  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    This true but on the flip side you also got social media mfs self diagnosing after the slightest inconvenience or sum too, it's odd

    Yeah I admit. Some people do act like they want mental health issues so bad tho. I’m on the fence with self diagnosing something like depression tho. Because you can feel when you’re depressed. It’s hard to explain through text, but I knew I was depressed before seeing a professional. Everything else getting side eyed cause you can’t do that with everything.

  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies

    Not my point

    My point is that niggas (not literally niggas but like ppl in general) is soft. Progress is good but don't be ignorant to what we are capable of

    I feel like people back then were just as soft. Niggas would have a hard day at work and go home and beat their wives n all type of sick s***. Niggas were weak mentally and emotionally but since they were acting like savages, it’s ok lol.

  • May 18, 2023

    There’s nothing wrong with recognizing you’re traumatized. It helps you understand yourself more and move forward. You can’t really mentally talk yourself out of it or ignore it, it’ll always be on your subconscious on some level. It doesn’t make you soft to acknowledge that at all. Feel like people are being contrarians about this tbh

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Yeah I admit. Some people do act like they want mental health issues so bad tho. I’m on the fence with self diagnosing something like depression tho. Because you can feel when you’re depressed. It’s hard to explain through text, but I knew I was depressed before seeing a professional. Everything else getting side eyed cause you can’t do that with everything.

    I feel this at times, but then it also raises the question. How can you tell when you’re depressed vs just being upset over something that will pass?

    Genuinely just looking for insight here btw

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    I feel like people back then were just as soft. Niggas would have a hard day at work and go home and beat their wives n all type of sick s***. Niggas were weak mentally and emotionally but since they were acting like savages, it’s ok lol.

    This is a interesting perspective

    Ultimately progress is important but we have to consider what is progress really? Like in the movie walle just making life easier doesn't necessarily equate to happiness. It's obv a balance

    For the people in the past u mention yea they were experiencing way too much stress, mainly due to corrupt people in power and they misdirected their anger. So in that case it's the response to stress that has to be evaluated. Stress itself is a fact of life but how u respond needs to be intelligent and I think that's the topic here is are people adapting to trauma in a beneficial manner?

  • May 18, 2023

    What bojack horseman do

  • May 18, 2023

    You're absolutely right. Victimization, or outrage attitudes are becoming an overbearing and one of the most annoying mentalities of our population. Personally cannot stand this performative nihilism and apathy from lots of people nowadays. They pretend to not care about anything and then complain about how bad they have it (without ever putting in any effort). Got laid off from my last job but was going to quit because of the coworkers of mine (early 20's) who turned every little thing into a pissing contest of "I have it so much worse than you! I have all these mental disorders and can barely function! Who can do my work for me? I'm so helpless".

    People want every reason to feel sorry for themselves nowadays, and look I get it - if you have mental issues or something I have sympathy for you. However it is your job to go get help for it and deal with it. You can't expect everyone to abide by your rules.

    Also to add more context - personally have struggled with significant mental illness my entire life. Have never used it as an excuse to avoid my responsibilities or have refused to get help for it. People who self-diagnose themselves from checking boxes on vague online quizzes are suffering from hysteria and an identity crisis. Not legitimate mental issues.

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Bro said I hate people that talk about & try to take care of their life issues he fuming LMAO

  • ever consider why people are traumatized instead of your first instinct being to s*** on people for expressing their thoughts into art

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Sending OP healing energy

  • May 18, 2023
    3 replies

    I feel this at times, but then it also raises the question. How can you tell when you’re depressed vs just being upset over something that will pass?

    Genuinely just looking for insight here btw

    For me specifically, all the things I loved, I stopped loving. I lost all motivation, if you know me irl, you would know I stay smelling good or will keep a spot clean but I just couldn’t keep myself up 100%. I was losing mad weight cause I wasn’t eating cause I was rarely hungry. I was pushing everyone away, burning bridges acting like everyone is plotting against me etc.

    Imo if it’s just a hard time waiting to pass, it’ll easier day by day. But with depression to me at least, it felt like there’s no end game. Like I legit felt as if I was gonna be down forever cause months and months was passing me by and I was feeling the same n all that.

    I can only speak for myself tho cause I’m not a specialist, just someone that has been through some mental health issues myself.

  • May 18, 2023
    so much pain

    it just feels like everyone’s addicted to nowadays to nonstop talking about how s***ty their life has been and it was mostly just social media but it’s crept into like music, movies and everyday life now

    just feels like nowadays everyone won’t stfu about “healing” “therapy” “trauma” and it’s just gotten kinda corny to me, i blame s*** like bojack horseman for this traumademic were in fr

    On a surface level, this is very shortsighted and I would normally disagree, but I've actually been thinking about this with my own music and what kinda "rapper" I wanna be, and I always wanted to be someone who could put their "traumas" on a record and once I get my come up start focusing on the healing aspect, but at the same time that's such a personal and intimate journey that shouldn't be shared with everyone, both myself in this situation and many other people who do/go through the same thing in their own mediums.

