  • Oct 3, 2024
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    genuinely asking why harm reduction is bad

    because it doesn't fix the cancer at the root.

  • Oct 3, 2024
    2 replies

    you dont. reforms don't happen because you want them to really badly or because you vote for the "right" people, they conform to the immediate needs of the ruling class. and you can not "harm reduce" the capitalist system since you will merely be replicating what the state already does, just in a s***tier way. charity is one of neoliberalism's great innovations in making public services worse.

    if you want to help people, re-organize the anti-revisionist communist party for the purposes of revolution. this means getting involved in mass movements like the palestinian movement, staying well-read, and getting a job in an industry you think is ripe for proletarian consciousness. beyond that everything you do is pointless or merely a form of self-fulfillment.

    so the answer is just to let people die and focus on other s***?

  • Oct 3, 2024
    1 reply

    because it doesn't fix the cancer at the root.

    no it doesn't but if only revolution will do that, and theres no revolution to participate in then why is treating the symptoms of the cancer a bad thing?

  • Oct 3, 2024
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    so the answer is just to let people die and focus on other s***?

    think snowboy is saying the exact opposite lmao.

  • Oct 3, 2024

    think snowboy is saying the exact opposite lmao.

    can you respond to what i asked in the post above?

    also then explain it to me? how is it the exact opposite?

  • Oct 3, 2024
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    no it doesn't but if only revolution will do that, and theres no revolution to participate in then why is treating the symptoms of the cancer a bad thing?

    revolution can be more than just one thing btw.

    them kids at columbia university that risked their livelihood and college admissions to get their asses kicked by the police this summer were committing a revolutionary act.

  • Oct 3, 2024
    Mark Moschino

    so the answer is just to let people die and focus on other s***?

    people die all the time and you can't control it. what you can control is the political latitude of the working class. having people organized and trained to go for when a crisis emerges in the system is far more useful than wasting your time at a soup kitchen. charity work is something people do to avoid jail time, its not a serious political activity.

  • Oct 3, 2024

    the whitewashing of the civil rights movement did a great job in muddying up exactly how many different tactics and acts was happening all at once vs. "It was the Martin and Malcolm show."

  • Oct 3, 2024
    2 replies

    revolution can be more than just one thing btw.

    them kids at columbia university that risked their livelihood and college admissions to get their asses kicked by the police this summer were committing a revolutionary act.

    we're not disagreeing? but you're moving the goal posts. Is it a revolutionary act to start a community fridge?

  • Oct 3, 2024
    Mark Moschino

    we're not disagreeing? but you're moving the goal posts. Is it a revolutionary act to start a community fridge?

    no, obviously not. next question.

    you want to commit a revolutionary act? start a cop watch. join the palestinian movement and physically confront the military industrial complex on college campuses. unionize gig workers without the aid of the imperialist labor bueracracy.

    voting and "alleviating harm" does nothing. you need to organize people for the explicit purpose of confrontation with the imperialist system, you need to build a party. that is the immediate goal.

  • Mark Moschino

    dude the answer is that you change things through violence

    thats how you not play the game

    you’re not wrong

  • Oct 3, 2024
    2 replies
    Mark Moschino

    we're not disagreeing? but you're moving the goal posts. Is it a revolutionary act to start a community fridge?

    You said "and if there's no revolution to participate in"

    there's been revolution already lol.

    and yes. It's a part of it. doing something without the involvement of government officials is a revolutionary act.

  • insertcoolnamehere

    that's to your pov.

    there are grass roots organizations around the country making change within their community without the assistance and necessities of a government that has literally wasn't meant to serve the people versus property.

    to the disenfranchised that's seen decades and decades and decades of slow change via either of these two presidential parties, you'd be hard pressed to give them a reason to believe now because "patience."

    remember, the tortoise and the hare was just a fable. In reality the turtle prolly had the burner

    All modern changes that we have ever seen in any place of the world came out of a place of violence unfortunately.

    That point is the point a LOOOOOOOT of Americans have yet to come to peace with.


