  • Oct 14, 2022

    I’m really entering a really bad place these days. I’m working customer service and feel trapped. Hours are increasing due to lack of workers, I lost an off day, I feel cut off from friends and people who care about me or don’t think they really care at all. Family is too old to understand my mental health. Called off because my anxiety is causing me to vomit and I’m feeling more alone/angry than ever.

    I don’t know why I wrote this thread because I know there are obvious solutions, but I don’t know where to start. The last straw is I’m using a boxcutter from work to carve into myself and I kinda like it. Gives a sense of control. That’s how I know things are escalating too much.

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    You gotta open up to someone in your family about this man, they will care when you truly level with em.

  • Oct 14, 2022

    Quit your job, move back in with your fam

  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    I’m really entering a really bad place these days. I’m working customer service and feel trapped. Hours are increasing due to lack of workers, I lost an off day, I feel cut off from friends and people who care about me or don’t think they really care at all. Family is too old to understand my mental health. Called off because my anxiety is causing me to vomit and I’m feeling more alone/angry than ever.

    I don’t know why I wrote this thread because I know there are obvious solutions, but I don’t know where to start. The last straw is I’m using a boxcutter from work to carve into myself and I kinda like it. Gives a sense of control. That’s how I know things are escalating too much.

    Thank you for sharing this with us. You said that you don't know where to start but can I help you someway or somehow? Just lemme know if u want someone to talk to. Okay?

  • Oct 14, 2022
    2 replies

    Meditate on it
    Sit alone in a quiet place and confront yourself and the issues your dealing with
    Once you come to terms with your situation and your internal struggle it’s time to find a solution and take action
    I believe in you Deliveranze

  • Oct 14, 2022

    Meditate on it
    Sit alone in a quiet place and confront yourself and the issues your dealing with
    Once you come to terms with your situation and your internal struggle it’s time to find a solution and take action
    I believe in you Deliveranze

    This is a really good suggestion

  • Oct 14, 2022
    2 replies

    bro u need to go get some help rn if you cutting yourself that s*** gottta stop
    have you slept at all

  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    You gotta open up to someone in your family about this man, they will care when you truly level with em.

    I try, I told my mom about it last night. And her reaction just seems callous to me. I have asked for therapy but it never seems like anything gets done.

  • Oct 14, 2022

    jordan b peterson

  • Oct 14, 2022

    u just like me twin

  • Oct 14, 2022
    3 replies
    gregor samsa

    bro u need to go get some help rn if you cutting yourself that s*** gottta stop
    have you slept at all

    Yeah I slept pretty decently. But my job usually requires me to get up at 4 am and work till 2:30 or 3. I called off work today because I vomited 6 times in less than an hour. I just don’t have energy to do anything else by the time the day ends. And I just lost interest in a lot of things. Music, Games, Movies, etc. and then being left alone with my thoughts makes me think about all the terrible things I’ve done throughout life and I feel better off dead

  • Oct 14, 2022
    gregor samsa

    bro u need to go get some help rn if you cutting yourself that s*** gottta stop
    have you slept at all

    i feel like gregor samsa every day

  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Meditate on it
    Sit alone in a quiet place and confront yourself and the issues your dealing with
    Once you come to terms with your situation and your internal struggle it’s time to find a solution and take action
    I believe in you Deliveranze

    Thanks Mr C. I think looking for a therapist wouldn’t be a bad first move to helping myself

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    I try, I told my mom about it last night. And her reaction just seems callous to me. I have asked for therapy but it never seems like anything gets done.

    you told her but did u show her? im sorry it seems like she doesn't care. cuz that's like the one thing you're lookin for rn.

    some good advice itt from other ppl, I hope some of it helps.

  • Oct 14, 2022

    Thank you for sharing this with us. You said that you don't know where to start but can I help you someway or somehow? Just lemme know if u want someone to talk to. Okay?

    Thanks S3R14L. That’s really nice of you.

  • Oct 14, 2022

    It’s crazy how much letting just one person in can lighten the burden and make dealing with stuff seem manageable

  • Oct 14, 2022

    i will say i have super intense social anxiety and switching to a remote job really helped

    not sure if thats an option available to you but i been through identical s*** and thats the one thing that alleviate some of it

  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    you told her but did u show her? im sorry it seems like she doesn't care. cuz that's like the one thing you're lookin for rn.

    some good advice itt from other ppl, I hope some of it helps.

    It’s not that my parents don’t necessarily care but they think mental health is a temporary thing that fades easily. They’re pushing 70 so it wasn’t really something they ever talked about in their youth. But you’re right. I do need someone to talk to that cares. And there are some really nice people here. I just wish I could talk more because I’m by myself at home and none of them are coming back for awhile (my mom might be staying over at my grandmas)

  • Oct 14, 2022

    peace to OP dealing with this stuff takes time

    find your pace and commit to bettering yourself. its ok to feel this way and its all temporary, no matter what it may seem like

    think about the little version of yourself and give that kid a hug

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 14, 2022

    It’s not that my parents don’t necessarily care but they think mental health is a temporary thing that fades easily. They’re pushing 70 so it wasn’t really something they ever talked about in their youth. But you’re right. I do need someone to talk to that cares. And there are some really nice people here. I just wish I could talk more because I’m by myself at home and none of them are coming back for awhile (my mom might be staying over at my grandmas)

    my parents was pretty old too about the same age when I was in a similar situation as u. it got real for them when they saw what I was doing to myself.

    it gonna get better you just gotta make a couple hard decisions for an easier life.

  • Oct 14, 2022

    Yeah I slept pretty decently. But my job usually requires me to get up at 4 am and work till 2:30 or 3. I called off work today because I vomited 6 times in less than an hour. I just don’t have energy to do anything else by the time the day ends. And I just lost interest in a lot of things. Music, Games, Movies, etc. and then being left alone with my thoughts makes me think about all the terrible things I’ve done throughout life and I feel better off dead

    go outside and get some sun itll help clear your head trust me. look in the direction of the sun but dont stare at it

  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    ur not worthless ur life has value ur mind just playing tricks on you rn op

  • Oct 14, 2022
    5 replies

    Come to Marxism brother

    Gave me realization of self value

  • Oct 14, 2022
    2 replies

    Come to Marxism brother

    Gave me realization of self value

    You're telling him to move from one abusive spouse to another. Absolutely shameful.

  • Oct 14, 2022

    You're telling him to move from one abusive spouse to another. Absolutely shameful.

    Marxism is a philosophical means of a***ysis

    Not a label