022

    But congrats @op !

    Honestly, in a somewhat similar position as a SWE with significantly less pay, but I haven't done any coding in months due to them wanting more spreadsheets

    Thinking about leaving, but need to get my skills up and figure out what I actually want to do. My job is so cushy, so it's hard for me to leave this comfort (especially in this economy).

    Were you doing more full stack work or something else?

    Anyway, all the best though moving forward!

  • Nov 30, 2022
    Okay Yeah

    Build products people want
    Generate revenue

    And if not that, then just raise money based on an idea

    Or go down the VC path


  • Nov 30, 2022
    1 reply

    Your numbers don't make sense to me

  • Nov 30, 2022
    1 reply

    Let me hold a dollar or two op

  • Nov 30, 2022
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    Let me hold a dollar or two op

    so this how you get dough

  • ruckus
    Nov 30, 2022
    1 reply

    @Tobacky ur chance has arrived

  • Nov 30, 2022
    1 reply
    Old Man Robin

    Pretty sure mine is correct

    There’s no way 250k in today money was worth 45k just 14 years ago

    This would make sense if we had hyperinflation. Those numbers would make sense in a country like Venezuela where their currency devaluated at crazy rate

  • Nov 30, 2022
    1 reply

    @Tobacky ur chance has arrived

    hes gone