  • Oct 3, 2024
    1 reply

    the craziest part about this thread is that we all basically agree on 99.9% of the same s*** but for somer reason these like 2 or 3 points we disagree on somehow invalidates our positions in each others eyes

  • Oct 3, 2024

    You said "and if there's no revolution to participate in"

    there's been revolution already lol.

    and yes. It's a part of it. doing something without the involvement of government officials is a revolutionary act.

    yeah but i was using revolution in the way that was being defined by this thread (mass organized uprising) now it's something else

    like dude i agree with you. what happened over the summer was a revolutionary act

    but now we're changing the definition of revolution

  • Oct 3, 2024
    2 replies

    You said "and if there's no revolution to participate in"

    there's been revolution already lol.

    and yes. It's a part of it. doing something without the involvement of government officials is a revolutionary act.

    so to your point if i participate in community events, give out narcan, and contribute to community fridges I'm taking part in revolutionary acts.

    but you're still calling me misguided and stupid, and telling me i don't get it? I just don't understand that really

  • Oct 3, 2024
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    genuinely asking why harm reduction is bad

    its faux activism along the current system lines ie it is not meant to bring about structural change. its only efficient in answering quick shot questions like 'what should I do immediately now' which is also a fallacy based around individualist idea of being able to bring about change as a single person. even from what I can gather about various organizations that people in this community are working in they are not bringing change through harm reduction but instead engage directly with oppressive classes eg police and landlords through tenant unions and protesting

  • Oct 3, 2024

    its faux activism along the current system lines ie it is not meant to bring about structural change. its only efficient in answering quick shot questions like 'what should I do immediately now' which is also a fallacy based around individualist idea of being able to bring about change as a single person. even from what I can gather about various organizations that people in this community are working in they are not bringing change through harm reduction but instead engage directly with oppressive classes eg police and landlords through tenant unions and protesting

    yeah dude, it doesn't "Fix" anything but we disagree on is I think both are value uses of time.

    Direct action and helping people are both good things in my mind

  • Oct 3, 2024
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    the craziest part about this thread is that we all basically agree on 99.9% of the same s*** but for somer reason these like 2 or 3 points we disagree on somehow invalidates our positions in each others eyes

    i dont think it invalidates anything.

    Most people (not saying you i'm saying in general) throughout history didn't grow up wanting to be a potential martyr. Niggas had lives, goals, and dreams. Every fellow black man and woman and children we lost in the 60s in the struggle didn't wake up that morning thinking that was gonna be they last day.

    So it makes sense, when you start to see society collapse and want to exhaust every potential alternative action before "grabbing the tooly" but sooner or later everybody (I'm including myself) has to take a deep look in the mirror and ask exactly how much more can a person take.

    that's why 10/7 is so loaded to me, because to me I always think back to that question how much more can a person take before they just f***ing lose it and id takes over and all hell really breaks loose?

  • Oct 3, 2024
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    so to your point if i participate in community events, give out narcan, and contribute to community fridges I'm taking part in revolutionary acts.

    but you're still calling me misguided and stupid, and telling me i don't get it? I just don't understand that really

    no sorry, won't let this skate. you are not doing anything since this doesn't involve a mass movement or build a communist party.

  • Oct 3, 2024
    Mark Moschino

    so to your point if i participate in community events, give out narcan, and contribute to community fridges I'm taking part in revolutionary acts.

    but you're still calling me misguided and stupid, and telling me i don't get it? I just don't understand that really

    Yes. Everyone fits in where their useful.

    However, it's one way.

    sb: I never called you misguided or stupid I just said why do you think snowboy was tripping for saying she dont believe in voting period lol.

  • Oct 3, 2024
    2 replies

    no sorry, won't let this skate. you are not doing anything since this doesn't involve a mass movement or build a communist party.

    you know what thats fine, as long as it helps people then thats ok. call me whatever

  • Oct 3, 2024
    2 replies

    I dont like these random avis that I literally have never ever seen before anywhere on this website now trying multiple people on their understanding of revolutionary act to bring it to some kind of point they have about voting

  • Oct 3, 2024
    1 reply

    I dont like these random avis that I literally have never ever seen before anywhere on this website now trying multiple people on their understanding of revolutionary act to bring it to some kind of point they have about voting

    i'm not really trying anyone? i'm just asking why we cant vote sometimes, and not other times?

  • Oct 3, 2024
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    you know what thats fine, as long as it helps people then thats ok. call me whatever

    you know you can get a real job where people pay you if your goal is to "just help people", right? like why not become an EMT, or an NGO worker? why do free labor for your local bloodsucking DNC politicians and charity opportunists?
