But I’m not ready to give up the substance use. Not a single day I don’t think about getting my mind altered. But I don’t think my addiction is getting in the way as I’m responsible and I can go months without it no problem.
You should look into crack !!
Focus on stacking bread. It's no use trying too hard to change ur personality or reputation
That third option is f***ing hilarious
A tad dramatic but there are no villaind in rl, and you can't shed your personality in one go or completely anyway, try embracing your light bulb moment and lay off the stuff a bit, you are finding ways to justify your addic it sounds like
idiot doesn't realize he contains multitudes and can walk all of these paths at once
If the last person to know he’s an addict is the addict, then the last person to know the addict has recovered is the addict in recovery. Best to stay indefinitely then
Really, as a patriotic citizen, the best plan of action in service to your country is to pursue all 3 options. Remove your own sense of being to become another person - now you will REALLY know and come to terms with how others see you, because you are no longer you, now an other. And because you are no longer you (the neck cutter), it would be beneficial for you to monitor the neck cutter’s actions to ensure he’s acting in accordance with Option 2. If the neck cutter instead pursues Option 1, you can report his activities to the proper authorities as a concerned other. By doing so, you are fulfilling Option 2. And really it would be best if you could, as a freedom-loving man of dignity, attempt to infiltrate the neck cutter’s circle and try to convince him to change his ways. However to do so, you’ll have to blend in; try to reverse-engineer Option 3 and take cues from the neck cutter’s sense of fashion, mannerisms, and way of speaking. That way you won’t stick out as a total blank slate
If the last person to know he’s an addict is the addict, then the last person to know the addict has recovered is the addict in recovery. Best to stay indefinitely then
Really, as a patriotic citizen, the best plan of action in service to your country is to pursue all 3 options. Remove your own sense of being to become another person - now you will REALLY know and come to terms with how others see you, because you are no longer you, now an other. And because you are no longer you (the neck cutter), it would be beneficial for you to monitor the neck cutter’s actions to ensure he’s acting in accordance with Option 2. If the neck cutter instead pursues Option 1, you can report his activities to the proper authorities as a concerned other. By doing so, you are fulfilling Option 2. And really it would be best if you could, as a freedom-loving man of dignity, attempt to infiltrate the neck cutter’s circle and try to convince him to change his ways. However to do so, you’ll have to blend in; try to reverse-engineer Option 3 and take cues from the neck cutter’s sense of fashion, mannerisms, and way of speaking. That way you won’t stick out as a total blank slate
is this a word salad or am I dumb
If the last person to know he’s an addict is the addict, then the last person to know the addict has recovered is the addict in recovery. Best to stay indefinitely then
Really, as a patriotic citizen, the best plan of action in service to your country is to pursue all 3 options. Remove your own sense of being to become another person - now you will REALLY know and come to terms with how others see you, because you are no longer you, now an other. And because you are no longer you (the neck cutter), it would be beneficial for you to monitor the neck cutter’s actions to ensure he’s acting in accordance with Option 2. If the neck cutter instead pursues Option 1, you can report his activities to the proper authorities as a concerned other. By doing so, you are fulfilling Option 2. And really it would be best if you could, as a freedom-loving man of dignity, attempt to infiltrate the neck cutter’s circle and try to convince him to change his ways. However to do so, you’ll have to blend in; try to reverse-engineer Option 3 and take cues from the neck cutter’s sense of fashion, mannerisms, and way of speaking. That way you won’t stick out as a total blank slate
This s*** more confusing that a yugioh master duel first turn
I’ve fully come to term with who I am, my flaws, and how people perceive me. After thinking about my time in recovery and all the traumas that have come with it, I’ve got 3 paths.
1. Fully Settle in to the villain role that I’ve carried for awhile and accept that I’m the bad guy in this world.
2. Embrace my flaws and be the loser to lead with example, show people how non violent I really am, and try to be positive influences in other people’s lives, but also don’t take disrespect as I’m also a man with integrity.
3. Completely shed my identity and personality away and become a blank slate, and pick up personality traits from people and media around me.
The first 2 are likely gonna be one of the roads I take but path 3 is still possible. I can feel my identity slipping away slowly anyway.
since you are going back and forth on your entire character, i would say you haven't come to terms with who you are. if you choose to be "the villain", you choose to be a bad person. that is objectively stupid and evil (and cringe). take care tho
nigga you probably like 25 years old stfu goofy ass
Whts that got to do with it