Fr. I can see an explanation that pyramids have a nice sturdy structure so it was a good design for monuments and that's why they're all around the planet, but like The Great Pyramid was a f***ing JEWEL whenever it was originally constructed. Limestone coating, solid gold tip, and then there's the weirdness around it.
And I'm about to fact-check this but iirc, neither Khufu's nor any other Pharaoh's resting place was ever found inside the pyramid, even though scientists say Khufu had it built to be his burial tomb
Yeah send some of that info or whatever articles you find my way bro. You got me intrigued now. I’ve always been fascinated by the mystery behind the pyramids
Light speed travel soon
pls no, we'll just use it to bomb people faster or build army aircrafts
pls no, we'll just use it to bomb people faster or build army aircrafts
I can’t prove you wrong on that, I think it’s an archaic way of living to have to bomb each other to justify existence. We haven’t evolved past that yet unfortunately
I can’t prove you wrong on that, I think it’s an archaic way of living to have to bomb each other to justify existence. We haven’t evolved past that yet unfortunately
Glad you posted this. Not for Eddie Bravo tho. John Anthony West did an episode on Rogan's podcast. He, Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson (might have the last name wrong) have really insightful thoughts on Ancient Egypt
Yeah I didn’t post it for him more so the theory he was talking about. Hancock’s episodes on the pyramids and the Amazon definitely got me thinking. I wonder how much knowledge was lost in the library of Alexandria
Eddie Bravo out of all people
nigga is willfully ed
Not a supporter of his but the theory is entertaining and plays into the them of this thread
How they get here
Or what we describe as teleportation
Also they can use more demensions then us
Do you know that wales can use sonar, or other animals hear/smell muuuuch better then us
Like a beaer could smell you through a wall
Like we are limited asf, and we only been here for a blip in the grand scope of the universe
Of course there are interdemenisional beings
Its so stupid to think aliens would resembel anything close to humans
probably exist but I don't think they're advanced enough/the way we think them to be bc if they were they'd visit us and we'd know about it. unless they're spectating us like lab rats or sumn
probably exist but I don't think they're advanced enough/the way we think them to be bc if they were they'd visit us and we'd know about it. unless they're spectating us like lab rats or sumn
Interdimensional brings that mastered quantum mechanics eons ago and we’re their creation
Fun thread to read through. Aliens definitely exist imo. But space is so vast that I don't think we've been visited, at least not while humanity has been around.
Now that said, some feats that have been accomplished here are Strange.
Maybe aliens came, were friendly and tried to put us onto new tech, but the original civilizations they told died off and the knowledge was lost. Khufu didn't build the Great Pyramid of Giza...that's one belief I'll take to my grave
the alien/egypt stuff is all nonsense.
Instead of aliens coming to earth to help us move a few big rocks around, doesnt it make much more sense to conclude that these ancient civilizations were in fact more advanced than ppl give them credit for?