u really want this pain to end huh
it'd be nice knowing what this is if it's not covid or the flu
I've only been this sick once in my life
Basically disabled rn
what's ur address
11 N Eutaw St, Baltimore, MD 21201
bring your mom
nah op hope you get better tho
expect a package
it'd be nice knowing what this is if it's not covid or the flu
I've only been this sick once in my life
Basically disabled rn
well u said the tests came back negative?
Idk I never got covid as i know but after i got the vaccine i couldnt move and had aches all over my body for 2 weeks
did they gave you the blood serum? that would be helpful
nah op hope you get better tho
gotta go back to campus in 2 days im all the way f***ed up
gotta go back to campus in 2 days im all the way f***ed up
thats f***ed up
there's alot of respiratory illnesses going around that don't have a definite name to them OP, sorry you got one of em
I got one that just gave me like flu like symptoms but on a much milder and shorter timeline than flu normally would. could've been a super bad cold
well u said the tests came back negative?
Idk I never got covid as i know but after i got the vaccine i couldnt move and had aches all over my body for 2 weeks
did they gave you the blood serum? that would be helpful
Yeah COVID, influenza, and RSV came back negative for the general PCR with the flu and COVID being tested twice independently (home test for COVID & rapid flu test for the flu)
I've had COVID before and felt nothing besides slightly tired, but I consider myself extremely lucky for that
And no they didn't give me any blood serum
Yeah COVID, influenza, and RSV came back negative for the general PCR with the flu and COVID being tested twice independently (home test for COVID & rapid flu test for the flu)
I've had COVID before and felt nothing besides slightly tired, but I consider myself extremely lucky for that
And no they didn't give me any blood serum
Blood serums are f***ing magical u need that
there's alot of respiratory illnesses going around that don't have a definite name to them OP, sorry you got one of em
I got one that just gave me like flu like symptoms but on a much milder and shorter timeline than flu normally would. could've been a super bad cold
Yeah that makes sense it's just strange that this is primarily inflammatory symptoms dominating (body aches, fever, weakness) with little to no respiratory symptoms
Lurking you gotta be in ur 20s atp man get ur ass up and go to the hospital if u want
Yeah that makes sense it's just strange that this is primarily inflammatory symptoms dominating (body aches, fever, weakness) with little to no respiratory symptoms
Get well
get tested for HIV bro
I'm actually losing it bro
I have a fever of 104 now that's been gradually getting worse, have barely slept for 3 days, and am having debilitating lethargy/joint pain
She keeps giving me painkillers like Tylenol/Ibuprofen to lower the fever (which they're only doing mildly)
But I just woke up at 5AM from extreme head & body pain and high fever and she brought ice cream from downstairs to "cool my body down" and isn't taking my complaints of literally not being able to move seriously
And I overheard her and my dad mutter "Wtf can the emergency room/hospital do, he's just gonna sit in a waiting room"
Why the f*** are Asian parents actually clueless
I feel delirious and confused now and idk what to do
UPDATE: We went to the Urgent Care but the woman there was like "rest and fluids!" & gave some tylenol and sent me on the way, even after I told her I was having extreme joint pain and felt like I was dying
The PCR test and rapid flu test came back negative for flu, COVID, RSV
I'm still f***ing sick idk what this s*** is
I felt symptoms around 3 hours after going to a massage parlor
UPDATE 2: Went to ER and they DX me with pneumonia after a chest x ray
Fun stuff
your first mistake was going to a massage parlor
Yeah for 2 days I woke up after 3-4 hours with my neck and head in extreme pain
ER, you may have meningitis
Causes high fever, head and neck pain
Not something to wait on, its literally brain inflammation
@op :
i feel sick, i got a fever, of 103, im dying, my mom got me ice cream, what the f*** is going on???
the hospital:
was just thining about this
like i visited this thread like 10 times now and i know the bro needs hellp and this is very serious and Im actually thinking about him and wishing him the best but i still cant stop giggling when i read the title
i havent even read op
ER, you may have meningitis
Causes high fever, head and neck pain
Not something to wait on, its literally brain inflammation
I considered viral meningitis, but I've had the meningitis vaccine which is why it's confusing
I've also experienced moderate light sensitivity but I assumed it was a migraine
My PCP is complete trash and nearby ERs are neglectful and rushed, don't know where to get proper care on short notice
Gotta love America