Do you think at any point the government would tell us or just keep covering up or would they wait for some cataclysmic event so they couldn’t anymore
The day aliens are confirmed to humanity will be a sobering day for the globe
I don't really know about any of that but all i know is
the way we treat each other is so damn bad we're not ready for aliens
like maybe it'd bring people together but there's no guarantee they'd be humanoid looking enough to not be insanely scary
Obv. theres no guarantee of anything at all when it comes to such an unknown like this
What situation would the government be able to know about aliens, but it not leak through the science field or NASA or anything first?
Also: I mean just think about the deep ocean we don't even know about... the animals down there gotta be so huge
I wouldn’t be surprised if they did and world governments locked them up, attempting to steal their knowledge or technology
I don't really know about any of that but all i know is
the way we treat each other is so damn bad we're not ready for aliens
like maybe it'd bring people together but there's no guarantee they'd be humanoid looking enough to not be insanely scary
Obv. theres no guarantee of anything at all when it comes to such an unknown like this
What situation would the government be able to know about aliens, but it not leak through the science field or NASA or anything first?
Also: I mean just think about the deep ocean we don't even know about... the animals down there gotta be so huge
Guarantee you the world governments, big ones anyways have private space research sectors
We would know by now
Too big of a secret for governments to contain
It would eventually get out
Any species that has mastered traveling through space and all its vastness is not bouta be locked up by our dumbass government.
Let’s be real, either Aliens surveil earth discreetly, or they’d let it be know they’re out there. Doubt the government has any locked up like that.
I will say this though. I visited Roswell a few years back, and that is one weird f***ing town
We would know by now
Too big of a secret for governments to contain
It would eventually get out
It has clearly
I don't really know about any of that but all i know is
the way we treat each other is so damn bad we're not ready for aliens
like maybe it'd bring people together but there's no guarantee they'd be humanoid looking enough to not be insanely scary
Obv. theres no guarantee of anything at all when it comes to such an unknown like this
What situation would the government be able to know about aliens, but it not leak through the science field or NASA or anything first?
Also: I mean just think about the deep ocean we don't even know about... the animals down there gotta be so huge
Chthulu down there chillin b
ive seen enough scifi stuff to be both excited and completely terrified simultaneously at the thought of a completely unknown species thats sentient on our level or above
Unlikely but i guess anythings possible they could be humanoids and find a way to communicate with us.
it'd be such a delicate situation though like what if they're allergic to the nitrogen in the air, what if something goes wrong and humans go extinct in a split second as the reaction?
Also: to flip it another way, if we end up going to a planet and scare the hell out of a species we're more advanced than i don't trust humans not to f*** up the aliens that dont harm us first
Imagine they were harmless and we just f***ed them up. we got enough conquering and pillaging in human history that its human nature
poor aliens
So aliens are hyper intelligent and capable of inter galactic travel but are also simultaneously dumb enough to get caught
Besides who’s to say humanoid “greys” exist. But there just HAS to be something alive out there and at least some of them are hyper intelligent. The probability is too high tbh
Besides who’s to say humanoid “greys” exist. But there just HAS to be something alive out there and at least some of them are hyper intelligent. The probability is too high tbh
I wonder that if in like 1000 years when we get at up on other planets would we consider the wildlife there aliens or animals
Besides who’s to say humanoid “greys” exist. But there just HAS to be something alive out there and at least some of them are hyper intelligent. The probability is too high tbh
The depiction we make of aliens in pop culture and scifi is too similar to how humans look. imo. maybe its practical to be a biped all around the universe
Besides who’s to say humanoid “greys” exist. But there just HAS to be something alive out there and at least some of them are hyper intelligent. The probability is too high tbh
Actually, read up on the Fermi Paradox and the Great Filter. If you think you feel alone now, just wait until you read into those. S*** had me depressed for a few days thinkin that we on earth may be it
The depiction we make of aliens in pop culture and scifi is too similar to how humans look. imo. maybe its practical to be a biped all around the universe
You ever seen Arrival?
I wonder that if in like 1000 years when we get at up on other planets would we consider the wildlife there aliens or animals
Low key it’s kinda unsettling to think that aliens could be aware of us and just study us like we’re dumb insects
Imagine some alien nigga just studying ktt
i don't think so
Peep it. Top 10 movie for me, and it’s probably the most realistic take on what would happen if Aliens landed on earth
Do any of you guys buy into the “aliens visited earth thousands of years ago” idea? Like Ive seen pictures of cave paintings of big headed “greys” and ancient people love talking about sky people teaching them stuff
Do any of you guys buy into the “aliens visited earth thousands of years ago” idea? Like Ive seen pictures of cave paintings of big headed “greys” and ancient people love talking about sky people teaching them stuff
Bro don’t ignore my post