I’ve fully come to term with who I am, my flaws, and how people perceive me. After thinking about my time in recovery and all the traumas that have come with it, I’ve got 3 paths.
1. Fully Settle in to the villain role that I’ve carried for awhile and accept that I’m the bad guy in this world.
2. Embrace my flaws and be the loser to lead with example, show people how non violent I really am, and try to be positive influences in other people’s lives, but also don’t take disrespect as I’m also a man with integrity.
3. Completely shed my identity and personality away and become a blank slate, and pick up personality traits from people and media around me.
The first 2 are likely gonna be one of the roads I take but path 3 is still possible. I can feel my identity slipping away slowly anyway.
While ive made bad mistakes, I’ve also gone out of my way to help people, I feel I have a yin and a yang. E.B.A.H. type s***. I got demons and angels fighting for my decisions. It’s truly a torn dynamic. Sometimes I am as respectful to people as I can be but other times I am quite childish and can be quite temperamental. I need to chose a side already. Who do I run with, the demons or angels?
I was struggling w this a year or so ago. You could change for the better and actually do it not just because it think it’s what society wants. I tried to do #1 but it just amplified my bad traits. That’s all I got honestly I sum struggle w that sometimes
But I’m not ready to give up the substance use. Not a single day I don’t think about getting my mind altered. But I don’t think my addiction is getting in the way as I’m responsible and I can go months without it no problem.
But I’m not ready to give up the substance use. Not a single day I don’t think about getting my mind altered. But I don’t think my addiction is getting in the way as I’m responsible and I can go months without it no problem.
ur thinking too hard about it. time is gonna pass either way. just live life one objective at a time like a video game. task by task step by step
eat s*** sleep repeat
ur thinking too hard about it. time is gonna pass either way. just live life one objective at a time like a video game. task by task step by step
eat s*** sleep repeat
I am on a mission currently. I think that’s what’s helping me keep on track rn. Without orders, missions, and objectives, I’m lost and just wander. In a sense I am an NPC
I am on a mission currently. I think that’s what’s helping me keep on track rn. Without orders, missions, and objectives, I’m lost and just wander. In a sense I am an NPC
so is the human experience bro
without purpose it is very easy to get entranced and lost and ruminate in intrusive thoughts. overthinking isnt a solution
recognize your flaws and do your best to change them from flaws like i did when i was given the chance and it’ll be the best decision you’ll ever make
Dis u rn
While ive made bad mistakes, I’ve also gone out of my way to help people, I feel I have a yin and a yang. E.B.A.H. type s***. I got demons and angels fighting for my decisions. It’s truly a torn dynamic. Sometimes I am as respectful to people as I can be but other times I am quite childish and can be quite temperamental. I need to chose a side already. Who do I run with, the demons or angels?
thats just being human
ideally you want to be more "good" than bad tho, but in general no human is perfect nor are they the same mood 24/7
sometimes your just annoyed and s*** sucks its fine and normal