Rocky is from New York and tried multiple styles before he found some southern s*** to adopt.
Never said s*** in his raps either. None of us cared.
Yeat makes better music than the Opium label bar Carti.
And guess what, I'll defend Carti to the same extent I defend Thug and Future. Because "if the music is good" is my threshold as well. And I get in hot water if I say they aren't the best at what I think "rapping" should be. Despite defending them as innovators or melodists or whatever.
Which is why my argument doesn't rest on that. My argument is make your actions match your words. You want rappers who say some s***? Listen to them, talk about them, put them on.
YNS does that to the best of his ability.
Tyler doesn't.
That’s fair
Rocky is from New York and tried multiple styles before he found some southern s*** to adopt.
Never said s*** in his raps either. None of us cared.
Isaiah rashad dissed him on heavenly father tho
That’s fair
KTT is as bad as anywhere. I made a second Doechii thread and dudes were like "there's already one"
Meanwhile there are 500 Charli XCX and Ian threads a day
Isaiah rashad dissed him on heavenly father tho
Never picked up on that
Absolutely on the money
was one of the only Yeat detractors on this site at the height of his popularity, that’s why i don’t care to hear about Ian
i got called a cracker for saying this nigga Yeat was cosplaying and had a blaccent, i guess he got to slide because he wasn’t aggressively white
Never picked up on that
“Been trill” brand that rocky was all over like nigga you aint from here lol
I’m just getting back home to read through everything but it’s some niggas in the YouTube comments acting like they slow
The one thing YNS gets wrong is talking about "why does he sound like that" and then saying they're letting Drake's resurgence down.
Drake is the most fraudulent pretender oat and that was made clear in the beef he's talking about man, I been saying Drake has been 5 different nationalities since the start of his career.
was one of the only Yeat detractors on this site at the height of his popularity, that’s why i don’t care to hear about Ian
i got called a cracker for saying this nigga Yeat was cosplaying and had a blaccent, i guess he got to slide because he wasn’t aggressively white
Getting called a cracker for that is hilarious
I like OP’s videos because you can tell he’s coming from a place of real love and respect for the music. A lot of media around music is just people eager to be the center of attention, which is why they’ll let all kinds of dumb s*** fly and have to keep upping the ante to get that boost of attention again. The actual music and people it represents is completely decentralized
YNS speaks for real niggas. capitalism killed this s*** bro like it does to all culture
I like OP’s videos because you can tell he’s coming from a place of real love and respect for the music. A lot of media around music is just people eager to be the center of attention, which is why they’ll let all kinds of dumb s*** fly and have to keep upping the ante to get that boost of attention again. The actual music and people it represents is completely decentralized
Love OP forreal one of the realest on the site
Lmaooooooooo this the nigga I need to interview. That nigga love hip hop so much he wrote a love song about it
For real?
Didn’t know that but when he first came out, people found a few of his old songs where he was dissing Rocky
White people have potlucks.
That’s not a potluck
Lmaooooooooo this the nigga I need to interview. That nigga love hip hop so much he wrote a love song about it
I feel him tho i resonated with that s*** you said about new media learning this s*** in 2016 vs everybody born into this eat sleep breathe it fr
I feel him tho i resonated with that s*** you said about new media learning this s*** in 2016 vs everybody born into this eat sleep breathe it fr
I think the split comes when it’s your culture and you treat it like a culture, vs people who see your culture as a fun lil hobby that they don’t respect as somebody culture
Isaiah rashad dissed him on heavenly father tho
Damn, what's Isaiah's problem with Rocky Got a line on Weak S*** hating on Rocky too