  • May 18, 2023

    Op spitting tbh

  • May 18, 2023

    if I never saw or heard the words "mental health" ever again I'd be satisfied

  • May 18, 2023

    Tired of people referring to themselves as “an (adjective) human being”

  • May 18, 2023

    This post has left me traumatized, @​mods please move to politics section

  • May 18, 2023

    S*** thread

  • CrimsonArk

    Dude would have an existential meltdown if he watched a Charlie Kaufman movie.

    Charlie Kaufman handles s*** with more nuance to be fair

  • May 18, 2023

    a lot of these KTT nerds fall under that umbrella so this thread ain’t finna do nothing even tho OP right

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Mental health issues is just more accepted and people now have more confidence to speak on that given how folks were looked down on in the past for feeling a way. The stigma around mental health even as little as 10 years ago was still mad toxic. To say mental health is gentrified is crazy lol.

    This true but on the flip side you also got social media mfs self diagnosing after the slightest inconvenience or sum too, it's odd

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Big facts

    Niggas wild ignorant to how life worked in the past. What is now trauma used to be normal

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Big facts

    Niggas wild ignorant to how life worked in the past. What is now trauma used to be normal

    Yeah progress in society is terrible

  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies

    Yeah progress in society is terrible

    Not my point

    My point is that niggas (not literally niggas but like ppl in general) is soft. Progress is good but don't be ignorant to what we are capable of

  • May 18, 2023

    (not literally niggas but like ppl in general)

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Not my point

    My point is that niggas (not literally niggas but like ppl in general) is soft. Progress is good but don't be ignorant to what we are capable of

    But my point stands.

    People's trauma in present day is unaffected by the type of trauma experienced in the past as those people will likely never have to experience that, doesn't make it less traumatizing to them.

  • May 18, 2023

    Life is suffering yall
    No amount of mental health days is gonna change that.
    At least we in it together tho

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    No one gets a prize in life for acting hard, if you're miserable you're miserable

    Might as well talk about it

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    the only thing traumatizing is inflation and cost of living

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    But my point stands.

    People's trauma in present day is unaffected by the type of trauma experienced in the past as those people will likely never have to experience that, doesn't make it less traumatizing to them.

    Imma b real I've experienced things that most would consider traumatic based on modern standards and even if it did affect me I don't rly care. I understand not everyone is like that but I think there's something to be said about Not feeling sorry for yourself

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Imma b real I've experienced things that most would consider traumatic based on modern standards and even if it did affect me I don't rly care. I understand not everyone is like that but I think there's something to be said about Not feeling sorry for yourself

    Are you familiar with the Aristotelian concept of actualisation?
    So imagine: another reality there exists you who a) received therapy to manage their trauma; and b) you who never experienced said traumas

    Do you think you would all be able to achieve the same potential?

  • May 18, 2023

    If u choose to see urself as someone who ilhas been traumatized that's fine but what does that really do for u? Is that self perception going to help you in any way? Or should u learn to simply accept the past and move on?

  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies

    Are you familiar with the Aristotelian concept of actualisation?
    So imagine: another reality there exists you who a) received therapy to manage their trauma; and b) you who never experienced said traumas

    Do you think you would all be able to achieve the same potential?

    I think the trauma made me experience more success. I think pain is fuel for greatness

  • May 18, 2023

    Not saying this is what I was referring too but I have been robbed at gunpoint a few times and that taught me not to sell d****. If that never happened I'd probably be in prison

  • May 18, 2023

    Nigga always gotta be centrist lmao

    nuance is centrism apparently

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    I think the trauma made me experience more success. I think pain is fuel for greatness

    I respect this perspective a lot and I think there's a healthy place for it in this discourse
    Glad you're coping well

  • May 18, 2023

    I respect this perspective a lot and I think there's a healthy place for it in this discourse
    Glad you're coping well

    Preciate it

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    This post has left me traumatized, @​mods please move to politics section

    I. can heal you