Been seeing a ridiculous amount of people self diagnosing autism recently
There’s a trend on Tiktok about this. My girl showed me.
Weird af
i have similar experiences to you @OP but the only time (to my knowledge) i’ve been tested for autism, they said no and i just deal with anxiety
i think i’ve been diagnosed with GAD + depression
Same here. I’m gonna do another online test cause it’s been a minute but I’m trying to get assessments for it and also ADHD.
It’s possible but at this point in your life you’ve seemingly made it p far without needing treatment/correction plans so it kinda seems like you’d be high functioning even if so
I work with autistic children and I see similarities between myself and them every day but it’s always hard to distinct what comes from their neurodivergence and what is just weird little kid s***
There’s a trend on Tiktok about this. My girl showed me.
Weird af
Seems like it’s just an excuse for antisocial behavior, none of them need/want treatment for any of their “symptoms”
Not sure if i got it or not and i function mostly fine, but when i was 6/7 years old i was completely obsessed with baseball stats and apparently thats a common thing with autistic people so...
you feel this way more or less when u drink or smoke @op ? ever done psychedelics?
There’s a trend on Tiktok about this. My girl showed me.
Weird af
theyre stealing valor
you feel this way more or less when u drink or smoke @op ? ever done psychedelics?
ive never done any substance iml
Well that’s a bad sign for this community because you’re one of the better posters here.
ive never done any substance iml
ur kidding
It's a whole spectrum, for me I have a lack of Empathy and don't understand Social cues from a emotional viewpoint (As opposed to theoretical) and noise sensitivity.
It's a whole spectrum, for me I have a lack of Empathy and don't understand Social cues from a emotional viewpoint (As opposed to theoretical) and noise sensitivity.
see this how i know I'm not autismo it's cuz my emotions on 100 i can pick up someone's vibes from a mile away and it all makes sense
just feelings on feelings on feelings