Go to DC. Chicago is too cold and Philly is just mid.
DC has everything you’d want.
if u can afford it!
If I’m visiting on holiday I would never go to any of these places let alone live there
Philly is actually a cool city minus the dirty hood niggas. Never been to chicago or dc
Went to school 30mins out of Philly, would go there frequently. Definitely wouldn't live there. But it's cool to hang out in sometimes. Chicago gets way too f***in cold in the fall and winter can't do that no more. And DC just never interested me that much as a place to live in.
why wouldnt you live in philly?
whats wrong with them
Cold ass weather, high crime rates.
Then again that's my city too
why wouldnt you live in philly?
Philly gets WEIRD. Like I can handle Bronx weird s*** but Philly be on some other s***. Also I find Philly to be dirty af every time I've been there. Like I can handle it yeah, but to live there? Nah I'm good on that lol also SEPTA sucks
Philly gets WEIRD. Like I can handle Bronx weird s*** but Philly be on some other s***. Also I find Philly to be dirty af every time I've been there. Like I can handle it yeah, but to live there? Nah I'm good on that lol also SEPTA sucks
lmao the bronx aint even the weirdest borough thats bk but I feel you tho philly can def get crazy esp the badlands with all the fiends
Chicago because of my wife's extended family living an hour away. I already lived in that area for four years when I was going to college so it would be familiar.
I grew up in MD so DC would be alright but I don't really want to go back there yet. I'd rather live in NOVA than the metro area proper anyway. All of it is way too expensive.
No opinion on Philly. I've been there a few times, it was whatever. A lot of cities feel the same once you've been to a ton of them.
im moving to dc soon
prolly wouldve been my choice still if i had to choose between these three even though it seems like its expensive af out there
chicago just for the city history that i could soak up. DC is cool but i've been there once and would probably see a lot of what i want in the first month. chicago's music scene is probably more booming than philly and dc's combined (if i had to make a guess)