Any tips on how to tackle this? I get distracted reading the ebook and hard copy would be so annoying in looking up words lol
Any tips on how to tackle this? I get distracted reading the ebook and hard copy would be so annoying in looking up words lol
Hard copy the way to go.
Take your time. I take 2 hours every morning to sit with it. I’ve always enjoyed prose writing so I feel that I can digest it fairly well. Most importantly just know that it’s okay if you don’t get everything on a first read because definitely meant to be read a few times. Was reading on a few threads that once you finish it you should spend a week with it and go back and re read some passages and go to the IJ wiki to thumb through stuff. The main plot line is only mentioned like twice lol
Stick with it. The pay offs to long passages are 100% worth it. Very rewarding read thus far.
I actually just started this again a couple of days ago and I really want to push through and read it all. I'm on the chapter where the doctor is talking to the girl about depression and suicide
I actually just started this again a couple of days ago and I really want to push through and read it all. I'm on the chapter where the doctor is talking to the girl about depression and suicide
theres some real s*** in this book man. Wallace killed it.
Hard copy the way to go.
Take your time. I take 2 hours every morning to sit with it. I’ve always enjoyed prose writing so I feel that I can digest it fairly well. Most importantly just know that it’s okay if you don’t get everything on a first read because definitely meant to be read a few times. Was reading on a few threads that once you finish it you should spend a week with it and go back and re read some passages and go to the IJ wiki to thumb through stuff. The main plot line is only mentioned like twice lol
Stick with it. The pay offs to long passages are 100% worth it. Very rewarding read thus far.
Did you look up words you didn’t know and make notes or anything? It’s just an intimidating read. How did you know what was going on?
What happened to the old thread lol
Didn’t know there was one. Wanted to start a DFW thread in general .
Did you look up words you didn’t know and make notes or anything? It’s just an intimidating read. How did you know what was going on?
Yeah I take a f*** ton of notes. Usually on note cards and stick them on the page and I write a ton in the book as well. I look up words if I don’t know them but more often than not Wallace makes up his own words.
As far as knowing what’s going on I think he does a good job and concluding things or progressing plot lines in a way that makes you remember what you’ve read before imo.
Heard this was the best book ever
It is big flames.
Gravity’s Rainbow is on my radar for 2022 as well.
Yeah I take a f*** ton of notes. Usually on note cards and stick them on the page and I write a ton in the book as well. I look up words if I don’t know them but more often than not Wallace makes up his own words.
As far as knowing what’s going on I think he does a good job and concluding things or progressing plot lines in a way that makes you remember what you’ve read before imo.
thanks!! I’m looking to start this really soon
It’s my goal for the new year to begin and finish this book, haven’t read in a while but I’m attracted to the enigma behind this and the author. If you have any tips @op that’d be much appreciated!
Any tips on how to tackle this? I get distracted reading the ebook and hard copy would be so annoying in looking up words lol
You don’t get the words?? Lol
I bought a copy back in 2017 and never managed to get through it. I knew it was big but damn its both alluring and menacing in how massive it is. I got into reading a lot more recently so maybe ill be able to tackle this one
I got like 150 pages left. This book is equally brilliant and frustrating
I have roughly 70 might DM for spoiler talks.
It’s my goal for the new year to begin and finish this book, haven’t read in a while but I’m attracted to the enigma behind this and the author. If you have any tips @op that’d be much appreciated!
I take notes on flash cards, in the margins and post it pages. Going to do a second pass and organize it by characters with color coordinated post it’s. Take my time. Spend my mornings reading for an hour or two. Don’t get discouraged by re-releasing sections. It’s how it was meant to be read.