  • Jun 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Actually, read up on the Fermi Paradox and the Great Filter. If you think you feel alone now, just wait until you read into those. S*** had me depressed for a few days thinkin that we on earth may be it

    Yeah I’ve read about that, the Fermi paradox. Not about the great filter though

    If humans are all that’s out there that’s kind of strange. Actually I can’t describe how unsettling the idea of Earth being the only place with life

  • Jun 15, 2020
    jean pierre
    · edited

    Yeah I’ve read about that, the Fermi paradox. Not about the great filter though

    If humans are all that’s out there that’s kind of strange. Actually I can’t describe how unsettling the idea of Earth being the only place with life

    EDIT: there’s a lot more to it than us just being all that there is. But you figure if Earth is such a young planet, and if there’s planets out there that are billions of years older, you figure they’d be able to traverse through space.

    Plus there’s a lot of talk about those gamma waves that just wipe s*** out.

    Maybe civilizations can’t make it to the point of where they discover that type of tech, because they get wiped out first

  • Jun 15, 2020
    2 replies
    jean pierre

    Do any of you guys buy into the “aliens visited earth thousands of years ago” idea? Like Ive seen pictures of cave paintings of big headed “greys” and ancient people love talking about sky people teaching them stuff

    I can't help but to connect it to angelic visitations in religious texts.

    This might be a hell of a reach but if you've heard or read anything about how angels appear and say

    "Do not fear" "Do not be afraid"

    It makes me think of an alien encounter like cultures just told the stories differently.

    I don't buy in to it as in putting stock into that particular idea, but it would make sense that greys would find us as a similar enough species to attempt to communicate with

    I've heard fellow tin-foil hat buds talk about how the greys would have to be hurting because they can't reproduce or that theyre asexual or something and they're dying out, that'd be a reason why they'd try to contact us.

    But the more i say the more I set myself up for lookin crazy

    I just like thinking about all that type of thing, just the way i like science fiction nothin to worry about here

  • Jun 15, 2020
    3 replies
    rnb sponge

    I can't help but to connect it to angelic visitations in religious texts.

    This might be a hell of a reach but if you've heard or read anything about how angels appear and say

    "Do not fear" "Do not be afraid"

    It makes me think of an alien encounter like cultures just told the stories differently.

    I don't buy in to it as in putting stock into that particular idea, but it would make sense that greys would find us as a similar enough species to attempt to communicate with

    I've heard fellow tin-foil hat buds talk about how the greys would have to be hurting because they can't reproduce or that theyre asexual or something and they're dying out, that'd be a reason why they'd try to contact us.

    But the more i say the more I set myself up for lookin crazy

    I just like thinking about all that type of thing, just the way i like science fiction nothin to worry about here

    My only gripe with this, is that why did they disappear? They visited us back into the days to study us or maybe to gift us with knowledge, but then they just dipped?

  • Jun 15, 2020

    My only gripe with this, is that why did they disappear? They visited us back into the days to study us or maybe to gift us with knowledge, but then they just dipped?

    they visited to make sure i was born cause im stylin on the haters, obv

  • Jun 15, 2020
    rnb sponge

    I can't help but to connect it to angelic visitations in religious texts.

    This might be a hell of a reach but if you've heard or read anything about how angels appear and say

    "Do not fear" "Do not be afraid"

    It makes me think of an alien encounter like cultures just told the stories differently.

    I don't buy in to it as in putting stock into that particular idea, but it would make sense that greys would find us as a similar enough species to attempt to communicate with

    I've heard fellow tin-foil hat buds talk about how the greys would have to be hurting because they can't reproduce or that theyre asexual or something and they're dying out, that'd be a reason why they'd try to contact us.

    But the more i say the more I set myself up for lookin crazy

    I just like thinking about all that type of thing, just the way i like science fiction nothin to worry about here

    Makes me wonder about medieval drawings of strange flying objects and how they look like ufos

    I’m honestly convinced aliens are real. But I’m not buying the idea that they interact regularly with people

  • Jun 15, 2020

    My only gripe with this, is that why did they disappear? They visited us back into the days to study us or maybe to gift us with knowledge, but then they just dipped?

    Maybe they wanted to help early humans get started with creating civilizations by helping them create fire and teaching them basic science etc

    Who knows

  • Jun 15, 2020
    1 reply

    My only gripe with this, is that why did they disappear? They visited us back into the days to study us or maybe to gift us with knowledge, but then they just dipped?

