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  • Mar 11, 2021

    Technological progress would come to a screeching halt.

  • americana šŸ·
    Mar 11, 2021

    I can assure you I would f*** you over more than any woman. I would beat you with a stick just to smell a woman.

    @sab please bro

  • Cow

    Every man knows a man is more likely to f*** them over than a woman. Facts. Men trust women more than they trust men, but some men have a hard time admitting this because they are losers.

    Iā€™m focking crying

  • Mar 11, 2021

    I can assure you I would f*** you over more than any woman. I would beat you with a stick just to smell a woman.

  • OP
    Mar 11, 2021

    Stop calling for every thread to be locked because you disagree lmao.

  • Cow

    I can assure you I would f*** you over more than any woman. I would beat you with a stick just to smell a woman.

    This man is unhinged

  • People are imperfect in general no matter what their gender is. History can prove that. There were dozens of Russian female emperors (idk if there is feminine version of that i don't know eng that good) that were stupid as f*** and just wasted all of their money on their favorites, s***and other ed things like killing their political opponents for example. There also were good examples like Olga. She was cool as f***. But in general all people in power have 90% chance of becoming corrupt.

    Men don't hate other men. I don't hate other dudes i just don't care about them for the most part. If men have problem with each other they will either ignore it or talk it out (or fight) and generally after that they will forget it and move on. There is also dozen of cases when guys after a fight become friends or something like that.

    Women don't perform physical violence but biologically they are prone to more strategic tactics because they are weaker (physically) in general and in order to survive they use mental tricks like manipulation. It can be a form of violence too because some b****es nag so much their husbands commit suicide. If you want to change this world you need to look beyong race, gender and other s*** that wall street guys fed you in order to distract you from huge CLASS problem that we have on a GLOBAL f***ing SCALE.

    Men and women struggled and worked together through history. Men and women need each other to survive because this is how biologically we are made. I don't understand why people try to put men and women against each other. It is the most ed thing you can do. Focus on your political system that is f***ing CORRUPT because people aren't that good no matter what gender, age, race, nationality, religion they have. Im sweating. And i listen to Pixies Trompe le Monde right now.

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