its literally just insulting autistic people for likes
just a little lighthearted silly about thinking autistic people are bad lol no hard feelings right
blame covid quarantine putting people in isolation long enough to start reflecting back on themselves.
This is a serious thread and i know niggas are gonna screencap the title to use as a gotcha in a future argument which is cool
Anyways ive never been formally diagnosed with anything but I have a lot of symptoms that are consistent with those of people who have Aspergers, etc. Ever since I was a jit I've had problems socializing with people and I engage in repetitive behaviors
I also get super intersted in mundane and niche s*** like I was super obsessed with music production and animation in the past and my intersests just fizzled out. but then again that is normal s***
Idk anyone itt autistic or have aspergers? If so relay your experiences
As someone who's had similar thoughts and done a lot of research into it (and have family members that are autistic), as an adult it's extremely hard/almost impossible to diagnose someone because even if people like us are in fact autistic, we have built up support systems to handle and cope with our social deficiencies and the tests that they use to diagnose children don't tend to work on adults.
I wouldn't sweat it too much. Personally, I just tell people that I am not neurotypical, and leave it at that. It feels wrong to claim autism when I haven't been officially diagnosed by a doctor, and all in all I lead my life 'normally' with or without a diagnosis.
Hope sharing my experience helps you even if just a little bit.
I fall in the same boat but I don't see the need to put a label on it
I feel like unless you really need professional and/or medical help to function it does more harm than good because then you're getting in your own head about it
I fall in the same boat but I don't see the need to put a label on it
I feel like unless you really need professional and/or medical help to function it does more harm than good because then you're getting in your own head about it
as an addendum to this, some people don't really care for labels as it can make them feel as though they have to align with all the criteria of any given label no matter the circumstances, which can cause them to, as arrrg said, "get in their own head about it"
however, labels do help a lot of people in that it allows them to feel as though they fit in to society in some capacity, and gives them a simple, commonly known way to express whatever they feel they are/whatever they have been diagnosed with
so @op it really depends on whether or not labels are something you subscribe to
I probably have some form of ADHD but I've never been diagnosed/gotten treatment because I never had the money.
I'd go to a specialist if you have the healthcare to do so, it'll be beneficial for you in the long-run. Self-diagnosis can be a dangerous trap.
You just awkward bruh, just embrace it
I have autism. Very very high functioning, like to the point I can maintain eye contact for extended periods of time but I still have it. I can answer any questions you might have.
Do you have any tics?
Well that’s a bad sign for this community because you’re one of the better posters here.
I would claim most of the best posters here (outside of music sxn which is jokes) are on the spectrum
Welcome to the club. We have fidget cubes and five second loops of your favorite songs in the back.
Do you have any tics?
Kind of. I’ve noticed over the years that sometimes after I’ll say something to somebody and it was a good interaction, I quietly repeat it back to myself after walking away. I don’t know why I do this but I’ve done it for years. With that being said however, it’s become more infrequent over the years. At this point it’s something that only I would notice.
Ktt not saying "we been telling you this" so you’re good
Kind of. I’ve noticed over the years that sometimes after I’ll say something to somebody and it was a good interaction, I quietly repeat it back to myself after walking away. I don’t know why I do this but I’ve done it for years. With that being said however, it’s become more infrequent over the years. At this point it’s something that only I would notice.
You mean repeat the exchange to yourself, including the other person's lines?
You mean repeat the exchange to yourself, including the other person's lines?
Nah like literally just repeat my own exchange to myself. Like i say what I say to someone, and as I'm walking away i'll just quietly repeat back what I said to myself. Like super quietly.
I suppose thats not a tic because tics are more frequent but its definitely something from being on the spectrum.
I think you are too [Serious]
Welcome to the club. We have fidget cubes and five second loops of your favorite songs in the back.
Welcome to the club. We have fidget cubes and five second loops of your favorite songs in the back.
dam maybe I am too cuz that sounds kinda fire