    I really don't have anything to add on that part, of "why" they'd visit back then briefly or something

    We are developing technology more and more rapidly and who knows, optimistically we make major strides and end up communicating with a friendly species somewhere. I couldn't tell ya though

  • Jun 15, 2020
    2 replies
    rnb sponge

    I really don't have anything to add on that part, of "why" they'd visit back then briefly or something

    We are developing technology more and more rapidly and who knows, optimistically we make major strides and end up communicating with a friendly species somewhere. I couldn't tell ya though

    Aliens introduce themselves and are intelligent

    .... they want to conquer earth

  • Jun 15, 2020

    think about all the different lifeforms that are/were capable of existing on the planet Earth

    like Dinosaurs, Whales, housecats, eagles, hummingbirds, wolves, dogs, humans, centipedes

    all types of s*** and we're used to the idea of these. they just go without saying that they exist(ed) or they're here

  • Jun 15, 2020
    jean pierre

    Aliens introduce themselves and are intelligent

    .... they want to conquer earth

    I mean... what would they do that wasn't already done by ourselves to ourselves...

    Actually, don't answer that lmao

  • Imo if aliens exist they're formless

  • Yet still localised intelligences

  • Jun 15, 2020
    1 reply

    We're sending a probe to Europa soon, scientists think there are squids and s*** under the ice because it's heated by thermal vents. We're gonna find out by the end of the decade

  • Jun 15, 2020

    The elite is in contact with different dimensions... where do you think all this tech coming from

  • Jun 15, 2020
    4 replies

    Fun thread to read through. Aliens definitely exist imo. But space is so vast that I don't think we've been visited, at least not while humanity has been around.

    Now that said, some feats that have been accomplished here are Strange.

    • Egyptians FINDING the pyramids
    • The Great Pyramid being aligned with true North
    • being a great conduit for electricity,
    • having lighting deep in the caverns without any evidence of fires having been down there, etc.
    • And some Egyptologists assert that the sphinx is 10,000+ years older than mainstream scientists say it is.

    Maybe aliens came, were friendly and tried to put us onto new tech, but the original civilizations they told died off and the knowledge was lost. Khufu didn't build the Great Pyramid of Giza...that's one belief I'll take to my grave

  • Jun 15, 2020

    We're sending a probe to Europa soon, scientists think there are squids and s*** under the ice because it's heated by thermal vents. We're gonna find out by the end of the decade

    We need to check Enceladus and Titan too. iirc a trip sending probes to Enceladus is tentatively planned for like the mid 2030s

  • Jun 15, 2020
    1 reply

    I don't know if I'm very excited about the ethical problems arising from space imperialism

  • Jun 15, 2020
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    I don't know if I'm very excited about the ethical problems arising from space imperialism

    Unless we stumble ourselves into discovering FTL travel, it seems pretty unlikely. Like yeah we fight for resources on this planet, but there's an overabundance of resources in the universe so there's no point in colonizing some alien species for theirs. F***ing WASP 12-b rains RUBIES AND SAPPHIRES. Water is abundant, etc.

  • Jun 15, 2020

    Half alien/ human babies

  • Jun 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Unless we stumble ourselves into discovering FTL travel, it seems pretty unlikely. Like yeah we fight for resources on this planet, but there's an overabundance of resources in the universe so there's no point in colonizing some alien species for theirs. F***ing WASP 12-b rains RUBIES AND SAPPHIRES. Water is abundant, etc.

    I feel that. any new info on Keplar 42B the past couple years?

  • Jun 15, 2020
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    I feel that. any new info on Keplar 42B the past couple years?

    Not that I know of. I'll see if Fraser Cain or the dude who runs Event Horizon has a recent video on it.

  • Jun 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Fun thread to read through. Aliens definitely exist imo. But space is so vast that I don't think we've been visited, at least not while humanity has been around.

    Now that said, some feats that have been accomplished here are Strange.

    • Egyptians FINDING the pyramids
    • The Great Pyramid being aligned with true North
    • being a great conduit for electricity,
    • having lighting deep in the caverns without any evidence of fires having been down there, etc.
    • And some Egyptologists assert that the sphinx is 10,000+ years older than mainstream scientists say it is.

    Maybe aliens came, were friendly and tried to put us onto new tech, but the original civilizations they told died off and the knowledge was lost. Khufu didn't build the Great Pyramid of Giza...that's one belief I'll take to my grave

    Finding the pyramids? Elaborate

  • Jun 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Not that I know of. I'll see if Fraser Cain or the dude who runs Event Horizon has a recent video on it.

    I thought u were talking about Frasier Crane I was about to say...
