  • Oct 14, 2022


  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Thanks Mr C. I think looking for a therapist wouldn’t be a bad first move to helping myself

    the only reason I live these days is to see my therapist ngl
    they will listen to you with undivided attention and most importantly work with you to help fix problems you face everyday
    hope you find a good one

  • @op Sounds like you have a severe case of social anxiety. You gotta get on meds fam. Try and get some Wellbutrin (bupropion)

  • Oct 14, 2022

    im not a medical health expert but ill give you the things that have been most effective for me in terms of struggling with depression
    1. Fixing my circadian rhythm. Your body and brain have a certain pattern and timing they naturally want to follow and if its disrupted your entire endocrine system will be stunted meaning less dopamine, less serotonin, testosterone, cortisol at the wrong times during the day. You need to be getting at least 30 minutes of direct sunlight every day, and 10 minutes of it first thing in the morning. You have cells in the back of your retinas called ganglion cells that signal to your brain what time of day it is and cause all your hormones and systems to run on your bodies natural schedule. If you arent getting enough sunlight and if you dont get sunlight exposure first thing in the morning your body and brain dont know what time it is at any given moment and your endocrine system will not be synchronized. Getting enough sunlight and getting sunlight in the first hour of the morning is incredibly important. Im not saying its going to make everything better but it will give you more energy and clear your head. Youll also get higher quallity sleep.
    2. Going for runs. You can look at the studies yourself if you want but 6 months of regular cardiovascular has been shown to be more effective at treating depression than SSRIs.
    The easiest thing you can do to get both of these habits is to wake up and go for a run / walk first thing in the morning. I promise you'll feel better immediately and you will gradually start feeling a lot better week by week.

    Although for you you're working shift work so its hard. If I were you I'd go for a run before you go to work in the mornings and then the moment the sunrises when your at work go step outside and get 10 minutes of sunlight. If your boss asks about it just say your going for a smoke break.

  • woah

  • Oct 14, 2022
    4 replies

    the only reason I live these days is to see my therapist ngl
    they will listen to you with undivided attention and most importantly work with you to help fix problems you face everyday
    hope you find a good one

    Dawg I'm in love with my therapist she not even attractive 😭 💕

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Dawg I'm in love with my therapist she not even attractive 😭 💕

  • Oct 14, 2022

    Dawg I'm in love with my therapist she not even attractive 😭 💕


  • Oct 14, 2022

    Sounds like u jus need a sense of direction

    Any interests career wise? U could start setting up a plan for achieving your long term goals

  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Dawg I'm in love with my therapist she not even attractive 😭 💕

    ok dis tony soprano

  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Dawg I'm in love with my therapist she not even attractive 😭 💕

    transference fr

  • Oct 14, 2022

    breh she really understands me

    i need a woman like that. compassionate and understanding and nurturing

  • Oct 14, 2022
    gregor samsa

    transference fr

    im transferring my love of one therapist to another lmao

  • you need to take a moment, disconnect, and ask yourself what have you done to make life better on this planet?

  • Wow man. Honestly dunno what to say but I can kinda relate to your job experience… try to find something else if you can.. it might seem like your in a bottomless pit but trust me it can all change very quickly.

  • Oct 14, 2022

    ok dis tony soprano

    melfi was kinda bad tho

  • Oct 14, 2022

    You're telling him to move from one abusive spouse to another. Absolutely shameful.

  • If you ever need to talk I’m here

  • Oct 14, 2022
    gregor samsa

    ur not worthless ur life has value ur mind just playing tricks on you rn op


  • Oct 14, 2022

    People will tell you to quit and take a set back

    But you’d just be falling into a hole. And in that hole you might find some comfort. But in my opinion it might not be what’s best for you overall.

  • Oct 14, 2022

    Yeah I slept pretty decently. But my job usually requires me to get up at 4 am and work till 2:30 or 3. I called off work today because I vomited 6 times in less than an hour. I just don’t have energy to do anything else by the time the day ends. And I just lost interest in a lot of things. Music, Games, Movies, etc. and then being left alone with my thoughts makes me think about all the terrible things I’ve done throughout life and I feel better off dead

    Get bloodwork done and see your Vitamin D levels and other important things like magnesium, calcium

    Your Vitamin D levels may be astronomically down and paired with stress and lack of sleep it's a tough pill to swallow

    May give you self harm thoughts and lack of motivation to do anything

  • Oct 14, 2022

    @op Life's ridiculously hard atm and idk how many people can cope through it on their own

    No need to take pills, sometimes the challenges we face are bigger than usual

    Hard times but we'll get through them

  • Oct 14, 2022

    Also meditate and Wim Hof

  • Tadow 🥀
    Oct 14, 2022

    It's probably been said already, but seriously consider seeing a therapist

  • Oct 14, 2022

    I’m really entering a really bad place these days. I’m working customer service and feel trapped. Hours are increasing due to lack of workers, I lost an off day, I feel cut off from friends and people who care about me or don’t think they really care at all. Family is too old to understand my mental health. Called off because my anxiety is causing me to vomit and I’m feeling more alone/angry than ever.

    I don’t know why I wrote this thread because I know there are obvious solutions, but I don’t know where to start. The last straw is I’m using a boxcutter from work to carve into myself and I kinda like it. Gives a sense of control. That’s how I know things are escalating too much.

    My man you need a new work situation.

    Had a lot of those same issues and just have to find something else. It took a couple job changes granted, but I am in a better place now.

    Work can break you down but noone is meant to work a job they hate for a long time. If you can find something that pays pretty close or better jump on that s*** ASAP

    Also it always helps when you open up and talk to those around you.

    I thought my friends didn't care and when I kinda started breaking down and just told them what I'd been going through I found out the opposite. They were there for me and alot of that s*** was in my head