    Even tho I do believe people are being genuine with it, it doesn't feel real anymore when you can go on social media and see people laughing at their own traumas as a means to relate to their audience, who then either push back against the narrative or the try to hard to relate to it and give their input.

    Idk man, I'm a marijuana addict and I'm very high so take that as you will.

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    OP posted this on the wrong site. Look at the life / relationship section, all these niggas be going through it lol

  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies

    OP posted this on the wrong site. Look at the life / relationship section, all these niggas be going through it lol

    had to leave relationship section, it's fr so toxic and lame (I appreciate the people there but still)

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    I. can heal you

  • May 18, 2023
    kenni nixon

    had to leave relationship section, it's fr so toxic and lame (I appreciate the people there but still)

    Ditto same

  • Lystra

    This is a interesting perspective

    Ultimately progress is important but we have to consider what is progress really? Like in the movie walle just making life easier doesn't necessarily equate to happiness. It's obv a balance

    For the people in the past u mention yea they were experiencing way too much stress, mainly due to corrupt people in power and they misdirected their anger. So in that case it's the response to stress that has to be evaluated. Stress itself is a fact of life but how u respond needs to be intelligent and I think that's the topic here is are people adapting to trauma in a beneficial manner?

    I definitely see where you’re coming from now, thank you for this response.

    I would hope everyone going through something find the correct tools to properly deal with stress/mental issues. Cause if they’re not, it’s really no point in talking about it. You gotta wanna do better to feel better(idk if this sound insensitive). Some People just like venting and not trying to actively put in the work to overcome their struggles which is sad too.

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    For me specifically, all the things I loved, I stopped loving. I lost all motivation, if you know me irl, you would know I stay smelling good or will keep a spot clean but I just couldn’t keep myself up 100%. I was losing mad weight cause I wasn’t eating cause I was rarely hungry. I was pushing everyone away, burning bridges acting like everyone is plotting against me etc.

    Imo if it’s just a hard time waiting to pass, it’ll easier day by day. But with depression to me at least, it felt like there’s no end game. Like I legit felt as if I was gonna be down forever cause months and months was passing me by and I was feeling the same n all that.

    I can only speak for myself tho cause I’m not a specialist, just someone that has been through some mental health issues myself.

    jeez man, see that's some real s***. I can totally understand that, I was moreso referring to these folks who be like "you know you're depressed / bipolar/ autistic when" on some weird s*** lol

    How did you ever get out of that funk if you don't mind me asking

  • May 18, 2023

    Real talk, been thinking of just disconnecting from the twitter/TikTok discourse, got everyone sounding the same

    Like yea y’all can be annoying but at least I don’t have to hear these twitter phrases out of everybody

  • kenni nixon

    had to leave relationship section, it's fr so toxic and lame (I appreciate the people there but still)

    just a lot of b****ing on there, but then mfs get in other sections on this site and act like Mr. B****es

  • May 18, 2023
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Mental health issues is just more accepted and people now have more confidence to speak on that given how folks were looked down on in the past for feeling a way. The stigma around mental health even as little as 10 years ago was still mad toxic. To say mental health is gentrified is crazy lol.

    I think he's referring to people weaponizing mental help and therapy speak for their benefit.

    Like if I'm losing an argument or don't agree w ur perspective I say "u need threapy, and that's the reason why u think like that"

    Or even just people that preach the importance of mental help then proceed to not treat it w care in other situations like charlemagne

  • another ban bait thread

    life sxn turning into twitter

  • May 18, 2023

    So much pain...

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    jeez man, see that's some real s***. I can totally understand that, I was moreso referring to these folks who be like "you know you're depressed / bipolar/ autistic when" on some weird s*** lol

    How did you ever get out of that funk if you don't mind me asking

    Oh yeah that type of stuff is dangerous cause people that don’t know any better will definitely make themselves believe they’re sick when they may not be. Now that behavior make me cringe hard lol.

    I honestly don’t believe I’m 100% out of it cause here and there a small wave will hit me but it’s nothing like it was when I was having those thoughts. But what helped me was surrounding myself around people that made me feel like ME. I tried therapy, keeping busy doing things I did have enjoyment doing. A lot of praying but the biggest thing was learning to actually deal with things when I get into a slump. I don’t wanna say I learned to ignore it or downplay it but I had to learn it’s a marathon and not a sprint. Once I started to learn how to pick myself up, little by little it was getting easier. Sure I get knocked down here and there but I don’t go into those deep slumps anymore after getting in tune with my soul.

  • May 18, 2023

    Mental health stigma is still a thing, I see.
