  • May 18, 2023
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Nigga said social media gentrified mental health

    Wtf is goin on itt lmaooooo

  • May 18, 2023
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Mental health issues is just more accepted and people now have more confidence to speak on that given how folks were looked down on in the past for feeling a way. The stigma around mental health even as little as 10 years ago was still mad toxic. To say mental health is gentrified is crazy lol.

    Talk to em

  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies

    It’s simple

    As a society, we’ve collectively decided that we’re not allowed to discuss or question the larger structural forces that caused the mass incidence of depression, anxiety, loneliness, etc. so instead just see its effects reflected socially in art and media that reassures everyone that it is totally normal and immutable.

  • May 18, 2023
    Chris M

    the only thing traumatizing is inflation and cost of living

  • May 18, 2023

    It’s simple

    As a society, we’ve collectively decided that we’re not allowed to discuss or question the larger structural forces that caused the mass incidence of depression, anxiety, loneliness, etc. so instead just see its effects reflected socially in art and media that reassures everyone that it is totally normal and immutable.

    ok you onto sumn

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Well therapy is expensive and until mental health services are more accessible, better this than these people taking out their alienation by abusing others.

  • May 18, 2023
    Water Giver

    Bro said I hate people that talk about & try to take care of their life issues he fuming LMAO

  • May 18, 2023

    Sending OP healing energy

  • May 18, 2023
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Oh yeah that type of stuff is dangerous cause people that don’t know any better will definitely make themselves believe they’re sick when they may not be. Now that behavior make me cringe hard lol.

    I honestly don’t believe I’m 100% out of it cause here and there a small wave will hit me but it’s nothing like it was when I was having those thoughts. But what helped me was surrounding myself around people that made me feel like ME. I tried therapy, keeping busy doing things I did have enjoyment doing. A lot of praying but the biggest thing was learning to actually deal with things when I get into a slump. I don’t wanna say I learned to ignore it or downplay it but I had to learn it’s a marathon and not a sprint. Once I started to learn how to pick myself up, little by little it was getting easier. Sure I get knocked down here and there but I don’t go into those deep slumps anymore after getting in tune with my soul.

    respect this post 100% my g. I hope others learn to deal with their problems like you have learned with yours. I still be getting into my moments but I'm not full on depressed, I'd say. Sympathize with those who are though.

  • May 18, 2023

    I grieve different


  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies

    @op you’re right and peoples hesitancy to agree with you in this very thread is an example of the cultural shift that has happened lol. This also exists rn with sexuality in many ways

  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies

    It’s simple

    As a society, we’ve collectively decided that we’re not allowed to discuss or question the larger structural forces that caused the mass incidence of depression, anxiety, loneliness, etc. so instead just see its effects reflected socially in art and media that reassures everyone that it is totally normal and immutable.

    Humans werent designed to be capitalism hamsters and we wonder why we’re collectively often sad anxious and unhealthy lol

  • May 18, 2023

    Humans werent designed to be capitalism hamsters and we wonder why we’re collectively often sad anxious and unhealthy lol

  • May 18, 2023

    It’s because you’re on social media too much op, take a break

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    I think the trauma made me experience more success. I think pain is fuel for greatness

    highkey this is where I’m trying to be. How did you get here mentally?

  • A Mad Ass Nigga

    I feel like people back then were just as soft. Niggas would have a hard day at work and go home and beat their wives n all type of sick s***. Niggas were weak mentally and emotionally but since they were acting like savages, it’s ok lol.

    people were just better at hiding s***

  • A Mad Ass Nigga

    For me specifically, all the things I loved, I stopped loving. I lost all motivation, if you know me irl, you would know I stay smelling good or will keep a spot clean but I just couldn’t keep myself up 100%. I was losing mad weight cause I wasn’t eating cause I was rarely hungry. I was pushing everyone away, burning bridges acting like everyone is plotting against me etc.

    Imo if it’s just a hard time waiting to pass, it’ll easier day by day. But with depression to me at least, it felt like there’s no end game. Like I legit felt as if I was gonna be down forever cause months and months was passing me by and I was feeling the same n all that.

    I can only speak for myself tho cause I’m not a specialist, just someone that has been through some mental health issues myself.

    Felt this 100% especially the part about everyone plotting against me.

  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies

    Humans werent designed to be capitalism hamsters and we wonder why we’re collectively often sad anxious and unhealthy lol

    do yall ever get tired of the "capitalism bad hurdurrr"

  • May 18, 2023

    Well therapy is expensive and until mental health services are more accessible, better this than these people taking out their alienation by abusing others.

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Dedication 666

    do yall ever get tired of the "capitalism bad hurdurrr"

    ^ prime example of how f***ed we are as a people that simply acknowledging the effects of how we as humans spend most of our time gets reactions like this lol

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Dedication 666

    do yall ever get tired of the "capitalism bad hurdurrr"

    Nigga it is bad

  • May 18, 2023
    3 replies

    ^ prime example of how f***ed we are as a people that simply acknowledging the effects of how we as humans spend most of our time gets reactions like this lol

    we would work under socialism too. So blaming capitalism doesn't even make sense. People have been working for thousands of years.

  • May 18, 2023

    Man said bojack horseman

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Dedication 666

    we would work under socialism too. So blaming capitalism doesn't even make sense. People have been working for thousands of years.

    Why when someone criticizes capitalism does one automatically jump to socialism? Like that’s the only two systems humans will ever be able to come up with for all of history? In an era where we have put supercomputers in our pockets and made cars drive themselves lol

  • plants 🌻
    May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Dedication 666

    we would work under socialism too. So blaming capitalism doesn't even make sense. People have been working for thousands of years.

    we work longer hours and more days now than medieval peasants did bro
