  • Aug 3, 2021

    I’ve found myself dipping my toes into spirituality again recently, after years being just an indifferent agnostic. There’s got to be more to life and existence than blunt materialism. Not sure if I’ll go back to the church but I love the community aspect of it

    The community aspect is huge, it's annoying to have to be wary of people who use religion improperly though.

  • Aug 3, 2021
    1 reply

    How else are you gonna find him? By disregarding over thousands of years of work and study over what you think is correct?

    most of the dummies who wrote religious texts thought the sun revolves around the earth & likely thought a solar eclipse meant the devil was coming

    so yes, the average person in 2021 knows better than thousands of years of religious scholars

  • Aug 3, 2021
    2 replies

    most of the dummies who wrote religious texts thought the sun revolves around the earth & likely thought a solar eclipse meant the devil was coming

    so yes, the average person in 2021 knows better than thousands of years of religious scholars

    How much more arrogant can one be then this.

  • Aug 3, 2021

    I like the idea of a "higher power". I don't like anthropomorphizing it and assigning it skin tones and what not though

  • Aug 3, 2021
    1 reply

    How much more arrogant can one be then this.

    religion was created to explain things the science of their time couldn’t yet explain

    now they all just look like fools in retrospect

  • Aug 3, 2021
    1 reply

    How much more arrogant can one be then this.

    The average person did not know much 2000 years ago. Can't really argue with that.

  • Aug 3, 2021
    Zach LaBeam

    The average person did not know much 2000 years ago. Can't really argue with that.

    But to say you know more then an institution with knowledge spanning thousands of years is arrogance.

  • Aug 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Its like saying I know better than a library full of books

  • Aug 3, 2021

    Humble yourself and pick up a book

  • Aug 3, 2021
    2 replies

    Here's what I did and what I know to be 100% facts. Pray to God for the Truth. Pray for understanding of who you are, how the world was made etc. Any questions you have, ask it in prayer. God is the realest experience in the world.
    You don't need d**** etc. just a sober mind and an honest heart.

    I'll give you a hint, every religion from Christianity, Catholicism, Hindu etc. worship the same pagan diety. Babylonian Trinity of Tammuz, Nimrod and Ishtar. Yes there are core productive principles in every "religion" however the Bible says that the New Year is in March/April (depending on the year) that's why Easter (passover) is in April - sometimes May.

    But, Christians celebrate New Years in January because it's pagan worship. Christmas is Nimrod's and Tammuz' birthday. Cited here, God exposes this Tammuz worship to Ezekiel.

    That's why some ppl do lent, whetether they're aware of it or not, it's worshipping the ancient Babylonian dieties. That's apart of why the bible calls this modern world Mystery Babylon.

    Jesus is real af. Read the historical accounts of him, he really existed. He's coming back.

    Muslims don't worship pagan diety

  • Aug 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Its like saying I know better than a library full of books

    No, it's like saying you know more than the one book in the library that was written 1700 years ago a religious scholar today sure, but people today are smarter than the "scholars" who put together the Bible together some 16-1700 years ago.

  • Aug 3, 2021
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    No, it's like saying you know more than the one book in the library that was written 1700 years ago a religious scholar today sure, but people today are smarter than the "scholars" who put together the Bible together some 16-1700 years ago.

    Keep telling yourself that

  • Aug 3, 2021

    just view "God" as a median.

  • Aug 3, 2021

    You can detach yourself from the organized religious aspect of spirituality and still be a spiritual person.

    I believe in the Christian God, I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus died for my sins. I believe he was a man of kindness, love, empathy, compassion.

    I try to live my life by those same principles and be the best person I can be.

    I do all of this while not falling into evangelical conservative bs & condemning everyone else to hell.


  • Aug 3, 2021

    Keep telling yourself that

    Simply knowing about germs makes us smarter than 99.999% of all people alive back then

  • Aug 3, 2021

    Like I would hope in 2000 years society would be way smarter than what we are now

  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Aug 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Perfect day to boss up 💯

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Aug 3, 2021

    Perfect day to boss up 💯

    Username and avi checkout. Valid

  • Aug 3, 2021

    Explore multiple religions and pick from each. Stopped going to church years ago because it never made sense to me. I have a different relationship with God and what God “is”. You gotta find what makes the most sense to you and run with it.

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply
    The Krab Season

    Muslims don't worship pagan diety

    Exactly. I’m tired of people saying we worship a f***ing “moon god” because they get their facts off the back of a cereal box. Islam has the LEAST amount of inconsistencies out of ANY Abrahamic religion, AND STILL DOESN’T HAVE ANY PHYSICAL DEPICTIONS OF ANYTHING.

    Humans can’t understand God’s physical form, unless It chooses to reveal Itself. On some Lovecraftian s***, our minds wouldn’t be able to comprehend what we’re looking at. Our mind would just “.exe” crash.

  • Aug 4, 2021

    Start doing d****. Acid, shrooms, DMT. You’ll see the light.

    The youth doesn’t believe in organized religion anymore, we don’t even claim to understand the universe, we believe in vibes and energy. We follow what feels right.

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    This is why I ended up bringing psychedelics into my spiritual practice.

    Tired of reading about other ppl who felt god, saw god, etc. and decided I should look inward and see what looks back and together we can go from there.

    It's been working well so far!

    closest I felt to God was in I did shrooms ngl

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 4, 2021

    closest I felt to God was in I did shrooms ngl

    That first hand experience is powerful innit

  • Aug 4, 2021

    This what God feel like

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    religion was created to explain things the science of their time couldn’t yet explain

    now they all just look like fools in retrospect

    Feel like we're gonna look like fools in the future cos science still hasn't scratched the surface. There's something outside matter, time and space but unless we can measure it we don't seem to believe it, which is understandable but arrogant if people refuse the possibility. I think that's the whole point of God. The faith that there's something higher without proof